Street Fighter IV Match Videos: Top Players (+ 2009 US & World Champ Vids)

Great site…but too bad I’ve seen a lot of these already…

Really looking forward to seeing high level players using console chars …especially Fei Long, Gouken, Gen and Seth =)

I don’t know how to embed those videos so alternatively you could just download the vids and work from there:

And its a shame your thread had to close down :stuck_out_tongue: I was actually thinking of creating a similar thread~

The first two links are not working for me. (the … in them is actually showing up in the url)

Do you know how to embed the footage from the third link?

I’d love to include such matches, but I don’t know how to embed the image.

Thanks for the vids!

I made the page with the idea of giving players a resource to improve their game.
You get beatdown by a raving Balrog? Head to the page and check out how top players handle your shoes: how do they start the round, what spacing do they work to maintain, are they aggressive or do they turtle, how do they set-up and deliver damage, what moves do they use as counters to opponent attack set-ups, etc.
So I made the match results show up on the page to make it easier for players to scan the matches for ones in which they can be assured their character wins/loses/trades, depending on what they want

But I also understand and appreciate that many players are looking to these videos as an enjoyment of the game.
And getting to experience the videos without spoilers is HUGE.

Changing the match text color and changing the background color will also reomove info like “top players” and title of the video.
I can make separate pages and manually delete those sections to make it work.
Or perhaps there is a way to add html code that allows that info to be hidden and players click on it to expand?
My HTML is still very limited, but I am hoping to grow it in line with the site.

I DO want to offer the videos without match spoilers as an option.
But I don’t see it getting fixed in the short term.
For now, you gotta resort to shrinking the window so that text is cut off from view. :confused:

But I appreciate the input, and definitely put a higher priority on issues like this that are a VERY common want among players.


Makes sense.
And I DO need to get those character pages done anyway.

I will start work on those character pages and put them up.

Also, if ANYONE has an image on Fei Long on his select screen (like the ones I have where you choose character/oppoenent), please send if to me. (link it or email)
Otherwise I’m gonna have to try to create one in MSPaint/PS.

Looks tight!

I looked at the html source trying to figure out the code.
Looks like I’ll have to play around with it.
Also, manually adding it to each match in each page will be rough.
So I gotta figure out some way to add such things across multiple pages/vids without doing each by hand.

HUGE thanks for that info though.

Outdating makes sense, especially on such a new game.

I will be time stamping new vids as I post them. (ex.
And I will be going back over older vids and time stamping them time permitting.

I would also like to continue develop player viewing options so they can sort the vids by date, player, etc.

Due to time spent getting pages/vids/features up and my low (but growing) html skills, I plan to be growing these pages to include all these great ideas over time.

But I TOTALLY agree that obsolete play is A STEP BACK in my goal of providing top video content for players to pull from.

That’s a small start.

I will add more as they show up.
And hopefully before too long they’ll be filling up their own pages. :slight_smile:

If you’re just interested in the vids to see SF play, then I hear ya.

But if you are looking to use them as a player aid, then I HIGHLY recommend using them as a resource over and over.

I compiled the M. Bison data on the ST side of this site as a tool to learn/develop M. Bison for ST and the (then) upcoming release of HD Remix.
At the start, my ST M. Bison was very noobish.
But I used the vids (and other data like combos I found and saved the links to) to develop my understanding of what to do in each matchup:

  1. how to start the round
  2. do I rushdown, hardcore turtle, contain, pressure/poke? (whose corner do they end the round in? if it’s the opponent’s, then your character is probably aggressive)
  3. how do I set-up and deliver damage to this character
  4. how does my opponent set-up and deliver damage
  5. what is my opponents ideal range and how do I avoid being in it

So I would play GGPO ST, lose to a particular character, and then load up my vids and use my emotion from the loss to scour the vids for ways to tighten up my game.
And now my HD Remix M. Bison is very solid, and I’m Ranked 15th with him on XBLA.
Good times.

One reason I think Japanese players do so well is that they have an AMAZING peer playgroup to play against.
They can just walk up to other top players in a match and watch them perform, and they can learn from that.
In many ways, these vids are like a virtual arcade, where you can walk from one match to the next and learn from top players that you just don’t have real access too.

now i remember who you are! yeah man, we played a few times on hd remix and you always gave me the beatdowns with that bison of yours… thats how i remember your name.

anyways i just wanted to say that your site is AWESOME, exactly what ive been waiting for… i’m sure the japs have sites like yours… prob is of course, that they’re in japanese. also, i watch these vids the same way that you watch the bison vids… as a learning tool… maybe you could make up some that you would think might serve to help players to better understand certain fundamentals, like i learned ALOT about when to throw tigershots and when not to/ spacing them etc. by watching this vid of RF’s sagat:


one thing to notice here is that RF is playing against people arent up to his skill level, but are definitely good players. i’ve found that players of this type usually jump FORWARD over every fireball that they can… but the problem is that, in the highest level jap vids top players jump STRAIGHT UP over fireballs most of the time. so i could figure out how to play aginst those types of players theoretically, but not how to play against the aggressive jumpers… which this video does PERFECTLY. RF rarely does fireball then another immediate fireball, which he does do against top players… that one insight taught me alot. and seeing RF’s fireball cadence against these weaker people i think will help out other people who have never mained a fireball character.

just my .02


Get a job…

I’m fucking with you, thanks for the effort…

Great resource!

Yup, that’s me. :slight_smile:

AWESOME insight!

It’s HUGE to understand that you tackle different skilled opponents differently.
Some players you can simply go for the jugular and put them down fast.
Other players you need to set-up for your attack and sidestep their traps as you edge your way to the win.

And having footage of top players playing against people of the varying skill levels goes a long way to showcase this.

For the best results, you want to employ the most effective means to secure the win.
If your opponent isn’t a top player, you should move on that to put the match away and limit your risks.
Even a less skilled opponent can be dangerous if you play a set-up or defensive game that gives them more time to pull something out.

With M. Bison on Remix, if the opponent isn’t defending well, I want to knock them out with a Touch Of Death Combo.
Letting them survive longer in the match just gives them more chances to land something or build up meter to become a huge wildcard threat.

Long live the Dictator. :badboy::badboy::badboy:

This website is good shit!

do you have any recent fight? great site btw…

The way I figure it, if you can implement it, the initial stages of putting the code in will be hell. After that you can copy and paste for any new vids.

The advantage to having just a box that appears would be you don’t have to code in preferences, and it allows us to see results on a match by match basis.

Glad you like the idea, hope you can pull it off.

Sry about that:

There’s a lot more videos in this website with high level players. I don’t know how to embed this videos. Maybe someone else can help?

If there’s no way to embed maybe you can put the link instead. I know it’s not the original idea having links but it’s a shame to leave good vids out because of this.

That website is freaking sweet, my man! Awesome work…Would rep you if I coudl!!!

Thanks a lot for posting such a great resource. I’m going to be watching this videos at work for quite some time. :slight_smile: