Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

You ‘imagine’ there will be a patch to ban him from ranked because it’s a tournament driven game? Obviously the developers don’t think so, or else why would they not ban him from the get-go? I ‘imagine’ myself a multi-billionaire in the future, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Your imagination has no basis in reality, at least for now.

It’s that same rigid attitude of yours (and other people’s) towards balance changes that enables a character like Akuma to be selectable in rank, or do you seriously believe that he would’ve been a playable character (in his current form) if they went through the trouble of balancing the game?

The attitude of veteran and top players has NOTHING to do with Akuma being selectable in ranked. Every competitive ST player does not play vs Akuma in tournaments. That’s a hard fact. There’s usually some type of mishap in these ports of games. I’m not blind to it. The developers of 3S OE said they had no idea that 3S had an arcade soundtrack even though they were “trying to make it arcade perfect”. Which essentially was just an altering of the console port as it was supposedly too difficult for them to break down the arcade code from scratch.

I just know how Super Turbo players are and with social media there will definitely be a big clamoring to make sure Akuma gets banned from ranked. The vs and training modes being put in was due to fan request as well.

Not saying that what you’re saying doesn’t happen, but they’ve already shown they are willing to do things based on feedback. Your argument about balance still isn’t relevant to this considering that every veteran of ST does not play vs Akuma in a competitive environment. They do not want what you’re asking for and never will.

When Ultra SF AC comes out maybe you’ll get what you want, but these are games are now scribed like Chess and Tennis competitively. They play the way they are in a competitive environment and that’s it. This game is for the legacy competitive players and it will be geared towards that even if they still need to change some things.


HD Remix already was “balanced ST” and did create a “balanced” Akuma and he was still cheaper than everyone else in the game and I believe people stopped playing him at events due to it. So balance doesn’t even mean you get what you want. Which is why HD Remix was dropped competitively as it made the tiers not much different than before while just taking away legacy aspects that were enjoyed any way. Balance oriented players still complained Akuma and top tiers were cheap while veterans were highly pissed that not much actually changed with the balance while fucking up the mechanics they enjoyed.


Uncertainty and ambiguity is the new Balance.

I’m a fan of both HDR, HF, HSF2 and ST

Yet I do not dismissed USF2 for it’s casual modes like features and new edge lord characters, I like it’s dramatic mode and new character for fun party get together game for old friends or siblings.

Same thing with Revival Extra Bonus game was fun too,

The thing that was meh for me is the first person Ryu game. Thy should have instead bring a beat em up mode instead.

I believe both HDR and HSF2 deserve attention and a scene separate from ST someday.

None of what you wrote disproves what I wrote, that Akuma, in this form, would not be selectable if they had balanced the game as a whole. That was my initial point.

So top players don’t want balance changes in ST? Why do you presume to speak for the top players? Unless Sirlin is blatantly lying, Tokido signed off on every single balance change in HDR after testing them all one by one. Never mind all the other pro players who worked on the game such as John Choi, Jason Cole, NKI, etc.
HD Remix never took off, but that could be due to any number of factors. Sirlin thinks it’s because of the art (which is why I never warmed up to it) or the hate campaign by the purists, while others think it’s because it was initially not released in Japan or the success of SFIV. I may be wrong on this, but I’ve never heard of even one competitive player who dropped HDR because of things that were taken out of the game. I’m highly skeptical of this, can you link me to a quote?

You saying that the balance hasn’t changed much in HDR is demonstrably wrong. In its first year at EVO, HDR had 7 different characters in the top 8. In its second year, SnakeEyez winning EVO with the bottom-tier character is a pretty good indicator that the game was a lot more balanced than vanilla. Could you imagine a Cammy (who never placed top 8 in vanilla, she did in HDR) winning EVO in vanilla? Not happening.


Jesus. Here’s hoping this was an oversight and Capcom will patch Akuma out of ranked. What the hell were they thinking?

Almost certainly just an oversight, since it’s a unique case in all the games they have available. All the other ranked games have no such issue and offline/casual lobbies you can just talk those things out.

HDR needs a PC release, rerelease or definitive version port with untouch and unaltered gameplay experience other than being updated with USF2’s HD fonts, gauge, portraits, select screen and huds that are based in the original game.

Along with the best training mode features, tournament mode and dramatic mode for casual stuff as a bonus.

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Personally, a big reason HDR never caught on is that it is too similar to ST. A little better balanced but many of the characters just don’t feel any more fun to play (Chun) with a couple exceptions (Sagat for me is pretty fun). Also, half circle SPD is D U M B from a thematic and balance standpoint.

They were just trying to maintain the ST meta while removing really bad matchups. Should have just given each character a different tool and buffed any obvious shortcomings. It needed to set itself apart as a new SF2, not ST+. Most people don’t even count it as a SF2 release.

If anyone is curious between the differences of US and Japanese ST, there is ONE single gameplay difference not counting the turbo speed, and that’s the amount of stun Gief’s neutral headbutt does. In the US version it does a lot of stun but usually won’t insta-dizzy. In the japanese version it almost always insta-dizzies. They both share the same glitches.

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Another factor why HD remix is left behind because it doesn’t have any other means to be playable other than the last generation of consoles. A PC release should have given an opportunity.

I think after getting USF2, we need to accept that Capcom wouldn’t desire to spend much time in re-configuring the current meta in future ST expansion titles like they did with HDR. I believe HDR is the last of what we can expect of Capcom would take balancing detail to detail an ST expansion in the future,

And finally we need to accept that HDR is not a replacement to ST or we shouldn’t expect anything to work the same way as we are familiar and accustomed into from ST from both meta and match up.

Another problem to consider was HDR was marketed and advertised as an some kind of ST replacement or a spiritual successor which gave problems with expectation.

HDR deserve a definitive release untouch balancing other than updated graphics.

If people are so desperate making Akuma playable possibility, the only means is to re-do the character from scratch that even includes with command execution and just keeping his sprites not just modified boxes, recovery, damage and stamina.

For decades that have pass and modern times we have seen tons of variation of teleports, aerial fireballs, DPs and projectiles from lot’s of Capcom and SNK titles that could take new inspiration and base for a new Akuma rather than re configuring the properties of ST Akuma that will never work.

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The good news is that most Akuma players are bad at the game. So much so that they will mostly do the code wrong and pick Ryu by accident.

Shouldn’t be too hard to fix? But since there’s already a day-one patch for training mode etc, I don’t know when we could expect an update.

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I just hope Capcom would used this game and USF2 to gather updated data and stats on how the current modern day players approach, deal and exploit an ST game with Akuma as a viable choice. So that they can work around with a possibility of decent Akuma in the future if they would attempt again someday.

Yeah mostly everyone who signed on to HDR had problems with it once it launched. It just didn’t do anything to change the meta in a meaningful way and they are all continuing to play ST without a problem.

Ultimately, the worse thing balance changes would do is split the community, which isn’t something you want with an already smaller playerbase

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So if ever Capcom would do a expansion of a legacy title like 3s or ST it shouldn’t be advertised as replacing them or even compete to their legacy.

So the most relevant approach for future anniversary SF2 games representation iteration beyond USF2 should be either the HSF2 or HDR expansions as a base not in ST.

Why? Since in this approach it doesn’t steals and splits the community because the based is already defined from the beginning and those that will venture to it isn’t looking for ST standards from gameplay and meta.

HDR needs a definitive PC release updates with USF2 graphics and casual modes since it won’t defeat and compete ST standard players.

Getting hyped up for this

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Dan’s short-ranged projectiles are not based off KOF '96, but mostly based on Ryo and Roberts origin series (AOF), where attempting to throw projectiles with a low Spirit meter resulted in the aforementioned short-ranged projectiles.


Makes sense since Alpha 1 I’m sure came out before KOF 96

Theres a new version of ST every 10 years like hd remix and usf2 but original ST will always be the gold standard.

HD Remix was fun, especially the Fei Long changes and easy input for 360s.

However they (Sirlin) played it wayyy too safe and the beta testing was closed to only a few select “top” players. Stupid idea if you ask me since top players =/= lab monsters. They could have given Bison a teleport but chose not to. He has a gimmicky ass fake slide instead. Tier list stayed the same as intended but the fun dirty stuff got nerfed.

Akuma was above average in hd remix because he has an inescapable half screen grab super. He also have some fucked up hit/hurt boxes because they ported him from the dreamcast version. For example, you can use his fireball to avoid throws because his hurtbox shifts him away from grab range when hes doing a fireball. They never bothered to fix and patch him up yet he was easily selectable compared to ST.

I prefer ST since I like my cheap shit at full strength and not watered down. Also old characters are fun even though they are usually inferior to their new version. A lot of the old characters have different properties on their moves which drastically changes the way they play.


Videos etc.

Also there was an 8-person invitational at Combo Breaker, where the players would play a randomly selected game.