Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

I own both on the two consoles. The Snes version was a great package came included with Dash the JP version of CE instead of the NA version. Still remember the summer day in '93 on labor day holiday I went out and bought SF2 Turbo in my hands. 10 star speed code Snes anyone? Remember.

Ironically, fighcade does not feature Dash.
Here’s what I mean

Wtf happened to the snes Turbo? You play CE, and Vega and Bison were still Turbo mode (Bison blocked Psycho Crusher could only do 3 hits instead of 6-7 hits), Vega did Turbo-version Rolling Claw Attack (which I felt was a step back due to it sometimes becoming punishable on hit around the second roll): 2 rolls for strong, 3 for fierce instead of 1 roll for each button. What happened there? I was happy as shit to have it when it dropped, but that always bothered me.

Has this been mentioned ?…reason/?

Japanese fans are angry because their version is going to be in english, since the arcade perfect collection is based on the overseas versions of the games.

IMO, it makes sense for games trying to be Arcade Perfect, it would be inpractical to have worldwide online with two ore more different versions of the games.

prepares to storm capcom headquarters

Jesus mother-humping tap-dancing Christ, I’m playing Monster Hunter XX in japanese cuz it’s the only way to play the latest entry in the franchise. These losers are salty at having to play english versions of DECADES-OLD fighting games they already mastered to a degree the average american fan WISHES he had that require NO READING whatsoever?! What the fuckin’ fuck.

I don’t fault Capcom for doing this. Business-wise it makes sense to have one version.

I completely agree. Also, not a diss or anything as I am aware of the Japanese heritage of the SF series but lets face it, SF is bigger globally than what it has been in Japan, at least in the later years of the franchise.

I can see them being pissed at having to play the world/US CE version which is even more busted than the Japanese one. Bison is much much stronger in those, you block a psycho crusher once and you pretty much lost the match. 5-6 chip damage and if it takes you to the corner then he can do two jabs into another psycho crusher for a total of 10-12 free chip damage. Completely safe on block.

Also ST seems to be based on USF2 so I wonder how arcade perfect this is going to be.

If they’re basing games off versions that aren’t the arcade version then they need to stop advertising as arcade perfect. People already fell for it with 3SO and it’s false advertising.

They’re banking of the fact that most casual or people who’re just getting into the older SF games probably won’t know the difference between each version of SF2. That’s just what I’m getting from all this.

Or they all about that $$$

what are the system requirements normally like for 2D 1990s games on steam?

Serious question. What proof we have for a statement like yours? So far we know they are basing them upon US/World versions of Arcade, and since I am not Japanese nor do I live in Japan, US/World are what I recognize as “Arcade versions”.

Also I didn’t watch the trailer before. HF runs fast as hell in there, so it probably is based on MAME emulation as that one poster said. Using US CE is pretty bad too.

They have a few months to iron stuff out. USF2 was technically sound. It shouldn’t be too hard to roll back USF2 changes. Lets bitch when we get the final product.

Obviiously I can’t comment on the state of the game, but I would bet a lot of stuff in the trailer is a glorified proof-of-concept to show what the final version of the game would look like. HF speed looks off because the video was sped up for the trailer (probably for time or to look more dramatic). There’s also some ST footage that definitely looks sped-up. I don’t know that either of these point to actual emulation issues.

Also, the borders for the 4:3 mode are curious. The one for ST clearly has art from the GBA version, ST Revival, among other games. The A3 footage has A2 art. CE and HF footage both seem to have SF2:WW art (though this is more understandable). So I’m guessing the trailer just as likely captured/emulated footage with the borders slapped on, and not actually a working version of all (or any) of these games.

Too be fair, changing an art asset on a rom is hardly going to prevent the game from being Arcade perfect (gameplay, balance and Speed-wise); Maybe they just changed the logo on the floor as to not piss off the USAF; I guess we’ll have to wait and see in regards of how Arcade Perfect this collection ends up playing.

People already responded for me, but also notice that I said “if”. Again back with 3SO it wasn’t revealed until quite sometime after the game’s release after people already bought it that they revealed it was based on the ps2 version and not the arcade versions. So what I’m saying is that capcom advertising this collection as “arcade perfect” means nothing until it’s proven true.

This is really a non-issue. We’ve been around long enough to know that it is impossible to have an arcade perfect port on consoles. It has never happened, something is always off. Usually it’s speed, for the most part 95%-99% of the game will be identical.

Out of all the games, I think A3 may be the most questionable one depending on the port they use.

Then still they shouldn’t false advertise as arcade perfect. Lol.

I think the story was the developers tried hard for 3S OE to port the original arcade code, but it was so damn confusing that they opted to just code a console port as close as they could to the game. That’s why 3S OE didn’t have the arcade music and apparently the devs didn’t realize the game had an arcade soundtrack until someone complained about it.

If you guys wanna lose to mid tier characters in 3S, hmu when this launches. I’ll have to learn some ST Claw and V Claw also.