Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

I agree. I would’ve liked A2 online instead of A3, but that’s a personal preference.

I still wish there were some balance changes and bug fixes though. Nothing major, just the most glaring stuff. Oh well.


I think balance fixes isn’t something to consider because of the goal of direct arcade experience.

But I believe graphical filters and HD hud(all gauge, fonts and portraits) should be in the future iteration since it doesn’t alter the gameplay experience other than giving visual improvements for modern day monitors.

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I guess there’s two sides on this: the people who do not want to blemish the original arcade versions and those who want more balanced games.

I’m in the latter camp. I can’t help but gnash my teeth when I’m playing ST, I’m about to win the round and then get hyoubal’d to death by just plain guessing wrong a couple of times. Never mind O. Sagat’s Tiger Shots or Ryu doing 6 Hurricane Kicks in a row in HF without me being able to punish it, as it has invul. startup AND recovery(!). Never mind 3rd Strike with its countless 8-2 matchups.

Oh well. Capcom isn’t going to balance these ancient games, so no use in complaining about it.

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Everytime they try to balance the old games it screws up something any ways. Better off getting the versions of the games that people still play at tournaments the same way chess or golf is still played the same way. There’s a meta, use it and be the best player you can be at it.

This will be great for all of the people who whine about shit in the new games getting bodied by cheap, dishonest things in the old games. You can’t escape unga. Even with low delay good luck consistently AAing ST Claw’s j.HP.

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Who’s looking for balance updates in a collection? Leave that for new versions of the games which this is not.

Maybe it’s a good thing there aren’t changes to the older games. I can do without Crush Counters or 0.02 active frames for every normal. Not to mention that HF Blanka would get absolutely skewered. I can already see the patch notes:

  • Vertical ball no longer hits on the way down, plus recovery frames.
  • Horizontal ball slowed down and less pushback; can now be punished on hit by some moves.
  • Double charge disabled.
  • St. short hurtbox now extends to Blanka’s toe.
  • Added jumping frames.

Oh wait, that’s just ST Blanka.

And people who complained about Gief’s SPDs in SFV will be in for a nasty surprise when they discover that he could grab you out of the beginning frames of your jump in the older games.


You can use the same reasoning for the online functions of the game.

I don’t see what’s wrong with having a more competitive, bug-free game.

If there would be a new ST expansion every 5th year interval of an anniversary.

I would prefer Hyper SF2 update with E.Ryu and V.Ken in it along with a whole new Gouki.

They could even add Mech Gief, Shin Bison, Shadow Lady and Fallen Balrog.

Shin Bison can have teleport and different Super move like Psycho Crusher.

Mech Gief can have Sim’s Yoga flame sprites in inverted color along with armored specials.

Fallen Balrog can a have another variant of a teleport.

Shadow lady can have Final Mission Super, charging multi hitting punch special move(instead of a drill) and a electric shock move

Just for casual nostalgia and party game, that’s what the intended audience of USF2 was.

Just bring in the dramatic mode again in the next package together with a snes SSf2 tournament mode and ST revival Bonus game extra.

This collection is literally made for the competitive player base that still play these games. Any type of balance changes would defeat the whole purpose of the game.


This game is about no excuses, no hiding your losses behind lower tier characters, no whining about hyoubal or o sagat shots, no whining that parries are random, no whining that you are in a combo that lasts as long as it takes make thanksgiving dinnner.

Beat the top tier or…

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That’s why there’s HSF2. HSF2 let’s you play as all of the SFII characters ever created for SFII now due to the Yumeji Boss Hack. Enables the 4 World Warrior bosses and Shin Gouki/Akuma (double air fireball one) as well!!!

Yup, people find new things in chess and poker and other games all the time. In chess don’t complain you lost because you used inferior openings and get crushed in the beginning and such…


So the purpose of the game is competition, and balance changes are somehow detrimental to that…?

I haven’t heard one good argument against balance changes yet.

It’s pretty simple. People that have been honing there skills for a specific meta for many many years just for capcom to throw it out the window for people who aren’t probably going to even stick to these games for longer than a month is pointless.

Sorry for the run on sentence lol


I’d say the purpose is historical. If the games got rebalances it would be a big deal, like Ultra SF2. Moreover, people expect to play the same games as advertised. Collection and all.

I see what you’re saying, but there’s an intention with this release.

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I don’t want any changes to the meta, that’s fine as it is. Just some toning down of the things that blatantly stand out, and where the community largely agrees that it is too strong. Claw’s Hyoubal, O. Sagat’s Tiger Shot recovery and Rog’s meter gaining in ST, Ryu’s Hurricane Kick in HF, etc.

Slightly nerfing these moves is going to make for a more competitive game, that’s a fact. It will also have no effect on the meta as these moves will still be viable if you add a recovery frame here and there. I’m puzzled that there’s so much resistance to this. If you want the exact same experience as in the arcade, do you shun the online option as well?

But people buying this collection ain’t expecting that. They advertised arcade perfection and that’s what they want. If Capcom wants to make changes then it should be a new game.

  1. With my years arguing with people online, I would advise you that it’s satisfying simply saying what’s on your mind. No weasel words, no spins. Be openly: You are literally asking for meta to change. Just say so. Nothing to be ashamed of.

  2. No matter what was too strong or too weak, no matter what competitive means to you (and again I might agree), the games are part of a historical collection. They have to ship as close as possible because that’s the whole concept. SoulCalibur 1 and 2 got releases a few years ago and they probably could have got a few touches - but they wouldn’t be re-releases of their final versions. That’s it.

  3. We live in an age where games get patched post release right into our consoles. For good and also for… protecting Tracer, I guess. There is a charm in older games that are kinda ‘frozen in time’. Relax.

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Don’t put words in my mouth you pretentious jackass. I’ve been playing SFII ever since its inception, and when I say I’m fine with the meta then that’s exactly what I mean. And you should look up the definition of the word literally.

Whatever, dude. Just remember we getting what we want and your bargaining posture is dubious. It’s your job to be persuasive since you want the change. But since you wanna snap on a nigga [on the internet] fuck it, enjoy this ‘not competitive enough’ collection.

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