SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

I said this earlier, but who were the main suspects immediately after the night phase ended? From memory it was PW, RF, Doof, CK, OZ & DG. Some of these players seem to have fallen between the cracks once Alpha was implicated. Do we need to revisit our suspicion of them?

Are you saying that I’m Fukawa Mafia and they tried to change my innocent result to guilty, or are you saying that I’m Fukawa Civ and they knew my role?

As usual i think that we need to look at every place, we have a lot of wallflowers
I think that we can afford to have AC at least one more day before trying anything, there are other suspects that need to be brought under the light.
Doof, OZ, CK, Cyntalan and all the wallflowers.

We are focusing too much on the roles and while i think that is very important on this game, we also need to make good reads on the players.
The wallflowers make it more easy for the mafia to blend.

If it did not go against my modus operandi, I’d like button the ever living fuck out of this post.

I spelled it “moniter” before and felt bad.
How’d I know someone was gonna make something outta that…

I still stand by lynching AC this phase. If Mafia needed to forge someone to screw up an investigation I don’t believe he’d be a priority target for that.

Pimp, stop over thinking. If I gave my results before you said who you protected you’d be in the position you’re trying to put me in and we’d be worse off than we are right now.

What has Cyntalan done to earn suspicion? To be honest, I haven’t even really noticed him at all this game.

I forgot to strongly suggest that the gambler (if is on our side) don’t use you ability until we have strong reads or have a detailed lists form one (or more) of our detectives.

About this, i think that it could be useful if @GodotsRevenge could tell us if the Val can use the triple kill on Bious that is already dead in a way, or if he can use one of the mafia to make the sacrifice (the later is more than not possible imo, but it will be good to know)

Is that a safe option? We know that Maizono is on the Mafia side, so it’ll be hard to fully trust Kirigiri’s results.

Good point.

@orochizoolander do you think Alpha is Mafia or Civilian, assuming that Bious is telling the truth?

@DarkGeneral Let’s say you learned that another player was civilian who was in line to be lynched. How would you respond in the thread?

@AlphaCommando I think I understand what you’re saying. Would you be confident enough in your choice to activate your ability today?

Mostly previous experiences, i can only recall one time where he was mafia and not a wallflower, otherwise he hiding it among the quiet ones is consistent with his mafia play, and that i strongly think that wallflowers in general can be a liability for the civs.

I would assume that there’s no restrictions on who the Mafia targets with the triple kill ability. Thinking on it, that would also trigger Komaeda’s win condition, since he was killed by the Mafia at night. Interesting.

True, but even then, we will know who is mafia and who is civ based on the abilities on play, for the major part of the roles anyway, there is also the chance that we have Byakuya and Mahiru on our side, so they can also bring some light if needed and if we have them

I’d prefer to delay it for as long as possible, but I don’t think I have much time left.

No. Bious is for all practical purposes, dead.

Wan’t the Roless the one who died?


Until tomorrow, people.

If that is possible, then there is the possibility of him role-claiming to fulfill the 3/3 requirements of the mafia when have 2 present role claimants to worry about.

BullDancer was roleless, but he died to a normal Mafia kill. I was talking about the Valedictorian’s 3-role kill ability and how there don’t appear to be any restrictions on using it on Mafia. So, if the Valedictorian really wanted to be a dick, he could triple kill his team.