SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

If I thought I was going to be recruited why would I pick a fight with you in the sign-up thread, before allegiances were sent out? And for that matter why would I continue to play so aggressively when you were confirmed civilian, wouldn’t that be my chance to get out of my facade of stubbornly wanting you dead?

I’m not ignorant to the facts PW.

To be honest it is extremely difficult to trust your words regardless of the setting. I understand your pretty much confirmed but the way you enjoy playing mind games has me clueless sometimes.

On some occasions its detrimental to the cause.

After all I said, with some low blood sugar yesterday…

I can’t answer you at all. Really. Worse than pietastic ignoring my direct questions. You don’t even ask me a gawd damn question for me to answer… you dumb bitch~ Err <^-^)) u just mad cuz u a bich. even though you’re our coach. Well then… You’re a bad coach, I shoulda went to YagYouObama State. :shake:

I even gave you very good suggestions on how to play your role. Shit, Radical Fuzz can tell you the same, Kenny himself. You cared how much about me helping you win this game with those advice suggestions.

You might be fuckin up with your read on Azure. [details=Spoiler](He knows -you know -him so then he has to work extra hard not to be read by you, or you might’ve subconsciously cleared him from some earlier thing you’re used to him doing and of course don’t keep him on your radar -

You could do a Vynce vs MP thing with him but you don’t. That’s a very strong move to leave off the table, like what’s going to happen if more things line up with him being dirty? You still won’t take a good hard look at him? Will it be too late? Do you want to be spurned by him backstabbing you when you didn’t pay attention? That’s more for the last game with TF2 Spies I guess, but it still applies as a good example)[/details]

We learned no confirmations on all these claims. Right after I said Vigi needs to slow down, another CIV goes down from his mistake. He didn’t learn from the last one. Pardoning laying out exactly how more Vigi/Mafia kill switch that’s still out there, he very well could’ve shot sumazn(chick)nurse. And I don’t know about you but some aznchicknurses are always welcome.


SPIKE + Chunsoft? makers of danganronpa totally made a big booby asian nurse in their Gachitora High School teacher PSP game.

too hard to link this shit, even with page source to see direct image - click the 2nd one, if you only choose 1 for the profile face reference here,

but that 3rd one is insane maybe worth seeing and is part of the battle system… seems Suda51 copied that for his last game, Killer is Dead, blonde nurse training mission on a syringe mount

And seriously after that big page 33, I am still working on getting through-
This Vigi Kill with Mafia Kill mixup might be affecting last gasps by people blaming the wrong person for their death.

Lets see if this even posts on page 34 & doesn’t jump to a new page 35 already

That means your role (claim) is way more important now if we believe you and want to protect you as long as we can.

I can’t believe people are here thinking all the night role claims were not suspicious (we nearly got a few more revealed by certain people wanting that info nonstop and slipping under the radar of post flooding the thread), but me not being on a bandwagon (how I vote, see the last game) is. As well bandwagons are always known to be terrible.

That throws in the Mixup of they could’ve already known Pimp’s confirmed Targets. Even though you(Pimp) figured it was Bious waiting for you to give your info - and you noticing the timing of who goes first was particularly important and you suspected Bious of a doublecross.

It seems more useful a role for Mafia, though there’s another one that learns more than this? They would’ve chosen a different role for Mafia … fatkid. Learns investigations every night. Which lines up with that previous theory you told us today, Pimp, that is gaining precedence.

Such claims still might help the team out here. Like everything I’ve done that isn’t subtle as role claims too, and even wrote them out, the ones on my avatar to Missing Person and he ignored me again (slut butt), could’ve helped the real guy with that role. I noticed your avatar change but forgot there even was a gamer girl role.

Not, that we need Pimp to update his people who have roleclaimed list or anything.

It’s not mindgames, it’s just that there’s something here that is not on the surface, but if you look just a little closer, makes sense. And you aren’t seeing it.

Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m not. But the last time you were not able to make these same reads and looked like this, you were mafia

Noone alive is immune to suspicion and I’m not claiming to be but the same goes for you. There’s strategies in play that will be apparent to people who are paying complete attention to the thread that you aren’t seeing.

Should I call you mafia for not seeing them?

I remember this major post from you

and only saying later you guys are wrong about this “Sacrifice” you keep saying is needed without being specific.

Touka role card even if academic
[possibly unnecessary as Touka Civ has been in a writeup, but still worth discussing]
to show the wording, no “sacrifice”


Were you guys just dense and confused by Pimp’s variables with a “Sacrifice” that wasn’t explained after that idea was thrown around a lot and put in your head? It was just a possible kill switch. Like I said about when Touka the Mafia role dies. And still haven’t got final answers on how they get to choose who they die as, but that has become less important if we believe Touka the Civ died.

[my bad keep saying Touka, from it being very close and earlier on japanese names, like ohgami makes more sense than a maybe mistranslated oogami, Touko Fukawa]

I explained to Bious about the word Sacrifice as well. Feel free to find that post and finally read it.

Mafia Touka learning she died, might also learn the Vigi Kill was switched, or just already go into that night with her teammate having done that move while they await the result. So she has to make the most of her death, which will always be used I’m sure.

Mafia knew who Vigi was, they still do. From what transpired with Alpha. The role claim of Togami’s - “Police Documents” is taken away from them and that character is on our side With his learning a role every night “Friends in High places”, still hasn’t been 100% proven.

Vigi kill was not Bious - all academic again, but I thought it was worth looking back on this one word, even if Bious didn’t have a claim in the one I found on his Monit “O” r.

“her” - oh noes you’re looking at me, now, with just that.

I guess I really look suspicious with that.

Chief knows I may write quickly without editing. And I noticed he marked that post soon after I made it.

But I’ve been calling every role a girl as I noticed today with already shown to be a “shithead” - Missing Person. And girls can be particularly smart and become a valedictorian in real life. I can really gear up my exchanges with Alpha if you request that - I know saying it on my own looks like covering my ass - but Missing keeps pressing and that’s my one trump card against his

“touchy bias” anagrams…[/quote[

<-- .ch = china ? domain this time. Guaranteed that he sees it?

More on the combo claim, Fuzz talks it all the way out.

Fuzz really planned out the night phase without the lame way I did it with possibilities. When we have no role claim from him. And he wasn’t needed to discuss all the Hecatom/Azure claims, yet he already knows likely deaths/targets.

Any particular reason Pimp letoff the gas on this guy? You better rub some of his paint and make him worried. As the Pimp willy we take notes from in Mafia games can, which I will be taking notes from this very game/pre-game and that play vs him.

Who said I let off RF? I voted for him during the night phase didn’t I?

I said my gut says to vote RF, my brain says to vote Chief. One of those two, at least, is on the mafia

I’m saying the same about your “her” claim with my Valedictorian post.

That it wasn’t telling or your Jesus toast admission of guilt I slipped up.

It was a positive post, just ended harshly.

A post that was again - if you look at it more than just one word - telling people a lot more about Valedictorian that nobody was scared of at the time.

Nobody realized the 3 Role Claim = Night Triple kill.

Pietastic conveniently wrote like a suspicious guy, “oh yeah… I forgot about that…” which I didn’t make a big deal of right then and there, so it sounded very passive aggressive, stomach ulcer built up gas / acid or something. As well he was very suspicious for like I said, the 3rd role claim request of the game.

Counting up who asked for role claims and exactly when with the mood and conversation of the thread (to see if it was opposite of the Civs interest) seems pretty important now that I think about it. Post counts will just show I still haven’t said as much as blabbermouth Missing who says nothing all the time.

But I’m acting like him by posting so much this game actually.

Forgive me but look at all my posts on this page,

doing catchup and haven’t seen much of page 34 besides my own posts very hurriedly written and less time to format/edit,

I have not seen a patented Pimp Willy case against him being put together. And the vote for him hasn’t been explained. It could be another, make him squirm while you don’t have it locked, true enough, night phase probably doesn’t even lock votes if you chose to vote there.

Fuzz this is another interesting exchange.

Who did you think Alpha was, which role?

I also need to grab when he got - out of the game upset, uncharacteristically saying “you won’t even work with me?” I think to Pietastic.

@PW I agree on RF but does it matter right now? We have access to alot of information but people are bent role claiming to make their reads. If not role claiming is the basis for suspicion we’re not going to win this.

I’m probably gonna slow down with the post clutter. And go read more.

I did recognize to spoiler up some big ones, and try to collapse that way if I needed a quote within some giant “hourglass quote” removed, then underline and bold but probably missed a lot of what I wanted to pinpoint in their posts.

I’d prefer to delay it for as long as possible, but I don’t think I have much time left.

The main problem I see is, it doesn’t really help you that much. You plugged into the network, but so what, Mafia obviously wouldn’t kill you because you’re the main lynch candidate. Statistically, it would actually hurt us. As frustrating as it might be if you’re civilian, if we’re on the same page then I’d ask you to not activate your ability. If you’re not who I’m saying you are then please respond appropriately.

I bolded this in the last group,
but its 2 or 3 quotes deep and probably, default collapsed and hidden

Would you clarify this? I’m aware of the case against Chief, but what feels “off” about me this game?

I thought he had been claiming the Programmer, which is why I said “plugged into the network” (reference to the anime/game) and “Statistically”, but his response “Don’t hold your breath” as he was RCing the Swimmer. However, the reason I thought he was Programmer was because he said “I’d prefer to delay [my ability] for as long as possible”. That’s why I was confused as to what he was claiming when he said he was Swimmer.

Page 1


*Page 2, look at who is bolded. Guess who doesn’t appear on both lists? *

  • Page 6. Fanning the flames. I’m surprised Mobius said this, incredibly surprised in fact. I played in a very similar manner last game and he had no problem answering the question then (when he was mafia). Now for some reason he casts subtle suspicion on me. It also doesn’t help that he appears to be playing in a similar way he did last game. With that said I’m not sure if he’s mafia or not, but when he did post this I put a big asterisk next to the post. This was before RF and AlphaCommando started casting suspicion on me. *


Page 12, turning up the heat. The bolded part stuck out to me. It could just be me being nitpicky, but I did not like the feeling I got from this.


  • Page 14. Subjective opinion of mines but BD I believe generally have strong reads. His actual playstyle is suspicious but his reads have been pretty strong imo. Also this post points out that I was indeed playing similarly in the last game ( Red TF2, I was civ). *

*Page 18.Why tag Mobius? He’s one of the first people who casted suspicion on me. Why ask him that question, at THAT particular time? Additionally did you really NOT entertain the idea that the question I was asking was doing anything other than identifying roles? Did you really think that I was either a mafia member publicly trying to hunt for roles or a Civ who was dumb enough to ask people a question that would hurt the Civs in such a manner? *

  • Page 21. In general I’m an advocate of people going back and rereading this page. But for the sake of making things simple I present to you a interesting quote chain.
  • Page 22. Fuzz, you’re either being played like a fiddle here, or you and AC is trying a last ditch effort to make the wagon go from me to him. Also this quote is intriguing to me for another reason. More on that soon. *

Page 23. You give up on your crusade against me and jump back to Orochizoolander. Why? Also care to explain what was that “nagging feeling” you had about AlphaCommando?


Page 25. I look at this one of two ways. Syn, either you were suckered in by AC/Fuzz accusations or you’re mafia and for some reason you guys were still going to go after me. I lean towards the truth being the former but I would absolutely not put it past you to be mafia who has some type of ploy.

Also by the way, I was the first to come out and say it’s tough playing in a game this big. I believe I said it around page 6.


Page 28. I’m surprised no one tried to dissect this (besides Pimp Willy throwing out this list in the thread a couple pages ago). The bolded names at the very least deserve attention. As it stands now 1 of the bolded people are confirmed civ. That leaves 4 others including myself.

With the info we have now these roles are still up in the air:

Nagei (One in a million)
Junko (Sacrificial Lamb)
Celestia (Gambler or always clean)
Leon (Stolen base or role blocker)
Fujisaki (Phase ender)
Yamada (private chat or spies on UC)
Asahina (Learns val identity or vigi immune)
Oowada (Lynch change or extra mafia kill)
Chiaki (Protect against mafia at night or extra mafia kill)

I tagged Mobius because I was curious to see what he would say. I fail to see how that doesn’t matter if he’s already suspicious of you.

  • Page 21. In general I’m an advocate of people going back and rereading this page. But for the sake of making things simple I present to you a interesting quote chain.
  • Page 22. Fuzz, you’re either being played like a fiddle here, or you and AC is trying a last ditch effort to make the wagon go from me to him. Also this quote is intriguing to me for another reason. More on that soon. *

Page 23. You give up on your crusade against me and jump back to Orochizoolander. Why? Also care to explain what was that “nagging feeling” you had about AlphaCommando?


Page 25. I look at this one of two ways. Syn, either you were suckered in by AC/Fuzz accusations or you’re mafia and for some reason you guys were still going to go after me. I lean towards the truth being the former but I would absolutely not put it past you to be mafia who has some type of ploy.

Also by the way, I was the first to come out and say it’s tough playing in a game this big. I believe I said it around page 6.


Page 28. I’m surprised no one tried to dissect this (besides Pimp Willy throwing out this list in the thread a couple pages ago). The bolded names at the very least deserve attention. As it stands now 1 of the bolded people are confirmed civ. That leaves 4 others including myself.


Well so far this is what I have:

Pimp asking for Sakura role claim Day 1 suspicious. Willy being Sakura. Not so suspicious.

Hecatom drunk on happy juice role-claiming Byakuya. W.T.F. Azure “reveals” he’s Syo and Mahiru. Info checks out. Civies.

Radicalfuzz focusing his attention on DarkGeneral. D.G. telling him to “Talk to the hand.” May be worth looking into.

W.T.F. Akuma focusing on Pie because he’s…not worried about the mafia leader (who he thinks is a she)? Didn’t vote for Missing Person who asked for it. Didn’t vote for Alpha who turned out to be the enemy. Thinks he sees things that others don’t. Hard to read. May be mildly-retarded pimp from the 70s.

Wallflowers are suspicious. We means I look suspicious. Hope vigi. doesn’t kill me.