SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

That’s perfect! Now we’re only fighting normal Mafia, we don’t need to consider the number of confirmed roles!

…well I’ll be damned.

Oh yeah Hax, I see you playa.

I ain’t reading that shit about Space Spider Man Sex.

But I guess this game has its own new Faggot, but he’s a Dictator Bison… probably don’t want to read about him having sex either.




*Yes this is me patting myself on the back. *

I’m joyous~


*I’m with you on the OZ lynch, I’m not sure on Azure though. If anyone can read him I’d defer to Missing Person. *


worse GM than missing then :mad:

What the hell Monobear?

So that means we’re free from the worries of the triple kill, yes?

Were you browsing on a phone or on a computer just now?

Whooo! We got the Val? Nice work, team…

Let’s take some time to think through the implications of this… Him being the Val and Sonia has some interesting dynamics to it. For instance, they know who the vigi is, right? There’s more yomi now that they know that we know that they know who you are. They also might not let you live…

…I refresh and see Godot’s entry. Well fuck.

Holy shit, this is great :woot:, no risk of triple kill now
The bad thing is that they know who is our vigi so they can retaliate for his lose going after him tonight.

He’s following canon.

for just 1 phase

And don’t get a second chance to stop them from that by killing a new valedictorian?

Is that godfather role passed onto a new Mafia member? Promotion/Level up?

Do they get that every time the Valedictorian dies?

My other questions badly timed - right before the writeup - are just way less important right now. :razz:

Holy shit, we found the Valedictorian! :DDD no more triple kill!

Like hell he is, we still can’t go to the second floor.

I’m sorry! But the broken tech (HAX) with this game was that the civs could all roleclaim and automatically win. Balancing is hard.