SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Not the most dangerous role.

Not a smart player.

No threat detected with me.

Looking back at it, I do look pretty scummy. But I’m not. Pinky promise.

I’m so persistent this game because I’m playing differently. Whether that’s Mafia behavior or not is up to you.

Lets entertain the idea that you are who you say you are.
I want to know the reasoning of why you didn’t use your ability the last night phase.

Off like what? Because I’ve been the same since my debut in AA.

My answer was directed to RF :coffee:

Cause I didn’t feel like it, There was nothing to gain by throwing myself under like that if it wasn’t this night it would have been the next night. Quite honestly if I’d have known better I would have and you’d still have a nurse.

Mafia knows who I am and they don’t care.

Everyone has a role this game, since BD died Night 1. I’m really crappy at distinguishing between roled civilian and Mafia, so I used different methods to try to figure out who was Mafia. Didn’t quite work, unfortunately.

I find OZ to be the most suspicious right now. I know he just posted this really long post analyzing a lot of people, but most of it just seems like fluff. Plus, this part of his analysis stuck out to me the most:

Iunno why, but that seems scripted to me. Plus, couldn’t the mafia do the same thing to keep themselves from being lynched by promising that they’re going to provide “useful civ” info? On top of that, unusually passive. Didn’t you once tell me that the reason you’re so aggressive is because then people wouldn’t be able to tell that you were mafia when you really are. Doesn’t this “change of play style” completely ruin that plan? You’re lookin pretty dirty to me.

Guys, are you serious about lynching me today?


Preferably not. There are still useless people playing that can go first imo.

Cool. Here are the players that’ve been the most inactive or otherwise not helpful:

-ForgeDigger (kinda, he’s made some good contributions recently)
-Frequent Lurker


HAX and Dark General have been MIA too.

OZ’s a good addition to that list, I overlooked him.

HAX & DG have only been missing recently, they’ve been relatively active compared to the others.

Mobius was absent until recently as well. But he found what I saw earlier that was overlooked regarding HAX. Its flimsy but questionable.

If HAX turns up Mafia the chance of Mobius being dirty is much lower, seeing as nobody was really looking at HAX closely before that.

Um… really chief? Open your eyes please

What am I not seeing?

A lot I believe

I doubt that.

I dissaree if you’re saying the listed names have been contributing consistently throughout the game.

Nope not what I am saying. Sorry 1 handed phone typing