SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

It’s not a smokescreen, I just want to state my suspiscions early before he starts unecesarrily sending the wrong people to the chair. And for him to openly understand his axe swinging in the past makes me uneasy today.

His accusations shouldn’t be heeded till mid game.

Shit son. In that case, if both Medics aren’t recruited, we can get Oogami and Ishimaru to role-claim, then the next day phase, Ishimaru can say who he protected, then Mikan can protect them the following night for indefinite protection! Damn son, this is broken. Of course, this is all operating under the assumption that neither of the Medics were recruited, so role-claiming could be dangerous if any of the roles have been recruited.

Alignments were given 24 hours after roles, Godots said that already.

Only valedictorian knew he was mafia when roles were given out.

Welcome to the game G. What’s cracking?

@Hecatom makes a sensible, insightful post.

Lynch Hecat… Lolololol.

Hecatom sounds like he has made great strides since his “flip a coin, if it comes up heads, kill a civ, if it comes up tails, kill a civ”, vigilante days. :lol: :lol:

What about if:

  1. Civs X, Y and Z are targeted correctly by Mafia
  2. Civ X is Oogami and targets Y and Z
  3. Ishimaru protects Civ X (Oogami)

But you had enough information nobody noticed or cared about to near-immediately put in the vote on him. That’s all I’m concerned about. I’m not terrible as you guys with your instant call people mafia with nothing to go on and just get myself killed.

What sucks is that mixup you might get caught in. You’re both essential to winning the game. you would throwaway Pimp so soon and won’t care too much that he died as a civ, if that’s the ultimate result.

That early thing is only between you and him. Why get everyone else involved? Why not backburner it and keep an eye on him? Aren’t you experienced in this game? You are on the mafa side and need to improve on the civ side, you’ve admitted.


Also, Hax still has the record for most amusing, and yet insightful, posts.

If you’re looking for solid evidence, you’re gonna be sorely mistake.

[wah mode]
You’re talking about dexter lumberjacking it up in the forest, when I’m poisoning your tea with stevia. You’re too worried about being out in the world, when you really need to get straight with whats in your own head. You think RF has your interests at heart?

So step back and start to think with your soul. Or else you may end up as a walker roaming through the forest eating little girls for breakfast, which isn’t even enough to fill you for a day, feel me?

All I have is my trust. And it’s not with RF, he sold me out for a copy of Saints Row IV, not even GTA V. Who does that? It’s cruel an unusual.

you don’t think it be like it is, but it do
[/wah mode]

A few things I do find interesting though:

  1. Pimp Willy draws heat, then changes the subject to broken tech. One problem that we have with that is that Oogami and the medics would have to know who they are, and not get killed in the process if they were even all civ. Way too improbable to even be mentioned, IMO. Would probably only be viable in the late game if they were all still alive and civ.
  2. CK overlooking pietastic’s presence. You’re overlooking a lot in this game already. I’m not sure if that’s an act or not.
  3. HAX setting himself up against me. There’s three possible 50/50’s that are setting up right now, and it looks like it’s PW/Fuzz, CK/orochi, and HAX/me.

Possible that mafia gave homework to set up 50/50 scenarios across the board? Maybe. Likely? Doubtful.

Try to win the game dude. Lotsa Bipson crossups if they can’t handle that. And EX headstomps that do ridiculous damage even on chip, one of the few things he has among that game with limited options unless you’re a mega weirdo like Seth.

I know that feel (except for the old bit). I’m gonna hate myself in 3 hours, but every time I refresh, there’s 3 more posts.

Because the transitive property does not exist in my world, only X will live.

I’m not trying to convince anybody to vote fuzz, and so far Fuzz hasn’t tried to convince anybody to vote for me. It’s all third parties trying to get those bandwagons started. You act like me and fuzz have votes in on each other and so you have to go with the flow and vote us?

Bitch, please. “Oh, gosh, I don’t think either of those two are mafia but gee golly I guess I will vote with the crowd. Why did you guys do this to eachother?” is pretty fucking mafia.

In fact, since votes are private, you have no way to know if me or RF even submitted our votes yet, remember this is a game of fucking DECEPTION

And MP, the only person required to reveal their role for my plan is oogami. The extra broken medic protects oogami who protects medic isn’t required, it is just a good idea for end game if it comes down to it. Oogami won’t get killed by Mafia anyway, so Oogami comes out, and suddenly doubles the available medic protection.

the only downside I’ve seen pointed out by AC was that it gives 1/3 confirmed roles for the mafia special ability. I don’t believe the mafia is dumb enough to kill Oogami even without medic protection.

Actually, every game but one, minus this one so far, I end up in that trope HAX mentioned.

VI: Me vs. BJ
VII: Me vs. Vynce
VIII: Nope, not really.
AS: Me vs. Vynce
RE: Me vs. Augustus
X: ???

Guess that’s what happen when you have a big mouth.

There’s also, what, 5/23 people are mafia?

So nearly 25% of the game is mafia?

We have to use our broken tech to have a chance

SRK:black guy weaboos(before that was a buzzword) who go to level 3 and move to Asia countries, confirmed for Missing also, or just the black guy version of an SRK’er. Dude is out to GET PAID

Now I have no idea how Bison is supposed to fight Balrog and his idiot programming, auto-spacing push characters away on his wakeup.

SF4 gave Balrog a better laugh winpose than Sagat. That game is not a SF2 successor, in another place right there. :rofl:

Two hours, two pages. What is this, GD Lounge?

Least no one’s brought up no lynch yet…

Well, what’s with the accusation on self preservation? Doesn’t seem to make much sense.

Huh? What?

Basically, you did, in a roundabout way suggest it. Since at that time, we already had to “lynch votes” on the table, and a third knowingly incoming, yeah, what way are the civs going when you once again, try to downplay and discredit my attempt to get people’s focus off your attack on Fuzz and onto the rest of the players in the game?

So I told everybody not to worry about you and Fuzz right now, and instead you made a bigger spectacle out of it based off my post suggesting otherwise. And NOW you’re saying, “heh…nobody HAS to vote with us…just look at me dance?”

Not sitting right with me.