You should probably just hit up the HDr subforum. PS having a thread title like ST vs HDr is just trouble waiting to happen. We just got done with an ST vs HDr thread that was way too long that went no where.
This isn’t a VERSUS Thread, the V. was a separator this has nothing to do with versing the other game probably would know that if you read my post. Anyways none the less any other idea’s on my approach towards the game.
Classic Mode.
Yes and he lost the ability to charge flipkicks with back. And a fake walldive.
But that’s pretty much it, he can still fight the same as he always did.
I did read your post. That’s why my comment was a PS and not a direct response to your question. That being said, I think YOU need to explore the forum a bit more. As I said there’s an entire HDr subforum that you should be posting in, but maybe you would’ve known that if you read my post.
Ive been there, There’s nothing there that helps me other then what i already know.
St > hdr
- HF
- ST
- HDr (360 only)
I’m going to have to agree.
What a terrible thread. I can’t even understand the first post/purpose of this thread. Can’t get the “feel” for the game? How do I “approach” it? What in the motherfuck?
How does anyone get good at a fighting game? Play more.
(Hell its the exact SAME engine. I can’t even fathom how someone who was really really good at ST wouldn’t also be really really good at HDR and vice-versa)
Im just going to ignore your post for the fact it’s really stupid, Post is really easy to understand just because you don’t doesn’t that make you less intelligent then the people who did? Half the people didn’t even read the thread just the title
Moved to the correct forum, which should potentially help with the confusion. You might think about retitling the thread to make it less confusing. “Going from SSF2T to SSFTHDR… ?”, for example.
This whole thread is pointless flame bait. Someone delete it already.
Yeah, I really wish it hadn’t been moved here… We’re quite content to live out our HDR loving lives without the mindless interference of people who don’t care about SF2 anymore thanks…
Great job ignoring my post when i answered your cry for help. I am fully capable of reading comprehension, what I don’t understand is why you bother asking such a retarded question.
Cammy-white: How do I get better at HDR despite me posting nothing (in the OP) in regards to my experience level, any of my mains, my ACTUAL PROBLEMS with the game, etc. Nothing in the HDR forums has helped me so far (editors note: ROFL). Oh yeah, i used to be the bomb-diggity at ST…WHY AM I SO BAD AT HDR???12121
xcfrisco: Play more HDR
Since I’m not a completely asshole and i heard you main Vega I guess I can give you some tips (even though the VEGA FUCKING THREAD could answer anything you ever wanted to know about match-ups, combos, strategies, etc)
xcfriscos super quick guide to playing Vega in HDR.
-spam the shit out of
-wall dive is really good, especially against those without reliable reversals, use it
-outfootsie most of the cast
-tick/kara into throw
I’m positive this is like 95% of the way someone would go about playing Vega in ST, except walldive doesnt knock down anymore (this can be used to your benefit still). I don’t know jack shit about Fei Long, but I heard c.hp is good
Win… Total Mother F@#k’n win. A+!
Ignore that.
It’s not very good advice.
Read this thread instead.
Go check the XBL/PSN matchmaking threads and find people to play with and simply practice.
input windows are bigger in hdremix, that means inputs are easier, an example, make dp reversal is easier than ST, some character got nerfed like chun li, claw, akuma and others, other chars got a nice buff like fei, cammy, ken, hawk etc etc etc.
some juggle changed and other just disappeared, just like fei.
visit the sirlin’s site: there is a nice and complete list of changes for every character and new/balanced features in hd remix.
Don’t talk if you don’t know anything.