STEVE JOBS was the ultimate hero because he was the ultimate SLAVE MASTER

I could have swore i’ve seen Prime post here and there occasionally

I say we bring back Spuddly and see if Acerbic is still alive or not, and throw em all in a no holds barred matchup.

I’m still waiting on ESCPlan and Spaclock. They made the best MS Paint troll pics.

I mean, if OrangeCat made a comback, anything is possible.

Nah that nikka Prime was extra bitch-made over losing his modship…

Keep that nigga SepBooty outta GD…

Musolini… now where is that dude at… I don’t miss him but at the same time I do…


You have offended my taste in music, and you have offended the Shaolin temple.


They also tried to destroy Germany again, after their instigating WW1 didn’t afford them complete Eurasian hegemony, after Germany refused to lie down and die from the gross and injust terms inflicted upon it at the end of the war.

But we aren’t allowed to talk about that in America.



Only posting because vid features song from the legendary PM DAWN.

You’re the one making assertions so the burden of proof is on you. I’ve been using Apple products since '02 and I know they’ve become a frightening nightmare of a company. What company DOESN’T when there’s a metric shit-ton of money at stake. You act like Apple is the only company ever to do this, but really, it’s practically the dictionary definition of what a company does. Sell lots of stuff, fuck people over, make lives miserable all while making the cigar chomping dickweeds at the top of this pyramid of shit a whole lot of money.

Does a company’s charity portfolio affect your desire to buy from them? You know why corporations donate to charity? It’s not because they like helping the cute little kiddies, it’s for PR. When they donate money, cities name parks, monuments, stadiums, etc after these corporations. It’s a big PR swindle, and I for one hope I’ll never have to attend a concert at “Apple Amphitheater.”

And if you’re going to bust someone’s balls about not giving to charity, then you’d damn well better be giving something yourself. Handing out bills to bums is something, but you could also be volunteering, something that has nothing to do with the money in your pocket. But hey, you donate a pound here or there and I’m glad it makes you feel good about yourself. Go slap yourself on the back and take yourself out for a beer!

Good for you, video games are bad for your health anyway. :wink: Corporations do evil shit. It’s a given. If you really want to go there, I’m sure we could find all sorts of unfair business practices (need I remind you of Microsoft’s anti-trust litigation?) in the pasts of most major companies. You’re busting Apple’s chops and making it seem like they’re so much worse than everyone else because they’re the one company people semi-respect and because Steve Jobs was a likeable prick who didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought and people liked him for it. Congratulations.

Heyheyhey, I know Prince goes over the top with the ruffles and high heels and all, but he deserves to be in the same sentence with the rest of those guys if only because of the Around The World In A Day album. :wink:

Treaty of Versailles had nothing to do with jews.

There is no grand conspiracy, just because people seem to act to you heartless does not mean they are.

EDIT: Watching more David Duke videos I am convinced that he has a talent for misreading and misunderstanding people’s words.

PM DAWN… indeed, under-rated… and never got the credit they deserved. Glad you caught them on the intro/outro


It had everything to do with Jews.

Specifically, the banking houses that underlie the power structure of Europe.

The House of Rothschild, to name one in specific.

Do you really believe everything you are told by the powers that be?

Are you naive enough to believe that the assassination of an unpopular prince roused the empires of Europe to fight for some nonsensical fairy tale concept of honor and duty?


shakes head in profound sadness

I don’t know much about world history, but I’ve always found it suspicious how nobody ever talks about how the moon is a hologram and how the Jews destroyed the real moon in 1953.

I mean, anyone who *doesn’t *believe that is pretty gullible, IMO.

I’ll buy that.

You might be amazed to find that a large portion of the world doesn’t acknowledge a good amount of what is taught as history in U.S. schools, as actually being history.

But you ought to have reached the age of reason by now, so that’s really all on you.

But is that really true? Or do you just think that because that’s just what the ZOG wants you to think?

life goes on bro.

It doesn’t really matter to me one way or another what the true perpetrators’ ethinic associations happen to be - in and of themselves. They happen to be Jews.

Facts are facts.

Denying this makes you look ignorant at best, stupid at worst.

Sorry if that shatters your delicate little world view. (Pro tip: No, I’m not. Really.)

Sure, I don’t have anything against the Jew, either; it’s just that a group of them secretly control the world because they are masters of deception.

What. The. Fuck?

We fight in the war too! You stupid misquoting fuck! Those statements are only made in relation to Judaism itself not to people as individuals, we have chapters and chapters about how to live peacefully with other people! And guess what!? Even the Jews watch “mindless media” so what? We’re brainwashing ourselves? Get this shit outta my face. You stupid bearded fuck!

Are there bad Jews? You bet your ass there are! But those religious leaders had their words taken out of context and twisted as fuck.

The Jews invented the logical fallacy so we’d never have a sound argument to make against their tyranny.

In other news, my crouching Fierce goes further than Dhalsim’s and involves my penis.