Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

It’s a short run french exclusive, that’s why.

So far what I’m seeing from streams about netcode is that some matches are laggy with stutters, but a good match is really good.

Yeah the matchmaking doesn’t allow you to see your connection status with the opponent, which causes problems. But also there are definitely people playing over wifi which is worse than wired.

I can feel the native lag in the game. The previous old games with ggpo were way better than this. I really hope they release a patch to get rid of the delay.


I was hoping not running on unreal engine would help with the delay stuff. Guess no dice yet.

Jumped online to test. Zero issue for me. I did put input on 0. West coast. Xbox. 3s had a match within 30 seconds. No lag.

Yes, no legacy support. Pretty ridiculous considering SFV and USFIV (you know, the preorder bonus for THIS game) both have legacy stick support.

I won’t have it today, in 7-8 days probably… It’s worth the pick, I like fighting games collectors, whatever country it’s from.

Sadly it’s something like 100$ instead of 59 euros.

well, let’s see and let’s fight as soon as possible. Hope online will be correct.

mvci and ki dont show any infos or give you any filter option for ranked.

The online has been pretty bad for me so far. Lot’s of disconnects, not being able to start matches, and both of my fight sticks have disconnected during the middle of several matches. I’m not sure how the game is affecting my controllers but it is because they don’t disconnect during other games or offline.

which platform?

I’m playing on PS4

So… where’s my code for USFIV for pre-ordering on PSN?

I am kinda worried there is no search option for 5+ netcode bar, Im always getting paired vs ppl from US? and getting laggy matches atm

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Anyone else having trouble with inputs not registering? I’m in training mode (offline) with Ryu, and sometimes only a jab will come out when I input a Hadouken or DP, even though I’m doing them correctly according to the input display. I’m on a PS4 pad, by the way. This happens more often than I’d like, and I can’t recall having this issue in previous versions (HF and ST).

For those who regularly play on arcade hardware, how does the offline feel thus far (non-training mode)?

So, supposedly the cabs ran at 59ms and while oe is over clocked to run faster, in this collection(from the tweet/comments) there’s an extra frame and or slower frame rate? Sorry, just got done with an all nighter and I could be fudging this all up. I guess as long as it doesnt hinder/throw me off on the cabs during tournament, I’d still be happy using this collection for practice.

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Is it your jouystick? I was having the same problem. Updated the joystick firmware and it was fine. You may want to do the same.

If that’s the only issue so far with 3S I’ll live. They’re super uber picky about that 1 frame compared to cabs. Long as unblockables work and there isn’t any funky “EX moves randomly not coming out” like in OE I’ll deal.

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Cause KI has the best netcode in fighters. your opponent would literally have to be playing on the moon with a wifi connection or downloading ALL OF THE PORN before you see shit lag. So why would you need to see their connection?