SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win


Of course it could be a sneaky civilian who’s trying to get the Mafia to waste their triple kill ability, which would result in nothing happening.

BullDancer was killed by Syo, at least according to the write-up.

Umm… it would have been better, if the mafia isn’t made aware about that possibility.
Well, that’s assuming that they didn’t not consider it already.

*If I knew that the other person was absolutely a fellow civ? I’d take up for him instead of standing by idly while he goes to the gallows. *

*did not
That double negative.

The main problem I see is, it doesn’t really help you that much. You plugged into the network, but so what, Mafia obviously wouldn’t kill you because you’re the main lynch candidate. Statistically, it would actually hurt us. As frustrating as it might be if you’re civilian, if we’re on the same page then I’d ask you to not activate your ability. If you’re not who I’m saying you are then please respond appropriately.

Well people, i have to sleep

Thanks for the correction. Regardless, BD is dead.

That’s interesting, you wouldn’t even consider the other factors such as number of confirmed-role civilians? Previously in the thread when I asked you if you would lynch OZ or myself if we were all in the final 3 you responded by saying you’d analyze the data that had been gathered at that point and gave me basically the same response when I asked you to act as though no new information would appear. But this time you answered me quickly and without asking for clarification on the situation. You’re telling me what I want to hear, not what you’re actually thinking. Congratulations! You are now officially my #1 priority!

@AlphaCommando, @Synonym, @Augustus, @ Combo Knight, Missing Person, and Pimp Willy, what do you guys think of Dark General and his posts?

Don’t hold your breath.

This game is going to get really interesting soon. I’m not sure what you are, but we should stop in the off chance you’re civ and Mafia is picking up on our chat (which in itself would implicate others, but that’s for another time)

DG was on my short-list of potential Mafia, with a couple of others striking me as just a little more odd than him. As for his posts, they appear to be in that ‘appear to be helpful, but project little information’ category.

With the whole medic/nurse situation, would we be happy with just 1 medic? Having 2 would be a lot more helpful and after day 1 I feel we might need to test the medic to see who side they are on tonight.
Since the nurse is confirmed civ I think she should be our primary medic as of now, but the hall monitor is still an extra security blanket for civs if he is one too. (Also personally I dont really think no kill would be that useful in this particular game)

And after what is it, I think 6 games im still bad at reading people im surprised I wasnt at the bottom of MP’s player listings hahaha so right now im just going off of hunches but if you guys do want to put pressure on me and ask me stuff, go for it. I’d probably be of more help answering than asking questions tbh

I’ve been quiet as shit, that’s what. But to be fair, I’m always fairly quiet regardless of role. It only looks like I’m extremely quiet due to the sheer volume of posts this game (half way through page 21 at midway day 2? :wtf: ). I haven’t said too much, but I bowed out of this thread when I went home for work around 5, come back now and there’s 3 more pages… I only kinda skimmed over the thread as I’m too tired to really sift through shit now, but I will in the morning.

I will say this, however: you’ll be at least mildly pissed off if you lynch me any time soon.

  • If that’s the read you got off me by looking for a confirmation bias, so be it.

Also the question you asked just now was pretty simple. Someone that I knew was civ is enough for me to speak up about and put my neck on the line. Simply put. In contrast the 3 man showdown question that has a different sort of severity to it. That’s the last decision in the game for me to make, period. It’s a win or lose situation with me knowing no strong information.

Remember the part of the question about “knowing what you know now”, I didn’t know anything hence my distrust of both parties and having to use the information to form my answer. But bringing in the element of “A confirmed civ” is completely different element. It’s a strong element in which I’d put my complete faith in.

  • If you think I’m not helpful enough and/or will not be helpful in the future to the civ cause, and want to trim the fat, then by all means put your vote on me. But if you think I’m mafia you’re mistaken. *

Just got home and have a doctor’s appointment at 8:15…and I see we’re on 22 pages wow this fuckin thread. I’m not going to sleep tonight so I might as well spend the next few hours analyzing this thread and getting somewhere, if I can’t find any useful leads for us civs in 22 pages I don’t deserve to play mafia games anymore :rofl:

I promise everyone I’ll get to this thread tonight so so don’t bitch if you see me post in other threads first. I’m really disoriented by this thread and my notes so far I have to chillax, unwind a bit and then I’ll get to work on these pages.

You’re avoiding the point, unless you’re implying that you’d just lazily take the easy way out, which you wouldn’t. In this game having 3 confirmed civilians is worse than having 2. By speaking up for him and saving him from the day lynch you confirm the third civilian and give the Mafia more kills at night (ALL of the confirmed civilians) which you should’ve seen.

I know that i said that i was going to sleep, just one more post

Man i really hate when people do this, because the major part of the time if a civ do this it only makes it more suspicious :lol:

Playing Devils advocate, you didn’t specify that we had 3 confirmed civs, neither they were 3 confirmed civs for everyone.
Also, i think that MP doesn’t count since he is dead, so technically if the scenario that you proposed counts the 2 confirmed civs that we have, its only 2 in reality.

I’m not sure. I’ve been focusing more on looking for role interplay in the thread then I have on actual player contributions. I was confused by some of his role hunting questions but overall I don’t remember seeing anything too fishy. The only thing of note is that I remember him being a lot more insightful in the TF2 game. However, probably like myself, being new in a game this busy, convoluted and stacked with experienced players makes it difficult to have a voice.

Personally, I’ve made some (what I feel) really insightful posts only to have them completely overlooked/buried by all the other players. I will say that DG is certainly smart enough and strategically minded to excel as a mafia member.

If you’re saying what I think you’re saying then PW might become your new best friend.