SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Can’t take care of right this moment, but in a couple hours before I go to bed, I’ll scour for pietastic heavily.

I voted for Doof and he got killed like that afterwards.
Hmm…Interesting, I’ve been played for a fool.

That said, Doof, why, oh~ why did you not protect anyone on Night 1?
Bious’ report practically played to the tune of the mafia because of the Hall Monitor not using his ability. I’ve been operating the whole time under the impression that he was recruited because he did not activate Protecting the School Environment.

I agree that you guys should investigate me, though.
I’ve been overlook until possibly now, I suppose.

Oh and DarkGeneral, why pin it down me or the Chief?
Could your basis have been AlphaCommando’s list?
Ah, never mind, it was, wasn’t it?

I advise you find something more concrete to narrow down the suspects than the list the valedictorian made that could have been made to specifically emphasize certain points.
'Tis not like you to be this jumpy as you scour for straws.

Well, I guess you should first tell us what roles you’ve gotten. Then we can decide whether or not we want you to reveal which player they belong to.

It was just an example list. The real list will be bigger

Oh. Well fine! I didn’t want to investigate pietastic anyway! :arazz:

If you were truly operating under the assumption that the mafia have recruited the medic, then why would Pimp Willy’s protection plan be crucial? Regardless of who he protects, he’ll die once the mafia targeted someone he protected. We lose a confirmed civilian, regardless.
Well, that is if you were truly operating under the assumption that the mafia have recruited the medic.
Of course, you could also have known that we have the medic on our side all along.
Or maybe, you were still contemplating on whether or not we still have the medic, and made that statement with that mindset.
But if so, then you were not truly,

Just please for the love of God don’t give me WAH.

That would be a herculean task worthy of your cunning, Augustus.

Alright, so going down this as a refresher, this is what we know about roles:

Total Unknown - Luckster, Gambler, All-Star, Otaku, Gang Leader, Model, Swimmer.
Known mafia - Programmer, Idol, Diplomat
Known civ - Detective, Fortune Teller, Fighter, Hall Monitor, Bookworm, Heir, Avg Joe, Gamer Girl, Coach, Paparazzi, Nurse, Tamer
Misc - Victim

Confirmed roles->alignment (still alive) - Fighter (PWilly), Paparazzi (Azure).

So of the remaining two mafia, what do we think would be the two most likely mafia remaining? Here’s my probabilities:

Luckster - 50% likely
Gambler - 70% likely
All-Star - 60% likely
Otaku - 85% likely
Gang Leader - 5% likely
Model - 10% likely
Swimmer - 30% likely

My #1 suspect is otaku. Mostly because this is the only one that can prove his innocence. If you are civ, set up a PM with one of our confirmed civs (PWilly/Azure). Else you’re mafia. No question.

As for the other? I’d give the nod to gambler over all-star if it came between 'em, but if Otaku is civ, these two are equally likely to be the two. If neither otaku is mafia and one of those two are civ as well, Luckster’s likely the other one. Gambler is a solid choice for the “safe from UC” perk. All-Star’s “Silence” perk is pretty solid for the obvious defensive slant the mafia has going. Luckster too, though not so much as the All-Star. The gang leader’s perk as mafia is nice, but since AC died, we didn’t see it come into play last night. They may have simply forgotten about it, but that’s VERY unlikely. Swimmer being mafia only seems to make sense in the fact that they haven’t killed Syo yet, but to be fair, PWilly’s been keeping him safe, so maybe Swimmer could have been found useful. Lastly, if Model was mafia, they’d have used that to sacrifice to save AC. They didn’t. Highly unlikely.

Again, otaku, contact PWilly or Azure today. Prove yourself as civ.

Oh, I forgot to count Hecatom as confirmed, but now that I think about it, I’m not 100% sold on him being what he says he is. I don’t recall seeing any confirmation on him, but prolly 90, 95% confirmed in my book though.

Okay, I’m back. I don’t even know where to start.

  1. CK was Civilian. Dammit
  2. Mafia have the Programmer. I’m certain that no civilian would purposefully deprive the Vigilante of a kill and all the other civilian roles of being able to use their action
  3. We don’t have to worry about a Civilian/Mafia Programmer ending Day/Night phase quickly anymore
  4. Pimp is claiming that OZ is the Otaku and PMd him
  5. 200 Notifications and it’s 3:30 AM, so forgive me if I don’t quote when I respond to something, or miss your post entirely. I’ll likely be more coherent in the morning

Sooner than I realize? I thought it would’ve been yesterday actually, but then interesting things happened in the thread. Is today the day? I’m not sure how much longer I’ll last seeing as the Mafia has focused on role-hunting (rather successfully, might I add) but I can prove myself whenever you’d like via the usual method.
Should it be Azure or Chief? I don’t see an advantage to the actual Vigi hiding, letting Azure “be Spartacus” for them in the thread because the Mafia has known the Vigi’s identity all game. The Vigilante allowing another player to claim the role would only be harmfu.

Hey, I’ve only been acting like an ignorant dick this game, it doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention. (Also I apologize for acting like an ignorant dick)

@Cyntalan Pimp Willy is saying that OZ contacted him as Otaku. Also Kuwata, the All-Star, has the “Enforce” ability, not the “Silence” one. He can use it 3 times in the game. I agree with you that we should consider the Programmer to be confirmed Mafia.

I didn’t CAPS that, WAH did in his original post.
This doesn’t help your case. Alpha likely would’ve recruited the Swimmer (since he was being forged Night 1) so I don’t understand the value in RCing her.

And with that, it’s 4 in the morning so I’m going to bed. See everyone tomorrow.

[quote=“RadicalFuzz;8448938”@Cyntalan Pimp Willy is saying that OZ contacted him as Otaku. Also Kuwata, the All-Star, has the “Enforce” ability, not the “Silence” one. He can use it 3 times in the game. I agree with you that we should consider the Programmer to be confirmed Mafia.[/quote]

Did he? I guess I didn’t catch that. That crosses him off. I’m thinking Gambler first, tossup between All-Star and Luckster now. Depends on how “invulnerable” they were wanting to be. Swimmer MIGHT be, but I doubt it.

I have a hunch I’m following, and I want to get us max info before PW and Azure die and can give us good LGs.

Lynch pietastic

Now it’s on everyone else.

I think I already explained this, but I guess no-one is reading what I post so whatever.

  1. I genuinely didn’t think we had a medic. It would have been foolish at that point to pin our hopes on someone I was convinced was mafia.
  2. It’s still a protection plan. Pw’s invulnerability has been removed, but the whole point of his role is to protect others from death. Having him shield the vigilante + another unannounced civilian means that the mafia will be forced to guess whether their target is being protected by PW or not.
  3. PW was already announced as the Bodyguard. It’s not like that was new information for mafia or something. They’d already know that he was protecting people. There is literally no change to the original strategy except for the fact that PW is no longer invulnerable. With our medic dying then there is absolutely no chance of PW being protected. That doesn’t mean his role is now pointless or should be hidden.

Everyone decided that role claiming was a fantastic idea and now we need to strategize ways to mitigate giving the mafia free reign of kills.

That being said, I think we need to take a closer look at some of our players that keep skating away from lynches. MP accused me of this earlier but there have been a few people this game who have managed to deflect a lynch vote off of themselves completely. Or, with help from others.

TOGAMI - conveniently leaving that guy out of your plan to cross interrogate me here like he’s not CAPS’D too. Lots of people were caps’d as I fixed the formatting and didn’t finally decide on anything from the result though you got me on Swimmer was caps, put her at the top of the list before caring about putting them in the same order as the cards too. It still needed more editing and typo checking, Chief could be #3. My first list was ugly, even by the standards you guys ‘hold me to’ but don’t tell me how to post with improvements or ways you want a post formatted. AVG JOE - I don’t know his name

Who’s making a case? Why quote that post?

Why did you break Togami’s direct image link to his rolecard?

That was a helpful list to grab all the role cards, full names, and roles left. No shady shit like in Alpha’s lists that nobody fact checked, I’m definitely sure from that early one with the times of checking in and making posts after alignments and mafia chosen.

Who said you did? I CTRL+F’d several times to make sure around here.
I was working from copying Godots list in the writeup which I think is maybe where the typo on infrequent came from before more edits, if I didn’t just do it myself numbering and moving everything around. This is a new way to pinpoint only what you want looked at, however Cookie points for you for the very choice words leaving a lot out.

I might need a Bed count role claim on you guys. :zzz: :sleep: Azzzzzure over here always mentioning this. even if he returns from sleep, like that’s even important. Him voting @ last second a bunch of times is more important.

[quote=last second bandwagon voters]

"Im voting for Alpha/Missing + now Combo anyway but I want to help Mafia blend in with last second voters"


you know there’s a bunch of explicit role claims I talked about that I did do. Bancho, and I was leading Azure down a path. Its very strange how he reacted opposite of what he could’ve learned from me. He obviously wasn’t picking up on my hints. And didn’t want to work with me even after this: “I’m gonna probably do that too, use my skill soon so I don’t just die”


What kind of Civilian doesn’t want the possibility of help or at least prodding me to find the real answers, that was a busy time around the vote - again very important on timing

That’s a major quote I just said before the last vote. Where I talked about helping Vigi and Pimp get more time.

Making a case against myself here and doing a role claim for you.


Man I don’t even remember how I found this, but it also fits exactly

Kinda racist in the title, but then you learn it isn’t!!

There’s two more things that are pretty important. I’ll just post them and ask Godots again.

Quotes might be the worst thing on SRK

Very difficult to manage, even to just put things in boxes so they get collapsed if someone quotes a whole big post and doesn’t take out the fluff.

me how to post with improvements or ways you want a post formatted. AVG JOE - I don’t know his name SUPERMODEL - BASEBALL GUY as I call him had caps as well while I still had to figure out how many roles were left. I got to 12 based on all the new information on deaths then forgot all about investigator, sakura, and forger.

This is a new way to pinpoint only what you want looked at, however (so) Cookie points for you for the very choice words leaving a lot out.


Good to know + if that’s possible after the phase change skill got used so fast. And in the night action flowchart Byakuya isn’t listed because his skill is Passive:Automatic right? So he got to learn a name if Civs still have him?

I was 13 minutes apart on seeing that one.

Looks like he did but answers from the GM are 100% true in this “game of deception”


Can people send in night actions early?

  • that’s not needed as much as other games after Fuzz’s “Broken” plan on the Death Note
    game, some way to send in actions but not be actively “online” to be seen as a Mafia with
    only 2 Mafia who act @ night, and something on the investigator being at danger there.

So is it possible Civilian Hacker sent her action in, but just wasn’t in time right on the dot?

You said the Mafia had theirs in immediately @ 7:00. Like that was very noteworthy, that it was even “Scary” you said. Like you didn’t expect this or they didn’t do that before. That of course is the part you dont have to answer, in the spirit of the game giving out that kind of information. “Master of suspense” style.

Hey another one, was it also possible for Programmer to stop Night phase right on the Dot 7:00 PM and stop Mafia+Togami and everything else? Mostly just for Togami and Mafia here.

They might have fucked up their super switch, sending in Programmer right after their Kill and not known about this backdoor to their plan.

I’ll be putting this here so that it becomes accessible,

[details=Spoiler]Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


I have already read your reply to WAH about this topic earlier this phase.
It might have been redundant doing so, but I felt compelled to point it out again and see your response a second time.
Do not worry, I’m paying attention your posts,