SSF4 Cammy buffs and nerfs list

Just my 2 cents, but I personally think a shorter range on lk or mk SA can be considered a buff. There will be a smaller margin of error in regards to the spacing. Especially if combined with the added range to s.HK. Or is it still unsafe to use lk SA after a max range s. HK?

Alright, so I got about 9 hours of Super in today, and I gotta say, I like it. I like Cammy more. I tried Juri and Ibuki while there too. Juri is interesting, but me not knowing much about her it seemed off. Everything she does it seems it revolves around Pinwheel, but the funny part is that everyone was saying her light version is safe, but it’s not. I got showed that the hard way today. It IS safe off of blockstring though. Her counter teleport is kinda cool though. Her divekick is kinda cool, but completely unsafe. She was fun at first, but after awhile she got pretty dull. I’m sure that’s most likely because I don’t know her yet, but when I first started Cammy I just fell in love! Ibuki is majorly fun! She’s difficult, and some moves overlap each other, for example, some are QCB+ (Button) and she has HCB moves too with same button. She’s got mixup like crazy! I can see C Viper people flocking to her especially because of her super jump cancel mixups she can do. She’s a glass cannon though. O, and she has a Grab Ultra which is awesome.

Ok, so what I’ve been doing I couldn’t see any difference in HSA. I actually like the switch of the damage for the air/ground CSpikes. It made people more scared to jump in on me and even attempt to cross me up sometimes. SBF is a little faster, but I couldn’t use it any better than vanilla. O, and CQC IS TERRIBLE! You have to react like crazy for that crap! It does have its uses, for example, against a Dudley today I was playing was just rushing me down (and I don’t see the scariness he’s giving everyone else. He’s kinda week when he’s rushed down too. The only DP that has invincibility is his EX one, all the others have NONE) and I threw it out there and got it. Got it off 2 other other times, but tried it so many other times. I just switched by to U1. O, we need to watch out for Cody I think. He’s good at both being up close and turtling, so it was kind of difficult to get in. O, and Guile got better…

J. short crossup works better too (just giving out another verification) I was amazed the first time I landed quite easily against Dudley. S HK has better AA properties and longer range. I was nailing people with it just so I could turtle. Cammy is a better turtle, but also a fiercer kind of “BEAT YO ASS IN THE GROUND” kinda gal. O, DPs don’t hurt nearly as bad as before. By the end of the night it really helped me play a more patient, but fearless Cammy. I didn’t get to play against any Ryu’s or Sagats though…

I got the game today, and is it just me or does cr.hp seem to come out a little bit faster?

I’ve been using it as AA on reaction and it’s been working out a lot more than it did for me in vanilla. SeikuRyu pointed out that i might as well DP or AA spiral arrow, which is very true, but I’m just curious about the attack now. Can anyone that knows how to count frames or that can do a side by side compare the two cr.hp’s? Thanks.

It is very easy. Cr. Hp hits on frame 6, cl. Lp gives you +4. Set it to Counterhit, so it would give you +5. Cr. Hp doesn’t connect from it (or from cl. Lk) so it is same as before. And why would it be faster? Cr. Mp is 5 frames and is 0 on block, and cr. Hp would be just as fast and it gives you +2 on block already. Making it faster without making all other normals faster just doesn’t make any sence. Oh, and use her cl. Hp as AA, it is better for high jump ins than cr. Hp by miles. The best way to test normals as AA’s is the barrel bonus stage. Cl. Hp hits above her head, and even behind her. There’s a reason it does 20 less damage if used as an AA.

can some1 clearly say if lk does crossup not just on wakeup and char specific but if works always on standing char?

Is it me or is full screen EX hooligan slower ?

cannon spike fadc cannon spike is kinda pointless now huh? SO WEAK!

crouching jab to standing close HP links pretty reliably. All of Cammys links feel easier.

You can hit confirm arrow out of it or cs fadc ultra.

ehh the cross up dive kick may be a little bit better but nothing too too major. It can be done easier with a h.c strike but the angle is strict

well i tested her cross up on 4 people i crossed up a standing cody,ryu,t hawk, and sakura. i try to test to on characters of each different size group so it SHOULD cross up everyone in the cast if it hit those characters.

didnt want to triple post but yes DBC that combos links against chun but it only worked for me in the corner and with a regular tkcs not an ex version. I didnt try it on anyone else but bison.

I said it before, Lk cross-up works on everyone.

It works without TKCS on both Chun and Dictator.

It feels like Dive kick to crouching HP is easier to land consistently and at odd heights where I couldn’t land the crouching hard punch in sf4.
Dive kick might have more hit stun or am I just tripping?

Dive Kick to crouching HP seems the same to me… it feels the same.

c.hp to i keep messing up on… perhaps I’m just out of practice.

thank god. thats excellent

Can some check this but it looks to me the recover time of a missed U1 is reduced. Missed as in cammy fly’s over the opponent (Ryu) with the CS in the ultra.

And looks to me that SA is save on block from the right distance.

does u1 last hit always connect on crouching chars too?

no its the same as in SF4 some skip over some hit.

well done capcom -.- that was one of most important thing to fix …

SA was safe at the right distance too in vanilla. +1 on block at max range. Every version too. I’ve spammed that so much. Works like a charm because most people think it isn’t safe.

I want to say that Cammy’s U1 feels alot different now. Like I noticed while I was at 45% HP, I was able to take out Sagat with Ultra from 65%, it’s as if Cammy’s U1 just automatically kills after the Ultra hits a certain HP. It could just be completely placebo, but It just feels different from U1.

Also regarding U2. You could get away with using it against Guy or Ibuki if you react to run or one of their gimmicks, I mean at least CQC hits both high and low as opposed to Fei Long which just hits high.