SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

HAX is 3rd party, looking for his points, or running interference.

Damn there’s typos in that too. And not alphabetical order, or the outlier with The+Chief. I thought I copied the right section from the last writeup with names on who’s alive. That certainly changes the order of everyone from 3-14.

Now you’re claiming investigator?

You still have yet to tell me what night phase role you pegged me in. Doesn’t matter if I die. You put it out there. The Civilian town wouldn’t be very smart to leave that unanswered.

Taking this long to say it, so you probably need to check with everyone on your team for a good answer.

He learned actions and targets not names. Your name was not in his last gasp. Fight that.

Like the reverse jester guy? Right now I’d say he’s either mafia or sort of a mafia asset in that he’s not doing much aside from adding noise. I thought the reverse jester won by being killed by mafia and right now, that doesn’t seem likely.

I am going to bed.

Too tired, and typos and syntax errors abound.

I am not doubting Dark General, as yet.

Dark Jesus was Parodious riffing, bringin’ back the O.G. Konami code of Random things I will not utter, and AW - NOT the rootbeer, savvy?

The Raw info is here.
The same as any other in his list, he listed role name and --> Target name.

Sitting on a lot of information. You had to have searched someone else besides Pimp day 1. I guess we have to wait for your last gasp?

In Azure’s Mafia PM: “We have to figure out a good 2nd Night Paparazzi target, or we don’t have to give a fuck, they will never know”


Let’s just let WAH live, until the last moment.

And after.


Fuck his points.

Shades of “likes” vs “flags” conniption fits up in The Lounge.

WAH, calm down.

Mafia knows who Syo is because of Sonia.
There is absolutely no reason for Syo to stay quiet.
Azure role-claimed Syo.
Nobody contested it.
Syo is a civilian role.

What’s wrong with you?

Of course I advocate talking in codes, like when I was trying to code to azure that you were clean but mask that with everyone else. I spend half my time talking in code.

I had to post, because you were already about to come public anyway and it made it more believable if it came from me first, I didn’t want you coming out and me be away from the thread and have it end up getting people voting against you

And at this point, we needed the UC to know that the otaku was on our side, since their results are not going to the mafia side. Because that could affect his investigations.

Just a few post before mine you were asking me for permission, sorry I didn’t wait for you but it’s no biggie.

And – stick with me now – I kind of had a thought that maybe Chief is the 3rd party trying to get offed by Mafia.

I think Hax may just be trying to play dumb, which may be because he’s actually Mafia. Fuck he scares me, and if I was the forger I’d make sure to forge Hax just to make him innocent (unless he was always innocent anyway). That would be an impossible to crack nut.

go to bread

Outside the game nonsense

None in the game









Am I not supposed to contest you 1 for 1? I’m supposed to stand by that vote on me at the last second. For no reasons? You don’t care what I have to say, so I’m being no different than you are to me. Sorry infrequent, seems I respect you more than he does me with our exchange being the same as ours but this guy has no right to talk about who is helping or who has a stupid formatting mental problem.

Nobody else has to waste a vote on either of us. Or are you scared of something.

[quote=“Azure, post:1934, topic:164690”]


The only two people I trust in this game ignore my questions and comments to them. Awesome

[quote=“Pimp_Willy, post:1950, topic:164690”]


The only two people I trust in this game ignore my questions and comments to them. Awesome *

Fuck. You two got my point.

I didn’t ignore anything, did I miss something?

btw… I think it may be wallflower pruning time.

I will have to re run the post count program when I get a chance. But if you’re not contributing, then you’re at risk.

And we may need to bring back the list of people, and assign jobs

for instance


each person investigates the person below them and delivers a full report

GAAHHHHH i forgot to send it via pm >:/

@Doofenshmirtz, the fuck man, you were the goddamn civ doctor and you didn’t shit to help the cause?

I get to know what role has a player at random, but not if he is mafia or civilian.
Lucky for us i still got another one despite the mafia? skipping the night phase, but it think that revealing who i do know right now could only help to confuse us, of course if the majority decides that it can help, i can share the other 2 names that i got

How did you get away with 24 hours of silence? I at least responded to the “her” pinpoint.

Putting the response between me and Azure in the spoiler box

Which will just end in a stalemate like me and infrequent, not even admitting to agree to disagree and work together, I had a good response geared up for him and everything.

Nobody may even want to read it right now. So I’ll move it aside for space.


Really mad back there, ooh an internet badass over here. Vote for someone, fine.

1 vote back in retaliation. How could you not expect this?

Some out of thread personal attack by people that aren’t in this game. Scrub move, pulling rank, asking for your butt buddies to give you credibility. Knowing its a previous recent experience and possible weakness. Quality of character.

My fault too for escalating it with a personal attack on a photo in an outside the game thread. But I thought you’re a cool customer, so isn’t this all out of character for you?

what is this a bad relationship?

pietastics reasons for not answering, he doesn’t care. Nobody else did either.

What is Azures? “Fuck you” ?
That’s his reason? I don’t respect it and neither should anybody else with this, I’m above reproach, pull rank OG garbage.

I thought people respected people around here. You can pretend, even just for a little bit in a forum game for the greater good, go back to being a hardass outside the game. Feel free. Don’t have a heart attack by age 35 though.


@GodotsRevenge, did Byakuya Togami get to learn another role?

He doesn’t have to answer if Byakuya is a Civilian and gets that skill but it would be good to know.