Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

After looking at some of the hands on videos, I am disapointed in the filter selection, it seems very scarce IMO.

Capcom has this set up at Final Round. Anyone going?

ST did look a bit fast for Turbo 1. Hopefully it doesn’t look like that in person. Don’t throw away your dreamcasts just yet!

The next anniversary version compilation should have.

SFA2 with Online
Hyper SF2
and PSP version A3 for more characters

The bezel side should contain the players side name, rank and number of match victories with the current opposing player.

If this would lack a console style versus mode, because of being a direct arcade rom port.

A new Challenge System should be implemented on Arcade mode, Whenever someone challenge a player, The challenged player have the option to change character. Similar to previous Tekken challenge system in it’s Arcade Cabs.

MVC2 PS3 Filters

TBH I prefer also an HD updated (HUD) Life Bar, Fonts and Super Gauge like that was done recently on USF2 but I believe it need a huge amount of work.

For Noobs/Casual:

A Pad Mode that has high optimized controls for pads players that are used to 4 button layout, MP and MK are activated during the second tap of there Light versions or by press holding the Light version of the normals. Much like how ST revival on GBA.

A Easy Mode much like SF collection that was released IOS years ago, that every button with a single direction can now execute a special move rather than motion plus button.

Bezel Art is kinda mix SF2 arts not uniformed to it’s particular game.

Gonna bomb some tweets from Chen about the collection so far. Training and vs for all games should hit launch.


Thank the maker for jchensor. Can’t wait for 30AC now.

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Sounding good so far. No complaints about the speed which is reassuring.

Anyone know if the graphical distortion on the New Generation character select was fixed? In MAME the clouds behind the characters adopt a weird ass color palette for a second. MAME by itself doesn’t emulate certain features of CPS2/CPS3 accurately and I’m concerned the drivers won’t be fixed by release.

Digital Eclipse uses their own proprietary emulation layer not MAME. I’m not sure what the question is.

Capcom-Unity is hosting a live stream on Twitch today at 3:30 Pacific. It should answer many questions.

They used a proprietary layer for MMC, but then MAME’s license changed and Frank started giving talks about how great an idea that was. Problem being MAME has speed/timing issues and incomplete CPS3 features.

I’ll have to find his talk. Their site still lists their process as being game code > Eclipse version > Eclipse Engine > any platform. Based on the number of people citing that the games run well - James Chen, Arturo, Justin Wong - it doesn’t seem like MAME is being used. James Chen did some pretty specific testing for known bugs in ST, Alpha 1, Alpha 3 and didn’t mention any inconsistencies with the arcade versions. Maybe Frank thinks MAME seeing better support is better for the public or as an idea.

If you pre-order the game you’ll get a digital copy of USFIV for free, making this the definitive Street Fighter Collection


This is pretty much every SF other than the Arika games in one package. Looking forward to it.

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Stream is LIVE

Looking at the game on stream now and dont see any color changes on the final vs screen before the match starts. Looks like it should in partiy with the arcade version.

It’s supposed to be very good emulation straight from the arcade board, but it’s still emulation. There were a few graphical errors in the last version (the one from the PlayStation Underground & Maximilian vids):

This flashed onscreen for like 3 frames in the middle of Final Bison’s super.

But hopefully all the bugs will be worked out by release date. Looking forward to it, looks like it’ll be good?!


After watching the CapcomUnity stream. A few thoughts presentation-wise:

I do miss the victory screens. As it is, the game cuts to a somewhat sterile rematch screen that almost literally takes you out of the game. The victory screens/music can add character to the game, especially for NG and 2nd Impact which have special art for the win screens. The victory screens in old games aren’t like the ones from SF4 and SF5 that take 30 seconds, it’s more like 3, and you could leave in the option of mashing to cut them short. I hope there’s an option to leave them in the game outside of arcade mode, and continue to rematch from there, like most fighting games.

Same complaint for audio. Even if they were to keep what they have now but let the victory jingle playing in the background, I think it’d be a real improvement over what they have now (we lose the crazy A3 announcer!).

On a positive note, I do like the filter options (upscaled (?) pixels vs blur vs scanlines). I’ve heard people say they wanted more options but these 3 are good enough for me. Would be nice to have an option to change the scanline/blur intensity, but it looks good from what I could see.

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I think those screens were missing because they were in versus mode. The versus mode likely removes the fluff as it’s built for tournament play. The streamers did a poor job of disseminating information. Apparently, you can play arcade mode while waiting for challengers just like in the arcade. I would imagine those games will have the win screens as it is the arcade game.

I also like the filter options; TV mode with the game filling the height of the screen seems like a perfect look for me. Those are basically the settings I use for the ACA Neo Geo games I play.

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I would like the speed to be fixed for Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and want the speed normal for Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting in Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. I want all bugs to be fixed for Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection along with graphical errors to have it ready by May 29, 2018. Thanks.

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Yeah I imagine if you play arcade mode it’ll be like a free play arcade mode where the opponent can jump in and hit start. That way you get a more authentic experience with win quotes and continue screens. Might mean you can only get win quotes for local versus, but I won’t die over that. I imagine any way