Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4, XB1, Switch, Steam)

Those bosses wasn’t even really fun and nostalgic to used, other than to fight against.

They may have some sort of appeal initially but that won’t have a lasting impression because those appeal are just based on curiosity that never has some sort of replay value, multiplayer fun or even whole new decent game play experience.

Why not giving a new perspective in gameplay experience? because they were never design and planned from the ground up to give a decent gameplay other than to be a cheap obstacle to the player. What it does is that it breaks and cheap the game making it UN-fun after playing it for the 10th time.

Even in multiplayer aspect they are meh because they are meant to cheat the other lesser characters that are usable and plus they are incomplete as a option of a character in technical aspect of usability.

I can think of a lot of changes I’d like to see in HSF2, but WW bosses should be available only as a cheat like Akuma, or not at all. It would be cool if you could play against them, though.

What I would like to see in a HSF2 patch is NORMAL mirror matches, all SSF2 colours available when choosing a SUPER character, the addition of HDR and USF2 versions of characters, SUPERT’ replacing SUPERT, and SUPER’ showing up as its own item in the mode select.

So, you could choose:


Maybe one day Capcom will release a Hyper Collection, with updated versions of HSF2, HSFA, and Hyper version of SF3, so Sean can not suck so much.

All those WW bosses need to just be played against not to be played with via special condition, because they weren’t even playable to begin with and there weren’t no reasonable aspect because they aren’t complete this was even discussed earlier in this thread, I was even wrong and just find out that even the SNES version of them wasn’t even really meant to be usable.

WW bosses as playable characters does not even add anything good from multiplayer or single player experience the so called fun was from the curious and mystery about them before during WW era.

it’s even undeniable that the WW bosses definitive version as a usable characters was no other to look for and imagine other than their CE counterparts. No need for a separate iteration it’s a waste. Why? because they were designed to be used in that version that it got throws, complete normal attacks and sprite animations.

I’d love to see a Hyper SF3 just for the wacky factor. If they could get Third Strike characters on Second Impact stages that would be worth it.

Second Impact or New Generation characters would be top though, right? All they are missing is red parry.

He also wants Akuma unbanned for ST.

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Instead we’ll get USF3 with ERyu, VKen and Oni lol

But if we’ll had a proper SF3 expansion I would prefer Claw, Dictator, Karin, Cammy, Sodom, Haggar and Menat or Juri instead.

As for Akuma in ST, We all know that he was playable but the thing is during those time ST was a Super version fix, So as a result we got a better version of Super characters and a broken newer character, that was rushed because competition for attention in arcade fighters was different back then.

What he needs is a total redesigned in special moves and normals from scratch not just an update on properties like recovery, boxes, priority and damage. So it means as a whole new character just using Akuma sprites.

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Yes, it was rushed because of Mortal Kombat II. Then ironically, the developers of Mortal Kombat II rushed their game as well because of Super Street fighter II and such…

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Vega is going to make a lot of people salty, I can taste the sodium. Hopefully these few pointers can help.

For dealing with wall diving hyubal (or whatever you call it) Vega:

Treat it like a better version of Vipers air burn kicks.

Certain characters have an easier time dealing with it than other character.

Characters with down charge anti airs usually has no problem dealing with it. Its side neutral and as long as you do it at the very last second, it’ll always win. Blanka’s upball is especially good vs wall dives. He can snatch Vega before Vega can reach the wall. He still loses to Vega but not because of wall dives.

Balrogs lp headbutt has tons of invincibility and almost no recovery so even if he does a shallow dive to bait you, he can’t punish you. Same with Deejay. Both those characters either beats Vega or goes even with him.

Characters like Ken and Cammy’s dp covers a huge area of the screen. It wont snatch Vega as well as Blanka’s upball, but it still works great.

Now we got the wall dives out of the way, there are two other ways he will kill you. He’ll either peck you to death with his superior pokes or play super turtly.

Know your normals and dont be afraid to psychic dp. Don’t be afraid to challenge him air to air. There are a lot of air normals that has good angles which will beat most his normals clean.

Vega still is vulnerable to being rushed down. He needs to be in d/b position to charge for his flip kick. His throw range is slightly larger than Ryu’s but still very average.

A few characters can out turtle him. In fact, if it wasn’t for hyubal vega, he would have almost no chance vs honda and a very slim chance vs bison.


Hyoubal is lyfe

James Chen with another ramble on the Alpha series.

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Really like that video series so far. Good nostalgia for the old people, and a good summary for people who weren’t around at the time.

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I would have liked if he had explained Dan’s lore about him being a joke on Robert and Ryo from SNK (particularly KOF 96 with short fireballs). Pretty good overall though and I didn’t even know about the special extra isms for A3

Some notes from a testing stream last night:

Seems to run well offline as well as online (tests were with both players in the UK and with no one else online, mind you). Probably just straight better than Fightcade on a modern OS. Loading times are fast, you go straight to character select without long-ass fancy animations.

ROM is ST, not 2X. Run ST on Turbo 2.

Disc version is still at wrong speed esp. for ST, day1 patch is already out if you got your hands on the game in advance and fixes it and adds training mode and a proper offline versus mode.

Training mode is better than 3SOE/HDR. Has the basic options you’d want including record and press button to play the recording, doesn’t reboot the emulation every time you change settings. Not quite up to SFV/GGXrd training mode options, but has what’s needed.

Casual lobbies fit 4 players. When the lobby is created the creator can set what games they want to be playable in the lobby. The players choose which of the lobby’s games to play right before they go into their match. If they want to play different games the game that gets played is chosen at random. (ie. you can make say, ST only lobbies or ST+3S lobbies and so on)

ST Akuma and O.Characters are selectable in casual lobbies with the usual codes.

For Ranked play, you choose the game you want to play before starting the match search.

O.Characters are selectable in Ranked ST with the usual codes.

AKUMA IS SELECTABLE IN RANKED ST WITH THE USUAL CODE. Prepare your buttholes for some real nonsense.

tl;dr: Actually good product. By Capcom. I’m confused. Organizing retro tournaments just got a lot easier. I really hope the Steam version runs well.


For those wondering what kinds of nonsense I’m talking about wrt Akuma:

Gets stunned, but recovers instantly.
High priority on buttons. (not unique in this regard though, see eg. O.Ryu and Chun)
MK and HK versions of ground tatsu are real reversals.
Has O.Shoto DPs that are fully invincible all the way up.
Don’t quote me on this but his DP is probably impossible to safejump.
Air fireball owns some characters really bad. eg. Gief goes evenish with other shotos, but Lariat can’t deal with air fireball at all.
Unlike SF4, air fireballs have instant recovery on reaching the ground.
You can use shakus to trap opponents into an unescapable chip-dealing blockstring in the corner - attempts to jump out will get tagged by the fireball.
Unlike SFV, Teleport is actually a good move.

Some Akuma footage if you want to take the monster on:

Mao Claw vs. PEC0 Akuma:

Chunkis Ryu vs. Shoji Akuma (bad sound warning):

Why did they bother with ranked ST at all if they were going to make Akuma selectable?? What’s the point if the top 50 will be almost all Akuma players? Retarded.

But hey, this is what people like Deviljin and Kalyx_Triad wanted. Changes are bad, right?

That’s an oversight, but ultimately a strawman argument when looking at the big picture.

Even in Japan he is a dishonorable character for tournaments because if played right you dont even get a chance to beat him like the top tiers of the other games. People here have played ST before and know Akuma is beyond the adaptation deal. He is literally too cheap to adapt to.

I imagine there will be an early patch to ban him from ranked as since this is a very arcade perfect/tournament driven game. O.Sagat will most likely stay selectable since he actually has losing matchups any way. Even in 3S OE it was based off the Dreamcast port which allowed Gill to be a playable character and there was just a selection to ban him from online modes. With SF AC won’t have that problem since you cant play Gill on the arcade cab.

Outside of that, you’re just arguing just to argue again.


Yea, the people sticking to this game probably aren’t going to be worried about rank anyway lol

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You ‘imagine’ there will be a patch to ban him from ranked because it’s a tournament driven game? Obviously the developers don’t think so, or else why would they not ban him from the get-go? I ‘imagine’ myself a multi-billionaire in the future, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Your imagination has no basis in reality, at least for now.

It’s that same rigid attitude of yours (and other people’s) towards balance changes that enables a character like Akuma to be selectable in rank, or do you seriously believe that he would’ve been a playable character (in his current form) if they went through the trouble of balancing the game?

The attitude of veteran and top players has NOTHING to do with Akuma being selectable in ranked. Every competitive ST player does not play vs Akuma in tournaments. That’s a hard fact. There’s usually some type of mishap in these ports of games. I’m not blind to it. The developers of 3S OE said they had no idea that 3S had an arcade soundtrack even though they were “trying to make it arcade perfect”. Which essentially was just an altering of the console port as it was supposedly too difficult for them to break down the arcade code from scratch.

I just know how Super Turbo players are and with social media there will definitely be a big clamoring to make sure Akuma gets banned from ranked. The vs and training modes being put in was due to fan request as well.

Not saying that what you’re saying doesn’t happen, but they’ve already shown they are willing to do things based on feedback. Your argument about balance still isn’t relevant to this considering that every veteran of ST does not play vs Akuma in a competitive environment. They do not want what you’re asking for and never will.

When Ultra SF AC comes out maybe you’ll get what you want, but these are games are now scribed like Chess and Tennis competitively. They play the way they are in a competitive environment and that’s it. This game is for the legacy competitive players and it will be geared towards that even if they still need to change some things.


HD Remix already was “balanced ST” and did create a “balanced” Akuma and he was still cheaper than everyone else in the game and I believe people stopped playing him at events due to it. So balance doesn’t even mean you get what you want. Which is why HD Remix was dropped competitively as it made the tiers not much different than before while just taking away legacy aspects that were enjoyed any way. Balance oriented players still complained Akuma and top tiers were cheap while veterans were highly pissed that not much actually changed with the balance while fucking up the mechanics they enjoyed.


Uncertainty and ambiguity is the new Balance.

I’m a fan of both HDR, HF, HSF2 and ST

Yet I do not dismissed USF2 for it’s casual modes like features and new edge lord characters, I like it’s dramatic mode and new character for fun party get together game for old friends or siblings.

Same thing with Revival Extra Bonus game was fun too,

The thing that was meh for me is the first person Ryu game. Thy should have instead bring a beat em up mode instead.

I believe both HDR and HSF2 deserve attention and a scene separate from ST someday.

None of what you wrote disproves what I wrote, that Akuma, in this form, would not be selectable if they had balanced the game as a whole. That was my initial point.

So top players don’t want balance changes in ST? Why do you presume to speak for the top players? Unless Sirlin is blatantly lying, Tokido signed off on every single balance change in HDR after testing them all one by one. Never mind all the other pro players who worked on the game such as John Choi, Jason Cole, NKI, etc.
HD Remix never took off, but that could be due to any number of factors. Sirlin thinks it’s because of the art (which is why I never warmed up to it) or the hate campaign by the purists, while others think it’s because it was initially not released in Japan or the success of SFIV. I may be wrong on this, but I’ve never heard of even one competitive player who dropped HDR because of things that were taken out of the game. I’m highly skeptical of this, can you link me to a quote?

You saying that the balance hasn’t changed much in HDR is demonstrably wrong. In its first year at EVO, HDR had 7 different characters in the top 8. In its second year, SnakeEyez winning EVO with the bottom-tier character is a pretty good indicator that the game was a lot more balanced than vanilla. Could you imagine a Cammy (who never placed top 8 in vanilla, she did in HDR) winning EVO in vanilla? Not happening.