SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

OZ was talking about the tendency of early Vigi kills to be uninformed and wrong. Often the Vigilante, if he kills every night, will be as much an asset for the Mafia as he is for the Civs.

Also, would being able to confirm another civilian be a good move right now? I can but I’m not sure if it’s the correct time. @Azure, PW, & MP what do you think?

To remain clear about my intentions:

Lynch orochizoolander

I see, but I already took that into consideration.
I agree that it’s another perspective worth noting though.

Though it might not be a civilian player, we can confirm another civilian role among ourselves if one claimed to have been contacted by the Otaku. This would mean the Otaku is on our side without the need for anyone to role claim.
And if they lied about it, then 'tis quite obvious how the sequence of events would turn out.
The problem is, whether or not the Otaku has yet to contact anyone.

Awareness of the Otaku’s allegiance will help our Detective conduct her investigations accordingly.
I want make this game easier for her, if given the chance.


I wasn’t talking about the Otaku’s PM ability, but I can confirm that I have not been contacted by the Otaku.

OK, I actually found some interesting OZ stuff with some research. Nothing really resembling a role claim, save for one post I provide below. A LOT of bitching about how long the thread is, how he’s overwhelmed right now but will eventually contribute, etc. It’s pretty suspicious to me, but I agree that it’s also so off-the-wall that it could be pain meds. But right now I’m thinking it’s suspicious, because as PW always says, this is a game of DECEPTION.

Suspicious stuff:


Potential RC stuff (not that I know what it means):


Well I would have to review my notes and the last 10 pages to give you something more solid so for right now I’ll just go with the currently living players with the lowest amount of post which would be Doofenshmirtz, forgedigger and infrequent lur-


And just to clarify, the only reason I see RC in that role claim is because he talks about otakus, rejecting otakus and joining the “dark souls mafia game option.” I don’t know anything about Dark Souls. Are any of the characters there similar to characters in this game? Is there any other evidence? Or is his claim that he’s subtly RCing just BS?

Argh. “the only reason I see RC in that post”

Dark Souls is kinda based around Medieval times, and the closest character type from there would probably be Gandamu, the Dark Lord guy. It’s a huge stretch though, so I doubt he was saying that.

I just realized, by voting for DG yesterday I missed out on the point for voting for a Mafia. That makes me sadder than it honestly should.

Notes? You have notes? If you’ve been doing some research on your own, even if its half-baked, please share it. I’m still not sure how to best interpret OZ’s posts, for instance. We need to help each other out to root out the mafia.

Well, if DG was a mafia and you voted for him, you’d potentially gain 1 point, I think.

The hell did I do? And why does everyone always use that video when they’re mad at me?

You were too busy shut-in studying to shut-in ability? A likely story.

That’s true. GodotsRevenge, retcon DarkGeneral to be Mafia if he isn’t already so I can get my point :smiley:

Sumazndude wasn’t a random target if you actually think about it. I think some of you went over my post so I’ll re-post:

Out of those five players he was the most sure of himself:

He ignored the potential possibilities of Bious being Mafia. Why? Because Bious confirmed that he protected Pimp Willy.

Now, those who have played with Sumazndude before know that he has a tendency to not be as helpful as some of us would like. But he was actually putting himself out there this time because he has an important role and didn’t want to die from the wallflower lynches. Likely, a Mafia who is familiar with his playstyle took notice and ended up killing him. Who’s both familiar with him and hasn’t been sitting well with me since Day 2?


Plus, I believe he said that I was a confirmed civilian at one point:

I am definitely not confirmed yet. Slip-up? Or am I reading things incorrectly?

Regardless, Lynch RadicalFuzz.

Pssst AlphaCommando, can I borrow a Teru card?

Damn that’s a good read on SAM… kind of makes me feel like a douche for missing that and not protecting him

Dear lord, not this again. You know those two words “hypothetical scenario”, they’re kind of important. That means that the scenario I am describing is not necessarily based on the current game state.

“Assuming that the Otaku was acting as we told him to and used the ‘random civ’ ability, that would confirm you as civilian and, if need be, you could confirm the identity and allegiance of the Otaku” is what you’re talking about right? Replace “you” with “the target of the PM” and two things happen:

  1. You look like an idiot for not realizing that
  2. The sentence gets insanely convoluted and difficult to read

Good job on finding this part though, it hadn’t occurred to me:

For the sake of completion, let’s list everyone who’s played in a game with sumazndude, or General Stupidity on the Invision site. I think it’s:

-Azure (civ)
-One of the TF2 games (RED, I think)

Now let’s list everyone who’s read a game with sumazndude:

-Fuck if I know

The same accusations of “was aware that SAD was acting differently” could be brought against anyone. The fact that sumazndude is one of my best friends IRL doesn’t mean I necessarily understand his mindset when it comes to this game. And if I’m appearing “off” to you then explain. Why only since Day 2?

It would just take an experienced player to make that read, or somebody that we underestimate. It wouldn’t have to be somebody he has played with before.