very very nice
Why do guys like to watch you’re girlfriend play as C. Viper?
A. because she can Super Jump Cancel on a stick. hehehe
How could this hilarious joke go unnoticed? i lol’d.
Why does Abel never win a tournament?
Because he gets thrown out everytime he’s on a roll
I laughed worryingly hard at this one. I’m now inspired to make an Adon joke on the spot.
Overheard from one of Adon’s many crippled opponents:
“Is that your Rising Jaguar technique? Or are you just happy to see me?”
So a preist, a Rabbi, and Q all walk into a bar. The priest tells the bartender,
?I?ve accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior?
?Uh…Ok. You gonna buy a drink??
?Yeah, I?ll have some Red Wine.?
And the Rabbi goes to the bartender and says,
?I?ve yet to find someone worthy enough to accept as my lord and savior?
?Alright, You gonna buy a drink??
?Yeah, give me some beer?
And then Q goes up to the bartender and says,
These are awesome.
I only have one for now.
What is Rufus’s favorite thing to eat in bed?
a friend of mine had this TE stick and one night his niece got yogurt all in the sockets and everywhere. he posted it here on srk and someone said
- hmm. looks like you had a yogurt catastrophe!
and one really cheesy one happend in conversion about making a joke.
so two guys meet up, one bought a ryu action figure, the other a ken one.
first guy: hey look at this ryu toy i got, pretty cool huh?
second guy: hey that’s sick! i got this ken toy.
1st: omg can i see your ken toy?! He’s my favorite character!!
2nd: hey, if you show me ryu, I’ll SHOW YOU KEN!!!
lame i know. haha.
my friend is making up garbage ones on the spot over xbox live to me
how come ryu can’t be in Modern Warfare 2?
because he’s from CampCom.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
He was low on health and had to get the turtle.
vey very nice
Why do female gamers use TE sticks?
Cause they get angry while on the pad.
How come nobody tries to say Fei’s last name?
They heard it was long.
Why is it hard to get a hold of Dhalsim?
He’s always in his yoga tower.
you got a knack for good puns.
I stumbled upon this definition of a shoryuken written by jeffhadoukenmaster.
During a blowjob, at the hardest point of your erection hold your cock down and point it downward then let it go and let the cock fling up and hit her on the chin. At this point you yell SHORYUKEN!
Trish was sucking my cock last night and i gave her the meanest shoryuken of her life
My EXgf gave great Skullomania skills
Why is Rufus so fat?
Because he eats Candy every night
Why did gouken start shooting lightning out of his arms?
He has chun-lis legs on his arms.
This wasn’t a joke, its a fact
Yo mama so fat Dhalsim had to teleport twice to get around her.
Yo mama so nasty Blanka fought her and thought it was a mirror match.
I got another joke
Ryu players that try and get read tatsu’s through hadokens accross the map
I remember a Street Fighter IV mod where it turned Ryu or Ken into the Joker.