SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Godamn cell that posted it before i was done…
The way that you phrased the question puts him in the position of being one of our detectives, so what if he is for example Byakuya, what if the person that is being at risk of being lynched is the Vigi or the nurse?

  • The question appeared to be in a general sense, much like the “glass of wine in front of me”. There was nothing that you stated in the question that pointed to the inquiry being in the context of this game.

I’ll even quote it:

Also, @RadicalFuzz, thanks for pushing me over the three star threshold!

Or interacting/being Yamada, the Otaku. Either way, saving them from the lynch by telling everyone their role will only serve to get them, and more roles, killed further down the line.

Really? That’s the best defense you could come up with? That’s like responding to “Do you think RadicalFuzz is Mafia?” with “In which game?”

  • The bolded part is EXACTLY how I feel. Not only is there more players (over double) there’s also a bajillion more roles. I literally went from playing my first game with 11 people and 4 roles to a game with 23 people and roughly 38 different role possibilities. Some of the thoughts or theories I have get brought up by other people first. Then you have the other things I never thought about being brought up, then you have the smorgesboard that is the different role possibilities. *

Add the Paparazzi, also his response in no way implied that he revealed his role or the role of the fellow civ to save him, he simply said that he will take up for him, meaning that he can simply mean that he will voice discomfort with the decision, or try to push other suspect with evidence, there are more ways to stand for other player than revealing the roles.

*Yup, that’s all I really have to say. I literally thought it was a general question and not tethered to this game. *

Whatever, it’s late, I’m tired, and I’m hitting the sack for tonight. I’ll restate my argument in the morning.

I haven’t been thinking much of them. Like I said, there are too many players to keep track of and I have a tendency to ignore some of them when I’m set on someone else. Right now I’m set on lynching Alpha and looking pietastic’s way. But I’ve gone through his posts and I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. To be honest, I find you more suspicious than him, lol.

I kind of want Syo to take a chance and kill Doofenshmirtz or orochizoolander. Maybe Cyntalan if he’s not buying his claim that he has an important/semi-important role. I mean, you’re setting up for Mafia to kill you by saying that. Or are you looking for the Medic’s protection?.. I dunno.

  • I’ll try and make it in the morning but I’ve been doing terrible with my time management since I’ve got involved playing these mafia games. They’re just too fun. I’ll be on for sure tomorrow night though. 8pm eastern roughly. *


In regards to general? I believe he is of the mafia ilk.

His defacing of me and his vote to have me lynch came conviently after one of my previous accusations AC, which we now believe is mafia.

Everything is post count numbers, and statsheets with this one, with the occasional “these people do this” routine

pretty much the ideal faceless contribution of a mafia role, you give just enough not to be considered a psychopath.

Interesting. :coffee:

Synonym is/has doubted the validity of Bious claim that he is Yasuhiro which is understandable. This is a game of deception after all. Plus Touko’s ability allows her to do a false roll claim. My question is why would mafia sacrifice her so early? Wouldn’t it be better to use this skill later in the game? Especially if the the score was something like 7C-3M. Hell look at all of the confusion it’s causing at the moment. Sacrificing her after one day seems rash. What point would it serve? To take some heat off of Pimp Willy? I’m sure he could do that on his own. Plus if the real Yasuhiro is killed then all of his credibility would go out of the window. That is unless…Yasu was recruited by the mafia as well. Still with this development happening after the first night I more inclined to think that Bious is who he says he is.

If BTier hadn’t been replaced would things be playing out the way they are now? Would the mafia have chosen a different target?

Great points, I lean towards Bious being a civilian and Yasuhiro.
However, I won’t claim that I’m 99.99% certain, it’s 67% percent at best.
The only way I’ll be 100% certain is if there are no counterclaims and if Touka role claims.
These would remove the possibility of Bious being Touka who is role-claiming Yasuhiro.
And if we lynch the person who role-claimed Touka and she comes up as Touka, then we would have nothing to worry about false death role reveals on future phases.

Bious was revealed as a civilian on his death, so him being Yasuhiro/Mafia is not possible, while him being Touka/Mafia is still possible.

But since that confirmation needs at the very least 1 role and 2 roles at most to role-claim, I’ll rather seek a different approach.

So in the end, until none of the confirmations I’ve mentioned happens, I’ll be tackling this game with Bious being Yasuhiro/Civilian in my mindset.

And now that I think about it, Bious claims that Togami’s kill switch was not activated last night. Though I’m inclined to believe him as I mentioned beforehand, the possibility that it had been activated and the switch led to the mafia killing of their own is there, which may mean that Touka was not necessarily sacrificed but instead killed by Syo.

Likewise, this confirmation needs a role-claim so I’ll rather seek an approach that doesn’t involve it. And frankly, our Vigilante hitting a Mafia on night 1 seems statistically unlikely. Although shooting Bulldancer, a role claimant, made sense.
Likewise, the mafia killing a role claimant that isn’t affected by the triple kill makes sense as well.

I agree, Pimp Willy is cunning enough to deflect suspicions away from himself, so the mafia killing off one of their own member to exonerate him is quite an overkill. If Pimp Willy is mafia, then I’m quite certain he could think of a better use for Touka’s ability.
On the other hand, if Bious is Touka/Mafia, then he might have just exonerated Pimp Willy by confirming the people he had protected. This may be a subtle hint that the two are in cahoots or the mafia may simply have preempted this possibility and is incriminating Pimp Willy.
And in another perspective, Touka/Mafia was simply bluffing on his own when he confirmed the two protection targets and Pimp Willy had nothing to do with such conspiracies.

Yeah, you did.

Now, I know you were watching the South Park game as of day 1.

I replaced orochi with The Co-Jones on day 1. I replaced The Faggot with Exodus. on night 2.

Both of those replacements, I know you saw. One resulted in the death of a roleless civ. One resulted in a roleless civ being alive at the end of the game.

So either your recollection is faulty, your observation is faulty, or you’re just being full of shit right now.

Regardless of me calling out Azure on bullshit, I have a good feeling I know who he is based on one thing only.

Lynch AlphaCommando

I will know a lot more if I see Alpha brought out of here in a civ-made casket.

Personally, I don’t think Bious is fabricating here.

I think there’s a much better time and place to use that ability if they have it.

Plus, I think there would’ve been something more interesting happen if Bious was faking it.

If he DOES end up being a fabricated role, then I rescind my suspension of suspicion against PW, because he would be crafty enough to make this play. But the possibility of this being the case is scant, IMO.

I’ve been thinking MP and whatever roles are co firmed civs should work together somehow, obviously without exposing themselves.

no, I think I put up the wrong quote… I’m not saying you are Fukawa, I was saying who the 4th person on my mafia team would be if I were val, sorry if that was misleading

I kind of dont really get the whole “mafia must be amongst the wallflowers”, i mean iirc, in past games they’ve been a lot more successful when they actively post and somewhat “help” the civs.
Seeing as it is day 2 Augustus I disagree with your suggestion, not only because im one of the suggestions but also because its day 2, does a low post count really say much? Im posting when I can and like I said before im on holidays so there will be days where I might not post at all but I am making the time to play tho so dont worry :slight_smile:
Also… its day 2, early vigi kills never end well and if they follow your instructions I bet it wont end well in this game either so Genocider, please kick back for now

Lynching wallflowers serves two purposes: flushing out mafia, and sending a strong wakeup call to those wallflowers… contribute something meaningful, or you’ll get lynched. I personally find it to be a good strategy overall.