SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

About that, C_K got a vote from AC on day 2 as well.
I have been reading the posts before and after each vote to see what i can get.
RF seems to go against the flow so far on each votes round, the 1st day for you, the second day for DarkGeneral, which btw i think he started to went after night one ended.
AC voted twice against C_K
Dark General went for C_K day 1
I also noticed this

Dunno why, but i feel that there is a chance that they have been trying to go after DG since then trying to divert the attention to him.

On the one hand, I hope you’re just that good.

On the other hand, if you are, then that’s scary and I hate you

Sorry, I took another look at the roles, and I just don’t see a role that both activates at night and will be super important for us to win

I understand why anyone would be suspicious of me, I’ve been quiet and unhelpful so far so if a few logical civs choose to vote for me and then mafia hop on the band wagon and I die then I won’t pull a @hecatom, I get it so I won’t bother defending myself. However, I will explain my actions up to this point so guys please understand I’ve intentionally been playing this game differently than usual hoping it would help in the long term but that doesn’t seem to be panning out so I’ll switch gears back to normal OZ. Also I’ve been a bit TOO cryptic and made some of you overthink/overestimate my train of though this game :lol: I need to stop over thinkng this shit and be more clear.

Just read this thread from page 1 so excuse the quote bomb.

With the hindsight that this is the list of a mafia, should the bolded players be automatically exonerated from suspicion? I give AC a lot of credit perhaps too much, but I suspect he would slip in at least 1 mafia in bold on the offchance he gets killed and then we all come back to this incriminating list looking for info.

If there was any doubt that PW was oogami, this is the psot that should kill it, I apologize PW for not seeing it before.

So it’s safe to say there is no mafia medic.

WTF with the WTF early psychic DP :lol: unfortunately I couldn’t find any posts of anyone trying to manipulate azure.

I was a bit confused about the protection thing until this thanks for explaining it’s back on the table as an option in spite of recent pages correct?

This is his first post in the thread, this was before we had a soft confirm that mafia has no medics, this is circumstantial evidence at best sure, but still smacks of a mafia bluffing that they do have a medic.

I think it’s safe to assume at least 1 of the 4 weakest roles is a confirmed mafia, but I unfortunately don’t have the insight as to which one AC would have not wanted us to know he picked.

You were sort of on the right track the first time cynti (I’m not nagita or trying to do lol) however, I didn’t realize how adamant CK was against me until this post and how it continued afterwards, but is that alone enough to suspect CK? I want to say yes but I know I can’t…yet.

My thinking was that it would be ideal to have a few people suspect me so that mafia think I’m not worth a night kill and get lynched but not actually get enough lynch votes to actually die so I can continue getting more info for civs. Guess that plan is out the window. Halp.

This could very well be a tell that CK is mafia, AC knows the “2 mafias going for each other’s throat” is pretty easy to spot I mean we discussed it in our game when we were both civs, but to have one mafia implicate their own and have that implicated mafia go after a civ…that’s fresh spin on that tired tactic and exactly the mid level move I’d expect AC to make.

…awesome logic, but you’re smart enough to know others would say this is weak reasoning…unless you pretended to be super adamant about voting me all game so civs would dismiss you as an overzealous civ.

I get the wine example, but how does it help the civs to know what either I or darkgeneral would do in that situation?

I don’t blame you for suspecting me whatever, but this post gives a good clue what your role is, don’t be afraid to take risks if you survive lat game :tup:

When did you “call it” and why didn’t you defend PW when he was suspected by half of us?

Great read PW, if the UC did investigate AC would he die any faster than he did?

Last minute protection for AC? hmmm… okay this puts you on my suspect list, although I admit it’s weak evidence.

Obviously knowing the answer now you may not believe me, but at the time of your post I thought AC was clean he had me fooled, and I was clear on bious until PW reminded me about the forger power :lol:

Damn, if only we could see this coming bious would be alive =/

I spent so much time trying to over analyze because after reading the roles and players I assumed there would be a lot of yomi layer 3 tech going on so that is mainly why I’ve been posting the way I have however, I never thought for a second that any civ would mistake me for togami and have that skew the meaning behind my posts. I’m not togami but I like the way you think :wink:

I understand my role is pretty weak, I was just crying to godots about that.

Doof and to a lesser degree synonym are my suspects thus far.

He is maybe implying that he could be the Gamer Girl or the Trap boy who can negate all the activities of the phase he skips.
Considering what AC posted about how useful it could be in his mind…

I know that AC has been batering with hims since day one after C_K went after Oz, but i still don’t feel that he has been misblamed as i do about Dark General.
Call me crazy, but my guts are telling me that the mafia has been trying to work in a way that they seem to agree in pairs in some “suspicious people” while at the same time disagree in others.
C_K and RF agreeing on Oz and DG but not on AC
C_K suspecting of AC because he finds his logic about suspecting on Oz flawed, while AC agrees with RF on DG being suspicious.
Also, C_K and RF pressing against Azure almost from the beginning of the game with flimsy logic or evidence.

Lol this conspiracy theory

Look if you wanna know my role all you had to do was ask.

Okay, that was surprising.
Our detective did not investigate?

PS: It’s a rhetorical question, there’s no need for answers.

Now i fear that our Detective is a damn Wallflower :shake:

I’d like to let Bious know that he has some good speculation

Gamer isn’t mafia.

Every time someone brings this up they can’t find any actual posts from me that support it. Where did I press Azure? I’m not sure I even addressed him until he was confirmed. The other parts though, I will admit do make a nice logical triangle of "Okay, you agree with me here but be sure to disagree with me later"
While I’m not Mafia and I can’t verify the validity of the triangle that’s very insightful Hecatom, nice job :tup:

What the hell. I sincerely hope Bious is lying to protect the UC from Mafia. Freaking fun as hell role and you don’t even submit the action?

I’m not asking you to roleclaim and wasn’t trying to imply that. I appreciate your respect, don’t get me wrong, but I can’t die yet as I haven’t killed a Mafia. In a game where the Mafia leader picks who to recruit, the penalty for not recruiting me is death. Since Alpha, the leader, is dead and I didn’t play a part in getting him killed I’ll just have to settle with another. I hope that others follow me, but if I get lynched it’s going to be with my finger pointed straight at you.
Lynch The Chief

@orochizoolander I’m not the Gambler, that post didn’t have any clues in it. I haven’t hinted towards my role all game and don’t plan on doing so unless I need to.

@Combo_Knight Pretty sure everyone who’s been reading the thread knows what your role is, or at least what you’ve been telling us it is. You’re not nearly as subtle as you think you are if you posted that much about it and still didn’t expect us to get it.

@Hecatom My post that you quoted where I asked 7 people about what they thought of DG, only Alpha and Augustus responded. Any thoughts on that?

Who was looking for subtlty? I’m about as subtle as Hulks flowchart in MVC3

As long as you’re aware of it lol

I’m sure mafia is aware, that’s why you’ve been keeping me around

  1. I’m not Mafia.
  2. Why would the Mafia want the Gamer alive?

TBH, DG, Oz and Augustus are still on my suspect list, but right now i want to press on the people that i feel more suspicious about, you, C_K and The Chief.
My main problem is that i have seen how you play, and the questions that you made to DG and the way that you reacted to them seem off. There are other stuff that i have noticed but i want to take my time to organize my thoughts about them.
I am preparing to go to the Aerosmith concert while finishing some stuff on my office so i wouldn’t be able to convey what i want to say clearly right now.


This is the game I’m NOT going to play with you RF.

As much as I see value in participation in this game, I also see desperation in your actions. If your vote for me results in my lynching, you’re most certainly next after my LG comes out.

This is day 3 and you’re strategy of trying to get rid of the powerful players asap is why you look as dirty as you do.

My attention is on wallflowers as they have proved to by a significant problem in any strategy or conversation we try to enact.

Why are you so persistent this game?

We now know that the Valedictorian is a female, now don’t we?
Honestly, it would be a pretty weak argument, but it’s odd, really~ odd.
I’ll be keeping an eye on WAH from now on.