Okay, So i want to know whats the best way to approach HDRemix? I tried going in and approaching it with SSF2T Stradegies, But nothing feel’s the same, I tried playing countless hours of HDR online and still can’t figure out how the pace of the game functions with everything else? Does anyone know a way to get me into shape(meaning in the game of course)? and what’s the best way to approach it?

play one of those flash sf2 clones or whatev then you should be good to go

I don’t get what you mean? Anyways, Ive been playing SSF2T For so long it’s really hard for me to
touch base with HDR

Turn off widescreen mode and switch it to classic graphics

How does this help? Exactly?

It gets rid of the god-awful graphics.

I’m neutral on the whole SSF2T vs HDR gameplay changes (don’t play enough OG SF2 to care/notice) but the HDR graphics are fucking horrible in my opinion. Stages are alright, I suppose.

what the hell kinda advice is that? old characters and new backgrounds wtf? In any case, go on for a change list, but I had no trouble with transitioning… you’re most likely not as good as you think you are… and don’t give me the “well i kick all of my friends asses”…

Im not having a graphical problem, Even though i do agree some of the HDR Char’s need some changes like ryu looking like a tiger.

@Bulldancer, Actually i don’t think im all that good at all, I have no ego and seem pretty openminded, I actually don’t play many offline matches mostly over ggpo, I use to along time ago but not many arcades round’ these parts

just taking a jab at the game’s bizarre appearance. god bless

Well who do you play? Obviously some characters changed more than others so to say none of the old strategies work seems a little ridiculous.

I know you’re saying “everything” seems different but, there has to be some specific things you’re having trouble with.

It actually does play much like ST, but there are some big changes that can throw you off, like guile’s hk flashkick, ryu’s fake hadoken, hawk dive being much safer and not knocking down.

I do agree it feels very different from ST for some reason. I can play ST on GGPO and it feels like a completely different game even though its like 95% the same.

I play a variety but, Id have to say my main’s are feilong/vega

Yea, it feels too different. If you want to get good at HDR, you’re going to have practice playing a lot of HDR and not the original against people who know what they’re doing.

Vega didn’t change too much, but fei did change significantly.

His rekkas and super are better. His lk flamekick has terrible recovery now, and his CW’s juggle into mk/hk flamekicks and they have worse priority and can’t combo afterwards on grounded opponents. Lk CW does go thru fireballs now though.

Fei isn’t quite the same as he was. So I can see how that would feel really different.

Vega did change no knockdowns with claw! Oh my

david sirlin told me that a lazy programmer is the reason t. hawk stinks in HDR.

This thread is a shitstorm brewing, and when it launches, it’s going to be at least as bad as the impending oil/shit-storm brewing in the gulf now.

I suppose so, But nothing wrong with a little drama here and there

yeesh way to hyperbole

Vega didn’t even need wall dive traps in most of his matchups. He only needed it against people like Rog, Bison, and Honda who shut his poking/punishing game down but when he got a knockdown and started the walldives he could make shit happen.