Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

If you want arcade perfect console ports, you pretty much need to buy a NeoGeo.
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology was close enough to arcade for me, and that was two console generations ago.
If they can’t meet that standard, then they aren’t trying.

I’d assume it implies that the general feel, input delay, game speed, the visuals, music/sound quality, framedata / combo possibilities are all kept exactly the same as the original arcade releases

Bolded: that one was something IG managed to reproduce in arcade 3S, and the hit confirms being harder is probably mostly related to hardware differences iirc.

I believe there are some hitbox differences in 3SO (Hugo splash), though, and I if I’m not mistaken Yun was accidentally buffed because Genei Jin scaling somehow worked differently than in arcade.

Well, not always the “original arcade release”, since most SF games have multiple arcade versions/revisions with minor differences and people don’t want the “wrong one”

Just give me a good port with good extras and netcode and I’ll be fine

People who really care about ST competitively will still use arcade boards of the japanese version for tournaments anyway, so why bother?

Like people said here, it will probably be “arcade perfect” for 99% of the audience

I own multiple versions of 3S on different hardware. And all I can say is that 3SO is the only version of game where I have problems doing EX moves. Not on ps2. Not on dreamcast. Not emulated. And definitely not on the cps3 board. That’s all I can answer to that. I know what Iron Galaxy said but myself and other people still only have that problem in their port.

Maybe you should git gud man. 3SO is perfect

Wasn’t the MVS and AVS the same hardware? Similar to Naomi being a slightly more powerful Dreamcast I’m guessing.

The japanese version of CPS2 ST is most prevalent because its more cheap and plentiful. There is one single gameplay difference between the US and JPN versions (the amount of stun N.Gief and O.Gief has on a command normal) that ultimately makes no difference.

I’d agree with this. It just seems like its virtually impossible to get it this exact (especially with 2D fighters) and anything less than perfection is met with “LOL NOT CPS2 NOT PERFECT”.

Most of these games had their heyday in arcades when I was a kid/teen. Most my relationship with these games have been far inferior ports (though I got to regularly play Alpha 2 on Saturn and all the Dreamcast ports).

Unless some of y’all are much older than me (35), somebody is embellishing their history with the original games. It’s hip to demand arcade perfection.

Instead of being hip it might have more to do with expecting modern hardware be more capable of running these games more faithfully.

Sure, in fact I mentioned just that in an earlier post. I just think a few 20somethings concerned about retaining a gameplay experience they barely explored deeply is a little… pretentious.

Everybody’s about to have a SF collection session, maybe cruise around the Alpha games or whatever, and that one guy’s like, “Nah I’m good, clockspeed is off a frame.”

“Go home, Steve.”

As long as I have Zero 3 world tour and I can use a decent training mode in 3s I’m game.

I’m about your age and I played a lot in arcades in my teens. I realize not everyone had an arcade within travel distance, but I was lucky to have a few (it took an hour to get to them, but it was worth it at the time).

But it’s also about games you currently play. There are a fair number of people who currently play 3rd Strike or ST on Fightcade (before that GGPO) on a regular or semi-regular basis. Those people are looking at this in terms of a lateral move, from a tournament-standard version of the game. For me it isn’t just about playing the version of Alpha 3 from 1998, it’s about the version I played last month, and the month before that, and the month before that, etc etc.

Also, one of the best things about GGPO/Fightcade is the ability to play people from around the country and around the world. If the netcode and matchmaking in this collection are good (ie. in an ideal world), that would also apply here. So I would rather not have the Japanese arcade players find out that the version of ST in this collection is a modified version of the PSX port or something stupid, and decide not to get the game. Including netplay Hyper Fighting is already a step backwards, since CE/Dash is much more popular globally, even if it was less balanced.

I would argue that with an emulated version so readily available, I don’t see what the actual concern is. Once confirmed, that’s money saved.

There are actually quite a few people here in their mid 30s who’ve spent a large portion of their youth competing at the arcade. Like TS, I was also lucky to live near a few arcades in the different states I’ve lived in. My problem is the demand for arcade perfection when it’s simply not a thing. Never has been and never will be. As long as there is no massive input delay, or crazy glitches, then I think we’ll be alright with something that’s close to perfect.

Wider playerbase. Also, current emulation and matchmaking aren’t perfect, so the hope is for a better version of what already exists, which would be aided by a bunch of new players.

It would also, ideally, relieve people of the duty of hauling around CPS3 or ST boards around to tournaments.

This will tide us over until consoles are obsolete. With ST on steam, we could all at least agree on one version of ST (if its good) that we could all play on PC.

This I can agree with. That’s all I myself really want. To be as close enough as possible. At least enough to where you can alternate between it and the original without feeling any major differences in the gameplay.

Mostly agree: I’m basically only concerned with a good arcade port being available and having that be the one online play is focused around.

If they want to include all the bells and whistles from Ultra SF2 and keep the fun single player content from the console A3 ports, that’s great (they really should, since that’s the main reason there are like 7 ports of the game and they kept re-releasing it).

I hope there are some hidden games on there as well. Hyper Street Fighter Alpha would be a welcome addition.

Consoles probably won’t become obsolete for a long time, but at the very least it’s a version that doesn’t require paying a fee to play it online. But we do already have that on PC with Fightcade, so I guess it doesn’t matter that much.