SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Am i the only one who feels that Hax is acting weirder than usual?

along with yourself dark general and radical fuzz/ guess how many I think are mafia

By “something mafia would save till later in the game” do you mean the Gamer’s Mafia ability? Actually it’d be an interesting attempt to get around Pimp’s protection. I mean, if you’re Mafia you can go ahead and sacrifice yourself, but an extra kill probably isn’t going to turn the game around for you guys. If you’re Civilan, then your sacrifice tonight will guarantee the survival of every civilian, save possibly Co-Jones if he is indeed Civilian. Don’t worry about it leaving the Oowada issue up in the air, when we kill another Mafia we’ll get an answer to that.

OZ, I feel that Pimp Willy is civilian. The only other possibility is that he and Bious are both Mafia and Hecatom is lying about who Fukawa is for some reason. Mafia targets Bious (Fukawa) for Night 1 Kill, he dies as Hagakure “but I thought I was going to die so I used ESP” and confirms Pimp’s Oogami claim from earlier that day. The delay on his death would’ve been unforeseen since it’s a civ-only ability so I don’t see how they would’ve been able to plan for that. When Bious pointed towards Hecatom he would’ve had to go along with it, confirming Fukawa as Co-Jones.

Basically for Pimp to be Mafia, Bious would have to be. Which would in turn require him to be Mafia Fukawa lying about using his ability since he’s been killed as a civilian. However, there have been no counterclaims to Bious’s Hagakure role claim, and everything he’s said has checked out so far. Therefore I find it beyond reasonable to assume that Pimp Willy and Bious are civilians.

Funny, because i think that you have high chances of being mafia.

Not to mention Azure would have to be mafia too, since he knows who I targeted last night and it would show 2 people, meaning I’d have to be who I said I am

Who are you talking to here?

*I was talking about using her ability to stop all mafia night kills (in exchange for her life). I’m tired and I could be wrong but it’s my understanding that things could go like this:

Chiaka uses her ability
Azure/Pimp Willy/Medic/UC won’t be killed tonight
Azure puts in the kill on Co-Jones (who is touka)
Co-Jones dies and we get the results of his death

This is what I was referring to in my previous post.*

undo - that spoiler broke, no edit hell noooo

I know leaving a spoiler bb code opener without FIFIO close code bracket can sorta screw up a page and shit, I knew I closed one for sure but didn’t know I had two spoilers on the second quote, the quotes don’t even collapse anymore and its a lot of blue there now.

Quoted to check what I typed, not “Edit” click, which is no go for Mafia games.

“if he’s Mafia we’re screwed?”

Bcuz that meant he does have commando assist, corridor!

Japanese Voice Actor struggles to say corridor doesn’t he? but then that shit goes BOOOOMSLAM. Powerful. It wasn’t that amazing in his own game, but I don’t remember the arcade version too much. Except playing it in a pizza parlor as a kid, and some older dudes were checking their friend’s leather jacket if it might light on fire with their lighters.

I think I rolled Mummy Commando. :cool: Shank a fool.

Pfft yeah whatever.

You’ll be eating those words soon enough.

My response is directed to Combo_Knight
He has been striking me as very suspicious mostly because the stuff that i know, and his post asking for Gamer Gurl to come out instead of just asking her to use her ability makes him more suspicious.


or is W a Y?

:???: :wtf:

I said I was tired already Hecatom.

*My eyes are getting heavy so I’m heading to bed. *

Calling for Nanami to sacrifice herself this early is pretty suspicious in my opinion. That’s tantamount to mafia telling the civs to get rid of one of their as-yet unrevealed aces at a controlled point in time. It’d mean that the civ’s would be unable to kite a mafia kill later on.

I agree. Suddenly CK is no longer on anyone’s radar? I know we’re being inundated with role claims and their implications but we seem to be losing sight of the main objective here. I think that the nurse should protect PW. PW, in turn protects Azure. PW then chooses another player without posting their name in the thread to protect. This way we can read into mafia choices in the day phase tomorrow.

His posts do seem to be making less sense as the thread progresses. I still think you’re the man though WAH.

Also, OZ you’re playing really, really confusingly. I’m certainly not going to call bullshit on your medical situation (I got hospitalised during the RE game) but it is kind of confusing that you didn’t even know that Alpha had already been lynched. If you don’t have time to keep up with everything in the thread at least read the write-ups.

@Synonym I won’t be around to answer any follow-ups, but consider this about the Gamer situation. Right now we have Azure, a Medic, a UC, Pimp Willy, and probably at least one more important thing I’m forgetting about. That’s 4/5 people, and we can only protect 3 with the Medic-Oogami plan (which has turned out freaking awesome Pimp, great idea)
If Gamer sacs herself to prevent all Mafia kills, not only do we nullify a possible Oowada double kill from Alpha’s lynch, we guarantee that Co-Jones is the only one to die tonight. We’ve already made a logical chain of “If he was Mafia, then he’d have to be Mafia” statements that prove (or almost do, I might be missing something) that Azure, Bious, Pimp Willy, and Hecatom are very likely civilians. Hecatom, Byakuya Togami, says that Co-Jones is Fukawa. Azure, the Vigilante, is going to kill Jones tonight. If Jones is Civilian, then he’s going to use Fukawa’s Civilian ability “Shut-In” to avoid all night actions, therefore remaining alive and becoming a confirmed civilian. If not, then Fukawa is Mafia and is going to die, although as a civilian and possibly not as “Fukawa”.
I suspect that’s why Co-Jones hasn’t been posting, so when he dies he can say that he never got around to reading the thread and couldn’t have known to use his Civ ability, and it is possible for him to be Civilan. However, that only works if he dies as Civ Fukawa. If he’s not Civ Fukawa it’s too late to raise objections in the thread because he’s already committed to the “ignore them and pretend like you didn’t catch up with the thread” course of action, and Azure’s kill has been locked in.
Sorry if this was really long-winded, but I wanna make sure you understand everything because you’re smart and can be a big help if you are aware of the current situation

I don’t quite understand, do you want me to answer the question of how many of us you think are Mafia or were you asking him how many of us 4 he thinks are Mafia? If it’s the former it’ll have to wait until tomorrow since I’m going to bed immediately after this post.

Talking to the Gamer. Sorry if I made it seem like I was addressing you, I kinda slipped into the “lecture to the role” mode for a minute. Sorry, I’m really tired right now.

I’m going to sleep, see everyone in the morning. I probably won’t be able to check in beforehand, but I should be here about 3 and a half hours after the writeup to give my input.

Lynch RadicalFuzz

Oops, is it too early? : )

Dammit, do I get points for knowing after Night 1 that Azure was Syo?

I was alluding so hard to that.

I didn’t know your other role homey, but I knew you were civ and Vigi.

God damn.


@Godots, am i still a valid target for Otaku?

PW are we copacetic?

I put CK on my suspicion list but you’re on it just as much Synonym