SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

The difference is that when they have posted, they have posted incriminating, or at least suspicious, stuff. Cynt hasn’t posted enough of anything to be suspicious, which is in and of itself suspicious. I jsut feel that Mobius and Doof have been the more discussed lynch choices amongst the flower garden.

Also @Pimp_Willy, we’re going to let Azure take care of OZ tonight then?

*Pimp Willy, I think I understand your stance on OZ now. If I’m right, then yeah I’m totally fine with letting Azure sort it out.

As for the rest of your list, I’m stumped.

Hax has dropped off in contributions after day/night 1.

Forge, Doof and Cynt are flowers

C_K is all over the place for me. He reminds me of a wilder and more active BullDancer. *

After thinking on it… I think ck is where we go. Can his mafia night ability hurt us?

One person I’d love to hear from soon with some info is @Azure.

Him and Willy I trust most for insight.

I probably won’t get it until about 6 or 7 hours later, but let’s see.

Okay. Too bad it looks like I’m going to be the only one.


my gurl may have saved me.


I gave him a question right back to his question. Then explained myself further on why I singled him out for the Swimmer and his ideas on her not being awesome.

**Swimmer is a girl. **I can’t believe I didn’t remember this. I answered his first question then line breaked to answer his second one about the Swimmer + Girl. He put doubt in our minds that Swimmer wasn’t a good pick after all the ideology on how she fits into Pimp Willy’s plan of attack/defense.

Fuck both you scrubs. Your reading comprehension failed this time.

Me, the crazy man, actually did no wrong and the onus is on you for reading that very wrong, so wrong you made up your own idea after the fact, adding onto Alpha’s death, looking for only what you wanted to see. Ignoring any other possibility.

I know I’m leaning that way too on Pietastic. But hey, I don’t need to be alone on this. I want experienced players input on him too though, like Fuzz or Pimp Willy.

As Pimp is concentrating on Fuzz and already pushed him very hard to start the game,

Fuzz is an especially good pick with the research he’s showing you guys. Does he have anything more on how Pietastic has played very much like Alpha Commando? Never putting up much on who he wants to lynch, just saying enough, constantly asking for role claims. My major case against him. Help us out with your ideas Fuzz.

Doof so far looks like SRK VI/VII Doof.

Hax isn’t convinced that Azure & Hecatom are clean. Let’s see how that would be possible:

Hec. uses “Police Documents” to switch the kill from Sum to The Co-Jones who had to bow-out since he can’t participate like he wants to. Then claims he’s using his civ. ability "Friends In High Places."
Azure names his target before the write-up.
Co-Jones dies like he’s supposed to and 2 mafia members gain our trust. Hitting our only nurse was just a bonus.

This plan, while plausible, would take a huge sets of balls by the mafia and for the real Genocide to submit another kill on night 4 knowing it could possibly be switched. Unless night 3 plays out without a certain member using their power like they said they would. If Syo dies before the game ends then their ruse blows up in their faces. It’s way too risky.

Thus ends my “Darth Chef Observation” of the game.

Thank you for “explaining” something we already figured out. Really appreciate that.

I worked pretty hard from 6:30 through now with short breaks, scouring the pages from the start of the game but did many things instead of just counting role claims like I wanted.

Dark General?
You don’t think I’m contributing?

[details=Spoiler]Why don’t you like my ideas on looking out for a wallflower and getting many people to talk about him at the same time, not just having 1 bandwagon. @Synonym should learn something from me here that holds true, putting 2 lynch candidates on the table is an easy and very good way to see some alliances. That’s why I was scared of the Pimp vs Fuzz thing at the start of the game. Where people vote, if it only ends up with those two major choices, like an election even, will show some good reads and things that can help compare voting records once we have more days for comparison, actual evidence. I said in the BLU TF2 game, that same thing. Watching the bandwagons, putting at least 2 candidates out there, please, so Mafia can’t bandwagon - I will note how they can easily deceive us in another section here or a new post for space, and having at least 2 days helps you compare and try to find Mafia among voters. Doing that with only one day’s votes was something orochi kept pushing on me, and a few others who turned up civ.
Right Dark, I’m jumping to a post that needs your help. Something you and Fuzz are both good at.

A Legend for indexing and to help me in my text files is

  • Page = [#]

  • Where on the Page =[Top, Middle, Bottom] as needed to combine top and middle for instance, even if its unnecessary on the forum with quotes and the “jump to arrow” next to "this name said this [link]

  • Shorthanded [Name]

[6] [Bottom] [Pie]

Pietastic’s quote:


“A normal Mafia game” among all the ways things are “broken” including the last idea that civs can have major protection, put forward by Pimp that Pietastic wrote his first insightful post about and Pimp told him he was overthinking it, and only noting very quietly, “no pietastic, no medics need to roleclaim”

I didn’t even use the 3rd role he chose last time when I was looking for him slipping up on the Swimmer, since it didn’t apply too much. Now we know Forger is Mafia, they chose

Sayaka who only forges as a Mafia.

As well, “Looking for a role that compliments Valedictorian?” Who better than taking away the direct skill that they learn Val’s name, that requires Mafia’s kill of an important Protector, if Vigilante doesn’t roll the dice and land on Sakura Oogami. Mafia won’t want to wait for that to happen and leave it up to a high chance they’re caught by allowing the Civs to keep the Swimmer.

Asking if protecting the Valedictorian with Forge can stop Swimmer’s Civ skill if Oogami dies is something probably too broken and not considered by the GM either. I might still want one of these gameplay questions answered though, just for finality on theories.

**[ Saying he will not pick programmer or Otaku? That can very well be a cover for those roles on the real Mafia team, making sure nobody considers them, even for just this one opinion on them being a bad choice with enough reasons that it won’t be questioned. He put this in our head that she is unimportant, no need to look for her or talk about her.

In his responses to me he does mention Swimmer ever again, and dodges my real inquiry why he did not consider the Triple Kill after all the role claiming he wanted. ]**

I will explain the role claiming he did ask for so many times and the many times he ignored warnings, besides me being very up front about his ignorance. He never said whether he got it now with the Triple Kill and Valedictorian.

Ok, you’ve gone back to making sense Hax. I think Pie is certainly someone we should look into, but not at the expense of some others. While I have you, what are your thoughts on Doofenshmirtz, CK or Cyntalan as a lynch choice? How about PW asking for a stay of execution on OZ?


[quote=“WTF-AKUMA-HAX, post:1730, topic:164690”]

I worked pretty hard from 6:30 through now with short breaks, scouring the pages from the start of the game but did many things instead of just counting role claims like I wanted.

Dark General?
You don’t think I’m contributing?

[details=Spoiler]Why don’t you like my ideas on looking out for a wallflower and getting many people to talk about him at the same time, not just having 1 bandwagon. @Synonym should learn something from me here that holds true, putting 2 lynch candidates on the table is an easy and very good way to see some alliances. That’s why I was scared of the Pimp vs Fuzz thing at the start of the game. Where people vote, if it only ends up with those two major choices, like an election even, will show some good reads and things that can help compare voting records once we have more days for comparison, actual evidence. I said in the BLU TF2 game, that same thing. Watching the bandwagons, putting at least 2 candidates out there, please, so Mafia can’t bandwagon - I will note how they can easily deceive us in another section here or a new post for space, and having at least 2 days helps you compare and try to find Mafia among voters. Doing that with only one day’s votes was something orochi kept pushing on me, and a few others who turned up civ.

Right Dark, I’m jumping to a post that needs your help. Something you and Fuzz are both good at.

A Legend for indexing and to help me in my text files is

  • Page = [#]

  • Where on the Page =[Top, Middle, Bottom] as needed to combine top and middle for instance, even if its unnecessary on the forum with quotes and the “jump to arrow” next to "this name said this [link]

  • Shorthanded [Name]

[6] [Bottom] [Pie]

Pietastic’s quote:


“A normal Mafia game” among all the ways things are “broken” including the last idea that civs can have major protection, put forward by Pimp that Pietastic wrote his first insightful post about and Pimp told him he was overthinking it, and only noting very quietly, “no pietastic, no medics need to roleclaim”

I didn’t even use the 3rd role he chose last time when I was looking for him slipping up on the Swimmer, since it didn’t apply too much. Now we know Forger is Mafia, they chose

Sayaka who only forges as a Mafia.

As well, “Looking for a role that compliments Valedictorian?” Who better than taking away the direct skill that they learn Val’s name, that requires Mafia’s kill of an important Protector, if Vigilante doesn’t roll the dice and land on Sakura Oogami. Mafia won’t want to wait for that to happen and leave it up to a high chance they’re caught by allowing the Civs to keep the Swimmer.

Asking if protecting the Valedictorian with Forge can stop Swimmer’s Civ skill if Oogami dies is something probably too broken and not considered by the GM either. I might still want one of these gameplay questions answered though, just for finality on theories.

**[ Saying he will not pick programmer or Otaku? That can very well be a cover for those roles on the real Mafia team, making sure nobody considers them, even for just this one opinion on them being a bad choice with enough reasons that it won’t be questioned. He put this in our head that she is unimportant, no need to look for her or talk about her.

In his responses to me he does mention Swimmer ever again, and dodges my real inquiry why he did not consider the Triple Kill after all the role claiming he wanted. ]**

I will explain the role claiming he did ask for so many times and the many times he ignored warnings, besides me being very up front about his ignorance. He never said whether he got it now with the Triple Kill and Valedictorian.

I covered this, saying I might auto-pilot and think it all out loud, especially if tired like I was those nights.

Guess what scumbag. Missing told you what you just told me,

During your late to the party recap of things everyone already talked about. So now that we’re both doing the same things, mine after yours by several days actually, copying your lead - Why not work with a player who’s similar to you?

As well, me doing that can really be used by Mafia. They can see what I’m worried about and thinking over. Knowing what someone is thinking should really help in this game. I think you’re jelly of Pimp Obama. I might need to change my avatar back and run circles around your default smiley face thing in perfectly defined cool ratings. :cool:

Due to a bias of going into these first few pages looking for some specific things in addition to as much as I can get without getting too sidetracked and losing all this time, I’m admittedly kinda dead set on Pie.

I’m not stopping here, I had more to say, even if its so much research and so much formatting to maybe get it read. I do have to consider people playing and viewing this forum with a phone too, having no idea if they can open those spoiler boxes and if I shuold plain text or quote bracket them.

I had a major spot on Doof, which has a tie in to Cyntalan actually. I laid out some things today on Combo but he’s not off my Radar. In fact his exchange with Fuzz was back there on page 22 ish and I brought those to the forefront today that show more about both players ideas on that role and roleclaim.

Vigi might have very well gone after orochi anyway. But maybe even changing his list of the next kill could be considered with many mistakes so far, though all of that in the results we see could’ve been forged with a switch and put a lot of our thoughts towards Vigi making big mistakes he might not have made. Only he knows his real targets, pardoning Bious’ ESP Sightseeing. He doesn’t have to flip 180 degrees to opposite kinda players but with there being less protection and less time, real urgency, he could second guess himself in the good way and not be hasty about who should be killed with a high likelyhood of that player being Mafia.

OZ is very opposite of how he plays, as if he is not playing at all. Granted like I said early, even in a joke, we have taken up posting a lot, his kind of play in Mafia games, so he can’t fit in edgewise between us, or has fallen back for whatever reason.

[9] [Bottom] [pie] [WTF] [Pimp]


He ignored earlier the post of direct, “don’t role claim” by Pimp in direct discussion with him. And completely avoided reading other people saying don’t roleclaim including ignoring me saying why do people want roleclaims before the 1st vote on day 1?

Roles that had nothing to do with the Medic Protection Oogami plan.

**[ I sorta resolved to not answer any of pietastics questions from here on out, seeing as he owes me some answers to direct questions, even when I was leading him to how he can answer those by saying so much (experienced Mafia players are doing this, Fuzz and DG exchange earlier showed that side of the game) and of course I have to backoff him since nobody is following me to even look at him.

That’s very dangerous. ]**

More reasoning


Why didn’t he play it like I did? I would have accepted an answer that was just like my own. All he had to do was mention he isn’t up to speed on all the roles or his own credible thoughts such as he doesn’t have to worry about Mafia, not being one.

I mentioned not knowing about the Nurse very much before Pimp put that into play and downright insulted his good ideas by not reading that post and he was right to fire back harshly as it looked like I completely dismissed Pimp’s plan and asked others to as well.

Pietastic easily explained away all my claims, again without talking about Swimmer, only answering me one for one with “you’re delusional - consider maybe I’m trying to figure this out–okay now lets talk about AlphaCommando.”

Having someone be able to avoid suspicion like that basically since that incident is very powerful. It could happen again. Why should he answer anything in the future, he didn’t have to respect me enough to answer me. Granted Pimp Willy put him on a list and he asked Pimp directly what that was about and got no answer.

For someone about “research” in an early post paraphrased about “alright we have good players to figure this out” he did not like my research or want me doing any at all. The parts of my posts that didn’t include him were quoted, to show people not to read those, perhaps. Psychological play. Chief noticed it I believe, from another insightful click.

We’re all supposed to believe he’s playing like inexperienced players do? Getting upset in an eye-for-an-eye exchange? 1 vote by me ended up with no help, he was at no risk of a lynch.

He wants role claims all the time and if you notice - he doesn’t have many downsides to role claiming - ever put into those posts.

That’s very easy page 1 research. Consider the downsides. At least the major one, Triple Kill.

As well with everyone knowing something major here

Oh so now you want to quote the advice of the “bad coach.” It’s obvious you march to the beat of your own drum, even if it’ll lead you off of a cliff into oblivion. Obviously you still listening to those walkmen that haven’t been made since '98 and your music is the anthem of non winning folk Causing you to skip paste all the bronze big boobeed ladies straight to Loserville population crying you.

You put a lynch vote in on me so who’s jelly of who? :coffee:


This game is different. Mafia don’t start with way more information than the civs like they do in other games, right?

They are disadvantaged by everyone having a role. But have the wild card support advantage in the Triple Kill guess.

So their most important tool then is getting Civs to Role Claim. Civs do not benefit at all from the start of the game by role claiming, with the Triple kill out there. Sure, protection was discussed on possibly stopping the Triple kill if everything went right, quickly after the game started.

But as we’re learning, things are heating up. There isn’t a load of time left to make mistakes and the aren’t chips stacked on the side of the Civs anymore with the Nurse now dead and a potential Mafia medic instead of Civ Medic/Hall Monitor.

Triple kill is off the table, but before that, Role Claims were pretty dangerous and outright wrong even if it worked out for the players that did claim. After that off the table, Role Claims remain dangerous. Mafia should go for the stronger roles and have a smaller list than before to role hunt, with less protections to cover our major roles that have some game-winning-potential.

All I’m saying is,

when you have to tell him why role claiming is bad, that’s a problem.
when he barely responds to anyone saying why its pretty bad, that’s a Big Red Flag

He can fall back until the next crazy idea for a role claim. The thread was moving fast. Some more people can give us those ideas and get us talking about those possibilities without going back to check who started that kinda dangerous talk.

I see, thank you for the clarification. My apologies.

About the stay on OZ’s execution, I suppose 'tis fine as long as we leave Azure to handle it.
We both thought that OZ was Togami/Civilian on Day 1 because of his exuded familiarity with Genocider.

After Hecatom role claimed Togami on Night 2, my theory on OZ is most likely disproved.

If OZ is not mafia, then the chances of him being Luckster #2(Komaeda) is quite high.
This assumption would fit his stance on this game, in my opinion.

Having the Vigilante constantly point a gun on his head instead of the Mafia(his win condition) would illicit quite the reaction from him, I presume.
If he isn’t Komaeda, then I’ll need more information to have a guess on who he is.

What do you guys think of our detective not conducting a investigation on Night 1?
For a moment, put aside the thought that Bious intentionally hid the person our detective investigated to protect that person on the off chance that the mafia did not recruit the Otaku, and thus, have no idea on who had been investigated by our detective.

[7] [Top] [Pie]

The major advantage is Bandwagoning at the end of a voting phase by Mafia. We

don’t get to learn when they sent in their votes in this game type. Being flaky about a confirmed good choice, like Alpha commando and Missing Person, luckily for both sides - can be ruined by people sitting on their votes until the last second… waiting until something new develops?

That can very well be to be read like this kinda play,
we really need to watchout for:

Lets look at some very last second voters, on the same page as Alpha’s lynch

  • infrequent lurker
  • Azure

22 minutes before the deadline


he wasn’t the only one

11 minutes before the deadline


There was also that joke on the math of everyone stuffed the ballot at the end. Nobody knows the final count unless you take the time to do it yourself.

Augustus will like this one at least. Who throws away a guaranteed FUN point on a bandwagon vote, Mafia gets points for successfully voting for Mafia too, and that was an easy vote to blend in & nobody will question them on why they voted that way due to the outcome. They were screwed, they move on, they also got a guaranteed Rep point to their total Mafia game rankings. By the way I just noticed Missing will get no points from no votes from here on out, but if he helps the team way more on getting the right targets he can claim lots of points, and probably rig the tallies with * (points he earned for you guys)

Its obvious to vote alone on random other players. But my choice was fully explained. It wasn’t a dangerous No Lynch like Doof. Plus I might be good on my reads and have a Point from that vote or a vote not on Misssing Person anyway. My cross to bear while I wait the results.

So where are the other voters, being Mafia with a last second push, trying to tie or get their own choice of target lynched? Stray voters are in both vote results and on many players. it is very hard to see all the Mafia bandwagoning, especially on Alpha Commando’s vote. So we need to look at those late, “unsure of themselves” or even almost missing the vote completely, players looking like very guilty voters.

My formatting is failing, even with lots of checking and rewriting, lotsa typos like the chips aren’t on our side of the table in the other post

  • Mafia’s gotta be low tier to do that, unless they sent in their vote early, also low tier if they did that. Before my vote I wanted to talk more about the wallflowers, having already sent in the infrequent vote and looking for support, hoping if I die later people can keep an eye on him at least. It wasn’t on that 2 minutes before rocket launch over here like these guys.

There was lots of seeds of doubt put into place by players not ready to vote yet, for vague, personal reasons they didn’t say and still probably haven’t said.

infrequent lurker there believing that lame last second, worse than BullDancer style role claim by Alpha. I just quoted, 22 minutes before the vote. Perhaps without me noticing now, he would’ve never been questioned and researched why last second votes aren’t helping the civilian team win this game.

I’ve made a lot of posts you’ve made, 2. I’m patronizing you with such a number but I think we know the score of who’s helping more. & who’s helping Mafia more. Your little temper tantrum here was already researched against you as seen above. But good enough distraction to see these witty blurbs, at least you’re using your mind for something, if you won’t even play the damn game.

And by all means, point to your helpful posts so we can “appreciate those gold nuggets” of insight and wisdom as sarcastically as you one line pointed at me for some reason, (I guess I covered that with pietastic, an eye for an eye but yours are lazy).

Except they’re probably just garbage instead, or because they’re definitely not gold, just some crappy poop nuggets. :wasted: