Star Trek


DS9 is still the fourth-best Star Trek TV series.

New trailer

Much, much, much more in line with the ST films, then the first trailer.

Its amazing what a trailer can do for or against a movie. Im def hyped… Just odd we haven’t seen to much promotion for a summer movie

Most of the comments concerning the new trailer are: “Why wasn’t this shown as the first trailer?” LoL!

oh hey look at that, it is actually a ST film.

Who would have thought the way you presented your movie actually mattered.

Def more hyped for it now

Holy shit.

also is it a new trope to destroy the enterprise every movie lol

Anton Yelchin died in a car crash today. Rest in peace

Damn dude was only 27. Talented actor. It’s a shame.

Bizarre accident. Such a talented young actor R.I.P

Really liked him as new Chekov. Such a shame.

daaaaaammmmmnnnnnn… anton yelchin was a decent actor, i thought he was really good in terminator salvation and the star trek reboot series.
RIP homie.

William Shatner stated that Star Wars made Star Trek this week…

He still alive? Also that shit makes no sense since Star Trek has like 2 decades on Star Wars.

Kirk has always been a salty, self-obsessed bitch.

I give no shits about what that guy has to say. Spock and Picard are the realest motherfuckers in Star Trek anyways.

People really need to read his complete statement. Shatner said that if not for Star Wars’ success in '77, Paramount wouldn’t have dug into their archives and brought Star Trek back to make movies.

On selecting a diverse cast: “Star Trek started with a wonderful expression of diversity in its cast … our lead of the show is going to be subject of that same level of who’s the best actor and also what can we say about diversity on the show. We haven’t cast her yet, so we don’t know what level of diversity she will be but that’s forefront in our minds.

And when it bombs like Ghost busters it’s going to be, " See we told you TrekTV wasn’t viable".

A female lead isn’t something new in Trek. What’s important is that the writers don’t get into conflicts on how to write her like they did with Janeway.

One thing I always fuckin’ hated about Star Trek, was, whilst they were all about human diversity, racial, and sexual equality, and all that, to the extent Picard’s meta-hetero arse spoke French…

…none of the alien species were represented as having multiple languages.

I mean, White Ass Wrath of Kahn Remix even had racially ambiguous downgraded Uhura, and I quote, “…speak Klingon.”

C’mon fam.

Which Klingon?

Or are we supposed to accept the bullshit cop out that English is now “Terran”?

All those Klingons sound alike to me?

What kind of speciesist crap is that?

Those outer area Klingons didn’t even have a dialect issue. :confused: