This isn’t even an argument, it’s just like, yeah, context ‘n’ shit. “We fight in the war too”. So you fuckin’ should. What should I be impressed that a few jews go along with the jewish warmongering or what? You know what a token is, right?
So what was the context? And so what if jews watch TV? Jews hate other jews. See Ashkenazi vs. Sephardic jews (as an aside, sephardic jews are the only semitic jews but the ashkenazis use the anti semite defense like it’s going out of fashion, when ironically they treat sephardics like shit).
There’s plenty of fuckin’ bad jews. They’re the ones I’m talking about. I’m not talking about you who doesn’t know shit on the SRK forums. Don’t feel the need to defend the zionists. Because fuck them right?
It says they fight our war! We usually go wherever someone is oppressing freedom and help out, Israel is just another one of those places. If the Israelis were the ones mercilessly killing and oppressing women and shit America would be on the other end.
I honestly don’t know the context, but I do know that those statements are taken out of them. Why? I’ve never been taught this, in all my 13 years of being in orthodox Sephardic schools I’ve never heard this “lesser being” shit. We all treated everyone with respect and dignity in fact we may have treated the non Jewish teachers BETTER and we had an Ashkenazi princiapal and a lot of teachers who were either Ashkenaz or lived in Lakewood (major Ashkenaz-ville).
In short: You and beardo there can take your hate shit and shove it.
Okay, first of all I want to apologise if I offended you. I know there’s plenty of jews who don’t know about any of the stuff I believe is going on. Whether that is because they are simply innocent of the politics or if none of this shit is actually happening isn’t the point.
I’ve seen waaaaay too much shit not to have my suspicions. For example, the way every faith gets the fucking shit taken out of it except for judaism on TV. It’s virtually always respectful or simply passive when references to judaism are made. Everyone else though gets to have their deity mocked or their beliefs scrutinised unfairly. Futurama is a good example. Faith is regularly ridiculed until Bender makes yet another bar-mitzvah reference or everyone gets together to hear about how great bot-mitzvah is.
Bee-movie. Seriously? Let’s go ahead and try to get a movie made that’s half as christian, islamic, hindu, buddhist or whatever as this film was jewish.
What do I take away from this trend? That whoever is doing this obviously has an interest in portraying judaism and jewish people positively whilst eroding the identities of other peoples.
There’s plenty of examples of jewish people actively participating in this. There were many racist jewish cartoonists who portrayed blacks, chinese, japenese etc in a less than favourable light. It’s still going on today, but it’s just more subtle. Jewish directors and producers are still propogating the stereotypes, or at least that’s how I’m seeing it.
I’m just talking. This is how I see it. I might be right I might be wrong. All I’m saying is I’ve been given a lot of reasons to be taking this position.