[LEFT]“The American consumer is like that bad guy in a zombie movie; shoot him; stab him. He keeps coming forward. But in the case of the consumer, it’s more like: depress his wage, make him unemployed, ruin his confidence make no job growth, lower his savings rate – none of it matters, he or she just keeps on racking up those charges.”[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Robert Brusca [/LEFT]
[LEFT]To be quite honest… the video speaks for itself. [/LEFT]
It’s sad because it’s true. Could have kept this in your other thread but I guess this is gonna be some whole big deal.
Anyway I would pay cash money to see some rich assholes kids thrown into some sweat shop or one of those Iphone cities and forced to do actual labor for a month. See if they pull a Tom Cruise and convert like in the Last Samurai. You know, the movie about a white man being the last of another cultures symbols or whatever.
“The American Consumer” blah blah blah…you just suck at life and want to take it out on people who don’t suck at life. There are plenty of places where you are not allowed to do what you want with your money. Go there. Here in America, You have a dollar, you decide what you want to do with that. If you don’t have enough money, do someting to get more money. If you are an adult and poor it is because you suck. Every choice you make decides how much cash you have.
I love how whenever people want to “save” or “inform” the masses of their ignorant ways that the person speaking belittles the very audience he or she is trying to reach out to.
I did not know that I had such an impact on this site… and on you actually. I stopped posting on here back in 2004 because I got tired of people like RoninChaos banning me for any little thing I said. Now you can take that to the bank because only me and RONIN know who did what and why. But it WAS ME AT the Halo MLG in Atlanta back in the day at the Hyatt Hotel… No one had a problem questioning who the LEGEND was then. Because you already knew back then just like you know right now…