SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Because you were one of the people that jumped to an AC defense.

[quote=“DarkGeneral, post:317, topic:164690”]

  • I thought about what role the Val got and I’m very frightened at the posibility of the val being Celestia or Touko. The amount of mindfuckery they’d be able to run would be ridiculous. Actually @GodotsRevenge if the Val is Chiaki could they use both their role and val ability on the same night? Being able to kill up to 4 people in one night is pretty fucking ridiculous. There’s a couple of other things I want to eventually be able to talk about but there’s other things we should be doing before that. As it stands now all 23 roles are alive and the amount of possibilities is mind bending. *

I like this response alot.* So far out of all the players you appear to have displayed one of the best understandings of all the roles.** Hopefully we’ll be able to dissect roles like this as the game rolls along. But at the same time I don’t want to get suckered into playing theory fighter and overlook all the social interactions. Also I just noticed this about my previous post:

  • My bolded part was me throwing subtle suspicion on Alpha Commando, no one picked up on it. Also I found it HIGHLY suspicious how he answered the question. From my last game against Godot who was head mafia, he answered a similar one of my questions in a very similar way. Godot defered from my question about who he would pick if he was the leader. In my mind this set off major alarms. He wouldn’t give up the information on who he would pick because he didn’t want to outright lie. The question is a test on social norms and how people respond, you can call it a theory that I have. I can talk about it later if you guys want, I think it’s a good approach to the game but I’m not ready to spill all the beans about it so mafia can have a means to dodge it.

Furthermore the reason I asked this question wasn’t for role hunting, it was for getting information out of mafia. Depending on how people respond, as the game goes on it’ll give us amazing information. That’s all I’ll say about that for now. *

Should’ve quoted that new rule, but quick post phase, gotta catchup with refresh.

The next Night phase they can’t try it - they only go one night phase without it

While a new Mafia becomes Valedictorian

Then the next phase its available for them to use.

That about correct?

So, the game is like before without the new rule?

Yes. :tup: No patches. Mahvel 2, baybee.

*This is how the post should look.

My bolded part was me throwing subtle suspicion on Alpha Commando, no one picked up on it. Also I found it HIGHLY suspicious how he answered the question. From my last game against Godot who was head mafia, he answered a similar one of my questions in a very similar way. Godot defered from my question about who he would pick if he was the leader. In my mind this set off major alarms. He wouldn’t give up the information on who he would pick because he didn’t want to outright lie. The question is a test on social norms and how people respond, you can call it a theory that I have. I can talk about it later if you guys want, I think it’s a good approach to the game but I’m not ready to spill all the beans about it so mafia can have a means to dodge it.

Furthermore the reason I asked this question wasn’t for role hunting, it was for getting information out of mafia. Depending on how people respond, as the game goes on it’ll give us amazing information. That’s all I’ll say about that for now. *


Read comprehension.

Learn it, use it. :tup:


HAX had “Liked” this immediately after it was posted, but changed it to an “Insightful” within 2 minutes of the post. Did he happen to accidentally hit “Like” before realizing it’d look suspicious?

And where was anything said about there being a new Valedictorian? He mentions it as if it were an ongoing discussion:

Nothing was said in the thread about one of the Mafia stepping up to replace Alpha as Val. I’d wager that something about it was said in the Mafia PM though.

Good… pullin’ our heartstrings here, yo.

Seriously, I think tonight we need to be laying low. A lot can change during this night phase if we run our mouths a shitload.

I think the only person that’s safe to talk in here would be myself. I won’t do a lot, but God, we could really blow it if someone sniffing too hard got bodied with a kill and a LG block.

Well since now there is no risk to RC we have a lot of chances to win this quickly.
Like i have been saying, they more than probable will kill our vigi tonight so we need to decide what to do.
Also the fact that the AC RC Asahina means that he knew that the real Asahina is with them, since otherwise nothing would have stopped him to counter that RC.

Ok… Need to breathe and figure out the exact implications of this. Hopefully the goalposts won’t move again while I’m asleep. I don’t think the right move is necessarily for everyone to RC at once, although I’m sure that’s the first intuition. No RCs until the group (led by confirmed civs) figures out the strategy. Goodnight.

According to Bious the Nurse is on our side. The Nurse is the only source of a LG block so we should be safe from that.

They can’t LG block since we have the nurse according to Bious


What I did and Fuzz might’ve saw

is me clicking LOL first

then reading that thing through and it being opposite what I thought it was - same as you guys thinking it was taken away for good

And then clicking insightful, changing the reaction button, to change my tune and have to think this over and ask GM questions.

During a click I don’t see the other people’s names as it updates the numbers of lol, like, etc also until I refresh the page - Having the Newest? version of Chrome as a browser.

Mr. Willy, sir?

How does it feel to be fully confirmed, without a doubt?

What do you think we should?
I for myself, think that there are certain roles that if are on our side can come out and help us shape a good strategy to win this game.

Also, now that we know a few things this becomes much more interesting. Alpha obviously told at least a bit of the truth here, having recruited Maizono and probably Ishimaru.

Fair point, nurse is ours, no blocks.

But still, I don’t like the mindgames they could perform with everyone talking and throwing around suspicion.

I think doing homework would be a better idea, so we come back with better cases in Day 3.

Besides, 26 pages provide for a lot of intel.

We’re over halfway to the last page in South Park and it went to Day 9. This is insane.

That is a good one, You may need to consult with Alpha Commando

A known role killer sacrificer

about the UMVC3 SRK Mafia game

@SWBeta the GM, told us a " no! :mad: "

to someone’s broken idea that we could all claim Magneto - and in Magneto’s rolecard, he can’t role claim as a rule. Very early in order to try to win the game real fast.

& Chief and others are still pissed at Ben Perkins for being a stupid lazyass Magneto! And Chief didn’t even play that game!