Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

Yeah its going to be a ToL qualifier so it should have a great ST showing. I’m signed up and trying to get some more Oregon guys to come up with me.

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It takes a while to register. I started playing on the 28th and I only showed up on the leaderboards today.

Are all hyper fighter players from another planet. Can’t seem to get a decent connection

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Speaking of Hyper Fighting, why do Honda’s headbutt and Blanka’s horizontal roll not auto correct in this port? Messes up my whole game.

different ROM? at least for ST I know that there are some gameplay differences between J and US version. seems unlikely that Digital Eclipse changed any gameplay mechanics.

CPS1 works a bit different mechanically than the CPS2 games.

I know, I just never had this issue with HSF, on 2df or the 360 port of the exact same game.

HSF2 was based on ST IIRC.

Edit: Oh you’re talking about Hyper Fighting. Um, I don’t know. Seems the same to me.

All those Akumas are shit/trash. Those Akumas would get owned For freeeeeee by MyNameIsChris.

Note: Lastscene is a better Akuma player than what you posted and he still loses to MyNameIsChris:

I might go if they do it on a cab like in 2012…

double post…

Just realized something…are there no replays? That was a great feature in Ultra Street Fighter 2. Or are they in there under some menu?

“Just realized something…are there no replays?”

Saying FightCade is better?

I just missed the “lol” reaction for this haha

Withdrawn! This is a Steam issue. You just have to change your mouse settings.

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The game is made by the same developer that created HD Remix so that might have something to do with it. Even if likely some of the people are different.

Wasn’t HD Remix made by Backbone Entertainment?

Hey Jion,
Nope not going to bring my cabs again as long as Chris Anderson is the TO. Guy was an ungrateful douchebag all the years i brought my cabs. I was going to give him another chance but he was a douche again to me last year when i asked a simple question about his event. So fuck that guy.

Ok, my ranking is still not showing up. Anybody else having this issue?

On steam it seems to update randomly. When fighting someone I notice that sometimes they have 0 stats while in reality they have an actual score too.

Yeah. Which that company merged with Digital Eclipse who is now, Digital Eclipse.

Anyone getting random freezing/app crash with Steam version ?