Input windows were made constant on the bigger end. You can argue accuracy, but that’s pretty much correct. The largest input window wasn’t the most often occurring window, so thus on average input windows are bigger. As a result reversals are a little bit easier.

Could you quit being a dick everywhere you go?

with due respect, you’re SO wrong.

Always the same does not = Bigger.

One move or 2 if it affected both shoto characters being fixed in that way does not constitute that input windows are larger nor that reversals are easier.

It’s the same as if i said that in HDR charge super motions with awkward motions were changed to easier ones.

Guile’s was Vega’s was not.

Stop white knighting people that spread false information.
I didn’t see you saying the same thing when i did the exactly same thing to VF4.
Then again you didn’t like VF4 either i assume so i guess in that case it was not me being a dick.

Stop wasting my time with your moral highground bullshit.

lol… ask in sirlin forums please.

edit: :slight_smile: just an example, so please stop posting false info.

Do you treat people like this in real life?


Fei Long has bigger input on Rekka.

Your post is still wrong reason why i have already explained.

Welcome to my ignore list.

no, you still wrong, have u ever played Super Turbo?, once again, ask sirlin, i think he’s kinda bored of answering the same question over and over again.

No as most people know i have never played Super Turbo.

sorry, double post, stupid buggy forum.

Uh Shari, Coth is right here. In old Super Turbo, inputs for special moves have a window of 8-15 frames between each part of the input. In HD Remix, you always get the full 15 frames. This is for all special and super moves. This means that yes, it really is easier to throw out special moves for everyone, and it’s very noticeable when you go back and forth between the games.

Minimum post length.

On the other hand as earlier noted Rekka aswell as some super motions have larger input windows.

My earlier point still stands.

every srk motion has a bigger window input than ST, also charged special moves and super moves.

Only Dragon Punches and Super Attacks have consistent input windows. Not charge attacks, not qcf attacks (except for Rekkas), not qcb attacks, they’re all the same as ST. And the input windows are not bigger, just consistent. Example: DPs in ST are random between 8 and 15 frames. DPs in HDR are consistently 15 frames. Therefore they’re not bigger, only consistent and not random like ST.

And reversals are not easier in HDR. You still only have 1 frame to input a reversal attack, same as ST.

(**In reference to the entire HDR subforum)

Apparently he’s already been through the thread

Except reversals do feel easier in HDR.

It isnt just one frame, its successfully inputing the move and activating on that one frame.

A constant larger window does make reversals easier.

“Always the same does not = Bigger.”

Except for all of the input windows less than the max. Any input window made constant, is now bigger than any of its variable frame timings except for the max which it is equal to.
So yes, the input windows that were random that sirlin changed are now in effect bigger.

Why are stubborn people so stubborn?

LOL at this thread!

@OP: Short answer - practice more and get used to the changes in HDR.

Medium answer:

Claw: Rely on footsies more (crouching MP and standing MK are fantastic!)
Fei: Learn when to spam LK chicken wing into LK flame kick.

I’m pretty sure that charge attacks also get the 15f treatment. I have much more consistency with Honda super, or slightly delayed headbutt, in HDR than I do in ST.

Shari, if you don’t see that “always 15” really is bigger than “random between 8 and 15”, then I don’t know what else to tell you. It really is pretty flagrantly easier to pull off everything in HDR than it is in ST, and I’m pretty sure that if you had played ST, you would agree.