Street Fighter JOKES

Sure, youre Ken…

(i bet lots of ppl said this already but im to lazy to look xD)

What did Dr. Abel say to his patient as he was about to begin cleaning their teeth?


Chun Li: “Spinning Bird Ki…” Vega: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN A BIRD?!”

awesome thread!

here is a lame one:

why did El Fuerte’s kitchen burn?

His quesadilla bombed

lol. thats silly.

Here’s one I heard from school: What does a male porno star and Blanka have in common? Their balls are a big part of their game. lol no homo

One thought up by me and my other half:

What’s Bison’s favourite kind of music?
(Psycho) Power Metal.

prepares for the tomato-throwing for such a bad one XD

throws tomato! Oh crap, I think that one had ice in it!

Is it just me or does Guile’s US voice seem to say “Tiger Floss” rather than “Flash Kick”? (that wasn’t a joke btw)


[Terrible Joke Alert]

  1. How many scrubs does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Three. One to quit halfway through, another to lag the procedure, and a third to complain that the light bulb was too cheap.

[/Terrible Joke Alert]

This. Amazing stuff XD

Sigged , freakin Awesome XD

Wow, people liked that. Holy shit.

I didn’t laugh out loud, but I do think it was good.

Dunno why but that made me laugh :slight_smile:

Blue Blanka was on stage performing when Green Blanka came in, doing the same routine. Blue Blanka ran to him and yelled,“STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY THUNDER!”


Ryu speaking “of course I don’t want to have sex with Sakura, but HADOKEN anytime”

:u: lolol that was good, haven’t heard that before.

Chun Li enters room

Umm, I’ll have a go :sweat:

Did you hear about the Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman that joined the new cast of SSF4?
It was a fucking joke…

street fighter iv

What Fight Stick is better than Sanwa or Seimitsu by far?

The New Hakan Oil Stick Tournament Edition!!!
Theres Olive Oil inside the ball top, LOL!!!

Sorry but we need Hakan Jokes :wtf: