SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Alright so those guys need to be careful from now on.

But putting the 2 vote choices out there to see where the votes go is a play.

Wow, you guys weren’t lying saying that you’d be going all-out from the start. Despite this only being my third game I don’t think I’ve ever seen such ferocity at the start of the game.

It’s certainly refreshing. Anyway, I’m off to bed so I’ll check back in in a few hours.

Speak for yourself.

Like I guess Radical fuzz should speak up about his schoolkid homework on Pimp so we don’t have to run around other threads. Since he knows something nobody else does, so soon.

That 20 thing was my fault, HAX. I was copy/pasting the fields and messed it up somehow when I was making that list for Godots.

I also noticed it after he posted it, but it was a little late to say anything.

Anyway, check ins are as follows:

Pimp Willy
Missing Person

9 out of 23 reporting.

You aren’t considering the possibility that all this started pre-game in a Mafia PM? You say “one of you is mafia”, so that would mean that one of us is civ. That’s odd, coming right after you said “I don’t trust anyone this game”. If you got Mafia AGAIN I’m gonna be pissed.

@DarkGeneral what do you think of current events? Same question applies to @pietastic

Then I guess you might have implicated me in the old 3 Mafia numbers. Godots may need to clarify further since you are a player here, and this is a game of deception.

Oh sorry, that should read “Just checking that everyone knows…”

If he did, please make it an exact repeat performance MP.

Checking in! Shit’s hot already.

@RadicalFuzz: I don’t know how to make heads or tails of this quite yet. The first day is quite hectic, and there’s nothing to go on except pre-game reads.

What does everyone think about the possibility that both Fuzz and PW are mafia?

Crazy thought, but putting both of them out there so quick is almost a nifty freeroll for them I think.

  1. Fuzz gets lynched. PW looks clean.
  2. PW gets lynched. Fuzz looks clean.
  3. A No Lynch happens. They cast no suspicion on anybody with the mafia kill, unless they kill me at this point. They’re probably able to even cast suspicion on CK after that.
  4. The town ignores their back and forth like what happened in the Marvel game with me and Vynce, and we end up accidentally lynching a town.
  5. Same as 4, only we manage to luck out and lynch a mafia.

Little risk for a lot of gain if you ask me.

Not saying that’s the case. But I’ll give you some conjecture with a side of Jesus Toast to think about.

I would love a link to where this suspicious stuff began.

I did not keep up with the avalanche of posts in the sign up thread.

I’m not doubting you, merely looking for substantiation.

So much yomi, already, up in this joint, I swear - if humanity in general based the way it played the game of life, like you guys play mafia, history would not be cyclical.

Except I haven’t said which is mafia and which is civ, because I don’t fucking know yet.

Hence, I still distrust both of you. And I may still distrust the other of you if we lynch one and that one is mafia. If PW’s mafia, I definitely don’t think he’s beyond the play I listed above. And I think you’re capable of it too.

I’m about to head to bed too. I’ll be up in 4 hours to check the thread before I head to work, but I’ll leave you with this piece of insight. Make of it what you will.

[details=Spoiler]No posts after roles given/Valedictorian chosen and before Mafia chosen:

1. Mobius
3. Hecatom
7. orochizoolander
9. The Co-Jones
11. Sumazndude
12. Augustus
15. pietastic
19. Cyntalan
21. BullDancer
23. Doofenshmirtz

No posts after Mafia chosen:

  1. Hecatom
  2. orochizoolander
  3. The Co-Jones
  4. Sumazndude
  5. Augustus
    14. DarkGeneral
  6. pietastic
    17. Azure
    18. The Chief
  7. Cyntalan
  8. BullDancer[/details]

Bolded players are ones that are only in one list.

If I was mafia again, lone wolf still wouldn’t win because I’d miss him every time.

But I’m not, and only mafia’s going to be pissed that I’m not.

Fucking GTAV keeps freezing on me. So I have a moment for my broken tech.

It involves 2 roles combining powers, Fighter (oogami) and Medic ( Hall Monitor) with a side of Nurse (Mikan)

So, Oogami can protect 2 people at night. If either of them is killed by Mafia (not vigi, just mafia) then he takes their place and dies instead.

Medic can then protect Oogami every night. Oogami, in turn, can protect 2 people. By combining powers, the medic can, by extension, protect 2 people every night. Also, the protection ONLY stops Mafia kills, so if a vigilante kill is put on that target, it still goes through. Which means you can 100% stop only mafia kills, and still let the vigilante seek out mafia targets .

Now the kink in this plan is that Medic is probably Mafia, I already said this. So if that’s the case, the medic isn’t going to have a night protection. But the backup medic will, Mikan. So Mikan, you put your save in on oogami, and the real medic (if he’s mafia) won’t matter.

What we end up with is double the mafia protection, so long as the medic stays alive.

For double broken fun, which I don’t know if this actually works (and so may be risky) is for the medic to protect oogami, and oogami to protect the medic + 1 other. Thereby, making 3 people each night unkillable.

How’s that for broken tech?

This goes for WAH as well, quick to get on the “you’re both civ and making a mistake!” wagon despite not really having any reason to believe that one way or another.

I don’t know… that seems like a big risk for mafia to take. I’d file it under high-risk high-reward, personally. We have a lot of research-oriented people here (solid!), so that would not get ignored. Whatever comes of this day 1 aggro play, it’ll serve as a backdrop for the rest of the interactions that go down. There will be plenty to read and theorize about later…

That’s exactly how it’s setting up though. But like I said, there’s at least one mafia in this scrum.

I may have to flip a coin to settle it. But there’s time for that. I just want to get this right to start.

Thank God, I’m getting tired of making much ado about nothing after Day 1.

But you’re forgetting that one of them could be roleless. If one of them is roleless, how much more/less riskier does that make it to you?

Yeah no worries, you might soon notice I do say what everyone else might already know or speak for those that don’t want to say anything. But its just a friendly reminder to get everyone on track if they are sitting back and not able to do much. I drag the dead weight along like that, or try to actively improve everybody and have everyone help out as much as possible.

It still bears repeating on page 1 when a lot of other check-in nonsense can and will happen. It pays to be informed and not distracted.

So do you agree with me that Fuzz and Pimp need to go grab their other info they want to use and put it in this thread? Any thoughts on them at all besides they are not Mafia right now? They have turned in votes that are locked and can’t help anyone else. We already have to choose sides between them and can’t get them on our side. They’ve marked their territory and we have to choose East or West and come along with them.

Damn Jesus on a toast. MP is playing it bad as a Civ I say from his layout there. I had something else in mind to ask them and that would be important info from here on out.

But you already know that because you are mafia right?

Also pietastic aint gonna show up cause he’s too focused on self preservation, so he can feign it as analyzing the situation