
Some people just can’t read sarcasm it seems.

Other than charge Supers, I don’t see anything on Sirlin’s site about charge attacks having fixed input windows. Whenever I go back to Classic ST, the only difference I notice is DPs. Charge attacks feel exactly the same to me between HDR/ST.

Thelo, I agree with you that DPs feel slightly easier to perform, but that’s due to the fixed input windows. If ST had fixed input windows, DPs would feel easier there too, even if that window was only 8 frames, the muscle memory would learn to perform it in 8 frames over the years, and it would be no different than HDR’s DPs being “easier” IMO. Technically the input windows are not bigger because ST had 15 frame windows for DPs too, though it happened rarely. Now DPs are consistently 15 frames to perform, same for Supers (not sure about Rekkas), so the input window is not actually “bigger”. A bigger input window would be something like the designers changing it from 8-15 to consistently 20 frames, which is just not the case. But that’s what SF4 has, and bigger reversal frames too, but HDR’s reversal input window is the same as ST, 1 frame. And yes, I agree that DP reversals feel slightly easier, but that has to do with the fixed window not the reversal frame window being different.

So, “easier to perform DPs”, yes I agree. “Bigger input windows”, no I disagree, and is an inaccurate statement.

Yet saying its consistent is ambiguous.

So you are saying that 15 is not greater than 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12. . . ?


Think of it like this, in ST there are 8 possible input windows for something like a srk, in HDR there is 1 and it is bigger than 7 of the input windows in ST.

this is a meaningless discussion. we all know the differences but you guys are just using different words to describe them.


For the charge moves being more lenient, I admit it’s just a feeling I get - I can’t actually back it up with anything concrete. All I can say is that I often input Honda’s super pretty slowly, to the edge of the input window (to give me time to visually confirm it), and that somehow when I play ST the super seems to not come out more often when I do that. But yeah, that’s pretty nebulous.

Charge times not more lenient?? Does anyone play Chun Li anymore? Guys, ask a Chun player about this and they’ll tell you that a lot of the just off the ground aerial Spinning Bird Kicks they did were really supposed to be instant jump up :hk:s. Why? Because the input window was increased to 15 frames for all special moves (not entirely certain about supers, but I wouldn’t doubt it applies to them, too). Sirlin did say this in his change summation and there’s plenty of video evidence. This was one of the things that made NKI switch from Chun Li to Dictator.

Anyway, yeah, this discussion and the flaming back and forth is pretty pointless. I’m with my boy Kuroppi on this. It’s obvious to me that some people would rather be right in their own eyes than exert the effort (read: humility) it takes to face the facts. That’s why stubborn people are stubborn. Pride…and it always preceeds a fall.

And that ends my posting in or reading of this thread. Peace out. :slight_smile:

Dont the supers also have a shortcut, I couldn’t pull any supers off on the 360 pad for ST, but HDR I could do just about EVERYTHING… a stick is much better for both games though and I’m never going back…

All charged Super attacks have a fixed input window in HDR, but in ST they are random, same as DPs. I was referring to regular, non-super charge attacks like Torpedo and Sonic Boom being unchanged from ST. So, you’re right about Honda’s Super being more lenient Thelo. Tho, IDK if non-super charge attacks had random input windows in ST. I don’t think they did.