Street Fighter IV Match Videos: Top Players (+ 2009 US & World Champ Vids)

In the Fuerte vs guile vid, you have the players labeled dagger_g and kai

that fuerte player in the vid is actually me- its not kai
thats me playing dagger_g in the losers bracket of california regionals at denjin

excellent collection of vids.

Excellent write up zaspacer, thank you!

Wish I could give some +rep.

Amazing resource. Keep it up!

Go for it :slight_smile:

Having a list of top players is a great resource.
And posting it on SRK forums lets you both make it public for others as well as tap into the great knowledge pool that is the SRK community.

I pulled my list almost exclusively from Japanese Arcade rankings, with some names added based on major tournament finishes.

I think it’s better to be overly conservative and leave names off, than it is to end up with a list that has names that don’t represent the very top of competitive play.

But you can approach it however works for you. :slight_smile:


Big THANKS :slight_smile:

zaspacer, thats really me :frowning:

Great site! But do you have to list the winners next to it? It kinda takes some of the excitement away from watching it. Maybe you could do it like this board’s spoiler code, where it appears when you click it.

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My apologies n0thingman.
I did read your edit and did plan to update the info for the “Kai (El Fuerte) vs. Dagger_G (Guile)” to “N0thingman (El Fuerte) vs. Dagger_G (Guile)”.

I’ve been tied up working on a Fei Long Select image so I can add a link on the Ken page to the Ken vs. Fei Long matchup I have.

I’ll go ahead and update it now. :slight_smile:
Again, sorry for the hold-up.

I like to be surprised by watching the video also. Maybe make the spoiler hidden by default? Also would be great to be able to comment on individual videos.

Man those are nice. Gotta learn ma Sagat in and out then practice the c.viper.

There has been a lot of interest in having the videos without the spoilers.
And the set-ups Darkstalker and KevinCow proposed look really neat.

So I do plan on setting up pages without the spoilers.
And I will start tinkering with figuring out the html to set it up, and then exploring the best way to get it into the code.


  1. I am going to keep mirror pages with the results showing. It really was essential in my own learning process to be able to find the best videos to tighten my game. Being able to select videos where one character or the other is winning is key to that.
  2. It will take some time to implement. There are already 184 different character html matchup pages, and there will be more when I add all the console matches. I need to go back to the old content and edit all of it for mirror non-spoiler or click-to-see-spoiled pages.

For now, the ghetto method of shrinking the screen to cut off the spoiler text is the way to do it.

I’ve had my eye on Mike’s vids for some time.

But I’ve been very reluctant to add any non-Japanese tourney footage unless it’s from a decent sized tourney or I could get some numbers on the player performing high in decent sized tourney… or I just didn’t have any footage on a particular matchup and needed what seemed likely the best available.

Mike has JUST been under a couple of those criteria, so I haven’t had him on.
I think he may have a vid or two under some of the criteria.

Bottom line is that until I can improve my own ability to recognize top players, I am gonna rely on a very conservative procedure to get player footage onto the site.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I do have some recent footage (well, recently posted on anyway; late March, etc.)

Some of it is on the site, but it is mixed in so that it’s hard to pick out from the rest.
Other recent vids I have processed onto the spreadsheet I work off of, but I haven’t gotten time to put up on the site; (sidetracked trying to work on a Fei Long Select image and put character pages together for the console characters and finish my taxes) but they should be up very soon.

I also have started tagging new vids I put up with a date tag, which will make it so that players can pick out the vid by date.
Right now I plan to provide “date recorded” or (if that is not available) “date posted”.

The order that the vids appear on the page is determined by the skill levels of the players involved.
But I will start using date as a secondary sorting criteria within each skill tier.

Great site. Easy way to consolidate SFIV vids. Thank you for doing this!!

now everyone knows how badly he beat me
awesome site btw!

I TOTALLY agree with you.
It would be a shame to leave good vids out of it.

Time permitting, I will try to figure out how to embed them.
Or, if I can’t, I’ll try to find some way to incorporate them.

Great links though, BIG thanks!

Also, with the release of the Championship Mode, hopefully we’ll get a front row seat on more top players as they duel on PSN/XBLA.
Especially with those console characters!

You should add a “Submit Video” form. There’re tons of good videos out there.

I don’t know if you saw this, but the page Bojador_pt posted has it’s own youtube channel:

I think this helps you to embend the videos to your site. If not, sorry for bothering :P.

edit: As for the third link Bojador_pt posted in his 1. post. I can download it, and upload to youtube, if you want. Just say it.

edit2: I think this could also be helpful: Theres probably also the video Bojador_pt posted in his first post.

Do you guys know what today is?