Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

Is errbody gonna git gud on the 29th? Gud.

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I familiar with the Yumeji hack but those boss wasnā€™t meant to be played with but fight with. Whatever memories of them was about fighting not playing.

Agree if people want changes and new stuff like that might be a different STexpansion not a game that is trying to be ST by label not by experience.

Graphical upgrades for huds, gauge and font are the only thing considerable as an improvement.

I love it whenever people throw out the ā€œIā€™ve been playing street fighter since sf2ā€ as an excuse or an argument. So have most of us. That doesnā€™t make you in the right or more informed than anyone else, you know that right?

Youā€™re asking for meta changes to the just stfu.

Read my post properly, you moron. I said Iā€™ve been playing SFII since the beginning in response to him saying I want the meta changed, not as some sort of badge of honor. If I wanted it changed, I wouldnā€™t have played it all this time on Zbattle, Kaillera, Xbox Live and now PS4. Changes like shaving off a recovery frame here and there from the most blatantly overpowered stuff is not changing the meta.

Part of my job is helping people with text comprehension, so hit me up for a free lesson. Hopefully that will stop you from looking like an imbecile in the future.

Well, overpowered stuff is what kind of creates the meta. If said overpowered stuff isnā€™t as strong then matchups change, which would likely change the meta.

Iā€™m not too familiar with hdr, but do people prefer that over ST? Had some heavy balance changes right?

I agree if the overpowered stuff is toned down too much, but if it merely goes from ā€œtoo strongā€ to ā€œreally strongā€ it doesnā€™t affect the matchups much. Take Rogā€™s meter building for instance: if itā€™s slowed down (as in HDR) it will make him a slightly less effective character, but it will not change how he is played or how you play against him.

Most high level/top ST players do not care much for HD Remix and the scene mostly alienated it competitively once SFIV launched . Stuff like making reversals bigger than a 1 frame window and rearranging the game in a way where the top tiers were still mostly top tier wasnā€™t looked well upon. At that point you might as well just keep playing ST. Plus the balanced rendition of Akuma was still hella cheap

Iā€™m good on no balance changes, and the local st scene is generally stoked about the collection!


Why are you preoccupied with people who disagree with you being dumb? Seems salty. Stop being salty.


OKā€¦ Will we nerf Chun Li, Ken, and Yun in 3S too? Would we nerf Gill too?

ā€œRogā€™s meter buildingā€

You make it sound like he is the only character that can do thisā€¦

Most characters can do this.


Should I name more???

I liked USF2 as a repackage ST party game because of having 2 new edge lord character and the dramatic mode, plus the return of the classic huds, font and gauge in HD.

I would agree that both HD remix and HSF2 had a potential as a decent competitive game separate from ST in terms of diversion and a alternative, but that will never happen to USF2 that was undeniably rushed for the competitive aspect.

I like HD remix and I donā€™t compare it to ST both of them are good in my books but the cased was different in this compilation.

I like and always welcome innovation and improvements but this isnā€™t the cased of this arcade compilation. Yet I believe it should have improvements in the future but not gameplay standpoint.

slaps forehead

Do you know what the expression ā€œfor instanceā€ meansā€¦?

And Iā€™m not an expert on 3S, but seeing how the game has over 15 8-2 and countless 7-3 matchups, a couple of balance changes might not be the worst idea in the world. Of course not if you ask SRK, people here will take out their cross and holy water if you dare suggest something to improve their holy grail of fighting games.

Do any of you have a cell phone that fits in your pocket? Why are you on this new-fangled internet thingy anyway?

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Volta please stfu


This guy gets it.

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I will if I hear one good argument against minor balance changes. Iā€™m afraid I wonā€™t find them here, though.

Why are you being so salty and high and mighty? Itā€™s not a good look. Youā€™ve lost the argument. Just accept it and move on. Quit trolling.

Whoā€™s trolling? Iā€™m genuinely looking for arguments against what I said. If you donā€™t present any, then obviously Iā€™m not going to change my point of view. I donā€™t consider ā€œbalance changes arenā€™t needed because itā€™s an arcade collectionā€ a valid argument.

Only you would want changes that would change the games in a collection of arcade ports. The only way youā€™re getting changes is if they botch the ports.


I understand the preference but the thing is it was the selling point as advertised and market of this compilation so it should live up and compromised to itā€™s ā€œdefined and known legacy as a standardā€ unlike USF2 and HD remix.

Nobody wants to argue with you about that. Especially not for a game where high profile top players are still playing them exactly the way they are. Itā€™s worked for 20 something years and since none of these games have ever had a truly perfect port, itā€™s enough work just to make them actually arcade perfect.

You can win the argument, but you know what you have to do on the 29th. Deal with it.