SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Wow, i think that i need to check the sign up thread to check why so much aggressivity.
As for my self, right now i feel that jumping at each other so early in the game can be detrimental for the civs in the long run.

Worst case scenario, everyone involved on this quarrel is a civ and in the end only serves to distract us while the mafia hides behind it.
I think that it would be wise to wait for everyone to check in and if nothing suspicious come from the post of anyone then we should stick with lynching the inactives as we usually do.

Pretty damn broken, but not in a good way. I think (as you said) Medic only protects from Mafia kills, not sacrifices. Gonna say that if Oogami protects a Mafia targeted player, she can’t be saved by the Medic. It also requires Oogami to role claim, which gives Mafia 1 of 3 confirmed roles for the triple kill ability. This is also under the assumption that both Medics (and/or Oogami) haven’t been recruited as well.

No, I’m just playing balls out because why not?

At least there’s some discussion going. You can thank me later.

Unless you’re mafia.

I’m playing the game! Yay! I don’t know what I’m doing. :smiley:

I don’t have access to any “inside information” from a Mafia PM, but nice try.

Pimp Willy made a post suggesting that the Mafia recruit the Medic because it’d be a good play for them. This was before alignments were sent out, assuming the Mafia weren’t told they’d been recruited until we’d been told we’re civilian. When I said “I’m prepared to metagame the crap out of this post” he told me to “go for it”. When I did Jesus Toast it up like he’d dared me, he responded with a perma-vote against me until I was dead or confirmed civilian.

You’re missing the point. It doesn’t matter which of us you think is Mafia and which of us you think is Civ, it’s the fact that you mentioned one of us is mafia and one of us is civ, you’re pretty sure of that.

Follow this quote to the sign-up thread:

Already know that his statement implies the other player is not mafia or already know that he got Mafia again? The first one anyone can see, and the second one has a little qualifier that says “if”, meaning “I don’t know but in this scenario ‘X’ is going to happen”. IF he got Mafia again THEN I will be angry at him (and everyone else who gets Mafia frequently)

I already confirmed, if Oogami protects a mafia targeted player, oogami can be saved by the medic and no kill happens. I asked GR already, and he confirmed this pre-game.

Oogami is a pretty weak role to recruit, unless they foresaw this brokenness and attempted to break up the combo.

The 1/3 kill thing is a good point, as that’s a powerful ability, meaning nobody else should role claim at all until oogami is dead by mafia

This is exactly why I said I wanted to wait until everyone checked in.

It’s possible PW is using this to serve as a smokescreen. He knew RF would retaliate (he has before), and civs wouldn’t know what to make of it. Thus, with him and RF being the most suspicious because of their back and forth, CK and orochi may end up being the next most suspicious. Or maybe CK solely depending on how orochi reacts.

Then there’s a free smokescreen for everybody.

But like I said, there’s time, plenty of time, then I’ll make my decisions.

Just read the thread, figure out who looks most suspicious (who you think is mafia) and PM your vote to Godots.

And post up, and start talking about what’s going on.

Ask questions, point fingers, do whatever it takes to get discussions going.

Megadouche. You still haven’t put in your words and collected evidence on Fuzz. Give us a reason.

Too much virtual legoman criminal blam boom car jacking and less on the game with other players. Like you’re AFK in a game doing some other shit, but won’t logout of that game to help at all. Taking up air over here, dead weight after you lit a fire and making us put it out.

Shits as bad as every thread gotta be white guys water cooler, BREAKING BAD IS ABOUT TO START, sometimes with, “this isn’t important what you’re all missing is this AMC show is on” viral marketing shit. So fuck GTA. Cousin.

Terrible. There have been other Vynce vs Missing exchanges. Since that is the first one being used as a trope and the game I started in, of course that’s the example.

So we’re supposed to believe you or just get mad if you single us out without listening to us. That puts into play I’ll be more against you than with you. But you’ve already limited your days by being at the forefront of the first lynch.

Trust lists : terrible, you and me both know this.

Yup, while this is all another distraction from their evidence and line drawing the whole town up

Medic and roles still choose players, not roles.

@combo_knight: What?

Oh shit, really? If so, then yeah, that sounds like a solid plan. Did you confirm it via PM? I don’t remember seeing it in the sign-up thread. We’ll also need to check…

@GodotsRevenge Does the triple kill bypass all Medic protections?

@AlphaCommando Medic protection will save from the Valedictorian’s triple kill ability. You aren’t the only one with those pre-game PM questions. This means that, theoretically, we can have 3 players protected from Mafia kills every night, even the Valedictorian’s triple-kill ability.

That’s not a bad attitude to have. If I recall, you were one of the more vocal players in the BLU game trying to motivate your team to talk. Although it looks like we’ve got a few talkative people in here already :slight_smile:

I’d like to see how the feud pans out. It may be that one of them slips up and reveals something damning, in which case I’ll probably be able to support a lynch. As it currently stands, bantering pre-game isn’t enough for me. I’m pretty sure I role-claimed being the GM in pre-game.

On the evidence note though, do we know whether the animosity started before or after the mafia recruits were confirmed? Because if it was before, then naturally they both couldn’t be mafia. At least I’m guesing that the recruits weren’t told until GR announced it in the thread. I’ll check it later if no-one does it before me.

Err, do you mean DarkGeneral? Because Pietastic has already posted twice in this thread.

That should read “Pimp Willy isn’t the only one with those pre-game PM questions”

Yeah I asked in PM, I didn’t want to give the mafia any ideas during the recruitment phase

Man, I should be practicing my Rog punishes right now, and I’m still checking this shit.

Also of note, Synonym has been in this thread since “I’m going to bed.”

@Synonym this started between when roles were sent out and Godots confirmed everyone’s allegiances. However, we don’t know if Mafia were told they’d been recruited on the spot, of if they were told 24 hours after roles were sent out.

Any singular player with medic protection will live.

  1. Civs X, Y Z are targeted correctly by Mafia
  2. Civ X is protected by Medic
  3. Civs Y and Z are killed, and the write-up says X was protected.

D++ Maybe E

Why didn’t you ask them directly what they think will happen once the other is killed? You still can do that after this post, since they won’t answer this between us exchange. No reason to, huh. Since nobody is asking them anything and is looking inward with their I don’t think they’re mafia, bcuz… nothing. They provided nothing tangible to even discuss, no evidence, no facts.

That does, a list of things. List time nobody asked for like your suspect and trust lists that are useless, especially since not everyone checked in.

  1. What they say helps their case
  2. What they say is now in the thread, un-editable forever to look back on
  3. It allows more insight into their ideas/plans/thoughts and can reveal way more than a question they can just really limit what they say and answer the minimum needed and quickly move on.
    6 whatever a lot more.

Damn everyone’s a poker player aggressive guy I guess since they’re free of the “role hunt” targeting, huh?