Star Trek

I enjoyed Voyager, Old angry Janeway going through time was probably the strongest finale Trek had. But it’s not simply casting a female lead. That’ not whats happening here as Bryan Fuller said “but that’s forefront in our minds”

Forefront being the keyword, really that’s their priority? When I read between the lines, “Our emphasis is going to be on pandering to identity politics/feminist subtext and when it sucks we will hide behind a shield of yelling Sexist/racist at everyone who dislikes it”.

Chuck Dixon (comic book writer) was on a podcast recently, confirmed that in Media when they sit down and round table now days, they discuss the politics they want to interject and if your the wrong brand your black listed. It’s 1984 disturbing.

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Yeah, I liked Deep Space 9 and Voyager.

In this new rebooted timeline of Star Trek which is similar to the new rebooted time of Mortal Kombat…do you think that Deep Space Nine will even exist? In other words will it stay as Terok Nor?

Happy 50th!

Happy 50th!

Shatner and Takei are the only OGs left, aren’t they?

Nichelle Nichols (83) are Walter Koenig (79) are still alive.

I don’t know why I thought Uhura had passed away, and I always forget Chekov…

It’s been a dark few weeks for O’brien

BBC America doing a marathon.

This episode about fighting war with computers and having people willingly be disintegrated after is fucked up.

Khan still boss tho.

Picard still better captain tho.

Best captains as decided by both Merriam and Webster.

[]6) Janeway = Archer
[]4) Picard=Kirk
[]2) Riker
]1) Shran

Kirk has been demoted because Chris Pine is a metro and William Shatner is Canadian.

I heard DS9 start off really fucking slow, but things pick up big time around season 3 and 4. It’s the only ST I haven’t really bothered to watch despite it being regarded as the best in the series.

I’ve seen all of TNG and Voyager. I don’t understand the hate for Voyager, not the best but it has its moments. Oh yeah and it’s better than Enterprise.

Thank you for that completely useless presentation. We all know Captain Picard is the superior captain.

TheSimpsons.gif (I can’t find it online.)

You don’t understand the hate for Voyager cause you havent seen DS9 yet. Complicated plots, complicated characters, complicated story lines.

Then you get Voyager:

Janeway: “lul, we can get back ot Earth in 4 hours but we have to do this small innocent thing that breaks the prime directive, so we won’t, lul”

Next episode:

Janeway breaking 200000 prime directives for no reason

It’s inconsistent as fuck. That with mixed lame characters (Annoying Neelix, useless Chakotay, Boring Kim), and inevitable “reset” episodes. (OMG WE FOUND A WAY HOME!!!.. No you didn’t it, and it won’t amount to anything at the end of the episode), gives the show a bad name. Also, Borg are weak as fuck apparently.

It’s still alright doe, it has it’s good parts. I’m just brushing the surface.

DS9 gets good, you literally can spot a good episode from a bad episode by the amount of hair Sisko has. Just start with Bald sisko at the beginning of the season and catch the recap.

DS9 starts off lame with all this religious Bjorean shit then Worf shows up and they get a ship and go to war in the worm whole, Garret and Klingon episodes FTW.

DS9 excluding the first 3 seasons > TNG.

Voyager is a bad series, but has numerous mind blowing OMG episodes (kurtwood smith episode) same with Enterprise (anything with Shran).

Pissed off old angry Janeway in a warship is the best finale of all the Treks, plays like a mini-movie.

McCoy smacking a bitch to set her straight.

The future looks bright.

We need a series or movie that pits the Gamma Quadrant’s Dominion against the Delta Quadrant’s Borg.

If I recall correctly isn’t Kim the only crew member that made it back to Earth that started the voyage, he was the only one to jump over to the parallel universe whilst everybody else died.

They all made it back. I think that was a “what if” episode.

I may have gotten it completely wrong, according to wikia Harry Kim has died and been replaced by an alt version of himself 3 times :rofl:

The Species 8472 plot was poorly written, what they should of done was made it an ongoing story instead of a two part epd. The idea of the Borg getting bodied was a HUGE deal at the time, and Seven of Nine’s character was much more appealing to the eye than Kes. Actually, I would say Seven of Nine saved that show from a huge ratings dip.

The thing about Harry Kim is that nobody really liked this character, not even the producers. He was known to be lazy and was to be written out of the series, but they kept him and axed Kes instead. I wasn’t a big fan of Kes, but her story was much more interesting than Kim’s originality.

Janeway is an OK captain, she contradicting in a lot of ways but she’s very cunning and did much better against the Borg than Picard did.

I’ll try to marathon DS9 one of these days, it shouldn’t be too hard to find online.