SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

*These are looking like the 3 mafia roles:


If Naegi dies the first time, his allegiance won’t be revealed right?*

For someone who did a ton of research you seem to have missed everything I’ve ever posted.

For those of you playing along at home, I was defending PW’s civilian status literally since Page 1. Go look. When PW and RF were at each others throats I was trying to calm them both down, saying I thought they were both civilian. this reasoning spilled over into me saying on several occasions that PW shouldn’t be lynched. Hell, I was very vocal in lynching MP purely so that we’d have a confirmed civilian voice.

And how is that ‘protection’ for AC? If you read the context of the post it was when we were hypothesizing over the possible ramifications of Bious being mafia. I still maintain that it is valid though. Prior to Bious revealing his read on AC we had suspects that were going to be put on trial. Since then half of them haven’t been put back up on that pedestal.

Look, I’ve been trying to defend your actions all game because medical complications are a very real thing and I see enough of them daily to believe you. However, if you’re going to post an essay that is supposed to exonerate you from suspicion at least research it properly. don’t just toss a dart and quote whatever it hits. None of these posts were made in a vacuum so at least look at the context before quoting.

Oops, didn’t quite finish that before posting it. Lemme try that again:

I tagged Mobius because I was curious to see what he would say. I fail to see how that doesn’t matter if he’s already suspicious of you. Worst case scenario he recaps what he already said, best case he brings something new to the table, for better or worse. The phrase that begins “Like when DarkGeneral” was poorly worded, I intended to present that as akin to the assumption from the first sentence in that it was unwise to just take things at face value.

I’ve explained this series earlier on the page somewhere and I don’t want to go back and try to format everything correctly again.

Alpha didn’t really change my mind about anything here, but it is useful to have him on record saying something either way about you, no? Why do you think I tagged him, Synonym, Augustus, and CK, for kicks and giggles? I wanted them to be have said something either way about somebody. Only Alpha and Augustus responded, by the way.

The nagging feeling was the fact that he’d hinted at a role with an activated ability like Programmer, but then claimed Swimmer, who doesn’t have an active role. I gave up my crusade of you because realistically you weren’t getting lynched without saying something extremely Mafia.

I’m not Mafia, so I think it’s very possible that Synonym and Alpha (sneaky Aussies :tup:) realized my bias towards you and tried to push for your lynch. I fully expect you not to believe me until my death, however, so eh.

I’m not entirely sure what to think of the list and those exempt from it.



HAX and Dark General have been MIA too.


*I mentioned earlier in the thread that my time management has been off kilter since I started playing these games. So for the last two mornings I only briefly skimmed the thread and haven’t contributed anything. Instead I’ve chosen to focus on the game at night instead of both in the morning and at night. But since it’s the weekend now, i’ll be on in the mornings again. *

But Azure, despite doing very well in recent games, has a less than stellar track record on SRK mafia.

SWBeta and SoVi3t wound up getting him blocked from joining Zombie Apocalypse for an altercation they had in SRK Mafia V.

This can’t be discounted, but makes me wonder how Mobius would be privy to this information. I never linked up the 5th mafia game anywhere during my counts. The only games that got posted were 1 & 2, by PW.

I think if OZ is mafia, so is Mobius at this point.

I strongly think oz is clean

Care to elaborate? I think I may know what you’re getting at, but I’m not so certain. He’s lookin pretty bad to me, but maybe you can convince me otherwise.

Not at this time

But I say oz if off limits for lynch this phase

And stayed that way until I said, “I want to hear more from him, HAX, and Hecatom.”

I’m not sure why PW thinks orochi is clean, but the man has good reads.

PW, stick to them. You were so close on so many different occasions in the 9th game and didn’t follow through.

But I’m suspect of Mobius for sure.

Problem is I’m not sure where to prod.


I’d start with Combo then HAX. This is operating on your observation that OZ is clean, of course.

Cynt has been off just about everyones radars lately. CK is kind of suspicious but if his role claim is to be believed it may be more valuable for us to let him live through this day-phase and for him to sacrifice himself this night phase. I’m honestly unsure about WAH. On the one had he made a lot of sense at the start of the game but he seems to be confusing me more as the game goes on. That’s not necessarily damning evidence though, more that I probably can’t understand what he’s saying.

I’m happy to comply with OZ’s stay of execution but he was pretty much the main suspect for today. Are we going to look closer at Mobius or Doof instead?

I say sit on him for now and let azure handle him tonight

Why Mobius or Doofenshmirtz? What’s the difference between those two and the other relatively inactive players?

Sit on CK? Who’re you referring to here?

Sorry. Sit on oz and azure can deal with him

I can’t just believe you with that evidence. I know you’re pretty much a confirmed civ and all, but you said yourself that we have to make our own decisions. My gut says he’s dirty.

Thanks for clarifying. Who are we gonna lynch today? If you guys feel unsure about me you should vote to lynch me. Regret’s a bitch, and I don’t mind dying if it’ll hasten the Mafia-finding process. From the last few pages it seems like everyone’s very focused on me as Mafia, so maybe my death would be for the best, to keep everyone on the right track.

I’d really like to know where you get oz being civ, Willy. Not that I don’t trust your allegiance, just can’t comprehend your judgement sometimes. Any not-so-direct way you could help me determine the same conclusion you have? I haven’t put in my vote yet, but was just about to and then read your statement…

I REALLY don’t think oz is civ. I’m not sure he’s mafia either, though.

CK definitely climbed up on my books as of late, so I’d be willing to move over my vote to him if you think oz can be iced by the vigi tonight.