SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

@Doofenshmirtz, while you’re here:

  1. Why are you against the vigi killing? Statistically speaking, we have to get rolling on the killing, as we have limited opportunities to do so.
  2. I’m interested in soliciting your independent thoughts: who are your top 3 suspects right now?

Anyone trying to take 40% of the goddamn game off the table for a lynch (including himself) is immediately suspect.

Yep. Vigi, keep killing.

@Missing Person: AC’s still top of my list today, as well. Who else is on your list?

There is no need to lynch Touko, at least not imnmediately, she could use her ability to negate all night actions to prove herself

After 4 games, I’ve come to the conclusion that wallflowers are neutral.

If a Civ is a wallflower he’s not Civ.
If a Mafia is a wallflower he’s not mafia.

Therefore I’ll encourage their dismissal from the game by any means.

Lynch, Vigi, sacrifice, DQ will not get a complaint from me. Its stupid to sign up and not play.

You can blame Ben Perkins and KillaFox for that opinion but I will not dissagree with dissmisal of those clowns.


Depending on the day phase actions, this list is going to fluctuate dramatically.

I’m actually forgetting people on this list. I think I may have had you on the last one. But I’m not sold on you being uber suspicious right now. But there’s a lot of people that are currently teetering on that line of “Maybe/Maybe Not Suspicious.”

The only people I’ve cleared on my book is PW and Bious, and Bious is about to go into the abyss, but hopefully this day phase ends up doing what I hope it does.

Huh? What?

Touko only protects herself from all night actions. It says in no way, shape, or form, that she negates all night actions, just that if any are directed at her, she avoids them.

Do you think that it would be wise to lynch AC today, if not who do you think that it could be another candidate(s)?

Cool. Suspicion is suspicion. If I need to die to prove I’m not mafia, it’s sort of how this game goes. I’d rather not die because I think I’ll have some insight to contribute, but there are a lot of strong players who will certainly be around until the end, so I’m not super worried.

In general, I am in favor of getting rid of wallflowers earlier rather than later. As the game progresses, we’ll have more evidence to go on and more backing for suspicion on people who have actually been participating. Following the traces of suspicion, voting, etc. will actually enable us to make an informed decision, as opposed to the early game when we’re largely guessing. Later in the game, we’re still mostly just guessing on the wallflowers; we get their vote data, but we have to speculate about why they voted how they did.

So my own list goes AC, then wallflowers, probably with Doof at the top, Co-Jones, then IF.

Just keep in the back of our minds that Bious is not clean, I know I keep drilling it into your heads, but this is a game of DECEPTION. This move would be a super high level, yomi tier mind game. It just doesn’t sit right with how long it took Bious to dish out information, like he was being fed lines on how to best incriminate people.

I think him being a vigi kill was probably unlikely at this point ,for him to have chosen a role and been ready to go right with a 7:00 write up would be less likely than Mafia killing their own on purpose, or Bious just being plain clean.

So vigi, if you are out there and you did kill Bulldancer, you are probably the only one who knows right now.

If you have a role that you used last night, and Bious didn’t mention you, then you also know the truth right now, that he is lying. Remember that the specifics he gave were minimal, and the medics could still be Mafia. I will keep protecting the stronger players, and if I die in doing so, then we know the Medic is probably not on our side.

anyway, for now, that’s the last I’m going to let us get sidetracked with this line of thought. If this was a mafia play, it was really good, and I’m super impressed.

I get that you guys would suspect me for this, it’d be super double awesome yomi tier to come up with such a crazy plan that nobody thought of, and to expose it, just for trust points. But it’s true, right? If I am right and Bious is mafia, then I’d be the most confirmed person in the world AND I could probably use that to win the game. So, remember, I should be lynched around day 4 so long as the Swimmer role claims that same phase.

Shit, i misunderstood her ability :confused:
So it seems that she is more or less not that useful for the civs than she is for the mafia

One person we need to turn up the heat on is OZ.

Team SO MUCH WORK indeed

This was his post. Ok. What was his follow up?


If you go through every post of his, it’s all “So much work” stuff. Promise of future delivery, but no follow through.

He also posts plenty in other threads on the site, but not this one, which is a common cover up when reading mafia PMs.

This dude is dirty as fuck

PW, let’s talk how to put this Bious potential yomi to bed once and for all?

Do you think seeing every ability used and their targets would help clear the air?

The problem is, the only thing it does for us is prove whether Bious was Touko or not, it doesn’t give us much in the way of suspicions. But if we start seeing some crazed random voting, we may start to piece together information that adds up.

The problem with your theory that I do see, and you’ve probably already saw is this: We haven’t had anyone counter his claim, when they could easily pop their ability right now and say, “You know what? Bullshit!” A counter list would blow his out of the water, and we would have more leads to go on.

So that either means:

  1. He is telling the truth.
  2. He is lying and the real fortune teller is mafia.
  3. He is lying and the real fortune teller is sitting on their ability for a better time.

The problem with 3 is that the better time is now, it’ll be hard to believe later unless we can discern that Bious was in fact Touko.

But also, the problem with the real one (if Bious isn’t) popping now is it would convolute matters further.

So what’s your two cents in this matter?

You know where I stand in the Bious matter, but we could probably figure this out in a plethora of ways.

PW just said what I’ve been meaning to say about OZ for a while now, but every time I’m about to, I see another post i feel is misguided that needs to be addressed.

@MP I am already done with that subject, there’s not much more we can do with it right now.

Nobody can come out and counter his claims for 2 reasons

  1. They expose their role, which in this game is what the mafia wants

  2. He hasn’t really given anything that can be countered, he confirmed I was who I said I was AFTER I gave my save list. He talked about the 2 medics (nurse saved me, Hall Monitor didn’t use an action) but if they were Mafia, that wouldn’t matter. There may be a few other abilities I’m not 100% sure of that could call him out, but if they did, that probably plays right into their plan.

either way, we just push it aside and keep it in the back of our minds as to how it might have gone down, and keep going forward.

Killing AC is a strong move, it’s also possibly the move they want us to make. I’m not against lynching AC, I’m just paranoid a tad about it.

Another thing on this Bious business:

Counterclaiming Yasuhiro by popping the ability is NOT a bad play at this juncture, IMO. IF you’re the real Yasuhiro, not Bious, all this does is confirm you, and from then on, you’re essentially a roleless civ. That’s it. Mafia has no real reason to hit you after that unless you’re breathing down their necks too hard. That’s the beauty of having a one time only ability.

Considering no one has done this, I’m arsed to think that Bious is telling the truth. Most people are taking Bious at his word and deed. You would think that if there was another Yasuhiro, that they would’ve spoken up with their own report.

I’m a little apprehensive about AC myself right now, even being on my suspicion list, but what more do we have to go on?

Who would we lynch otherwise? orochi? Azure? DG? CK? Doof?

A couple of these I think are bad ideas altogether, especially right now. A couple of them I wouldn’t mind putting up on the block.

The only way I would attempt this plan is if the real Yasuhiro is mafia as well though. As mafia, you would always die as another mafia role, so nobody could easily counter your claim

Until tomorrow, people.

Actually, I

No, I did not.

And, further, as regards the South Park game, it is YOUR memory that is faulty.

I popped in there around day three,cat the earliest.

Check your gatdam PMs.

You may not be full of shit, due to being irrefutably Civ, but your memory definitely smells more of a septic tank, than grey matter.