SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

So a lot of shit happened while I was gone. PW was confirmed as civ Oogami which is great because we can for sure use him to find the Val’s name if we must). Gundamu spared a good player, too.

@Bious - sorry if you answered this already, but other than the forger and the medic, were there any other roles whose actions could peg them as mafia? Knowing this would put us in a good position as Civs, especially if Togami is on our side.

Knowing if forger could use that skill on themselves, it seems likely they can, can put to rest any other weird theories

Like I considered the PM Otaku fatkid contacting Alpha somehow. But that skill is only for a Civilian. That would have to be some PM of deception, minus point for FatCat, plus Alpha is the forger. Fatkid never had to learn Alpha was forger, and forger used his skill on himself. More likely both Mafia, no FatKid. But Fatkid certainly could’ve screwed up. Some worse things can come out of that.

I wouldn’t say guarantees but it certainly makes a lot of sense. As pretty much everyone said in response to DG it would be foolish not to take at least one medic away. It looks like they were banking on mind games that fell flat with Bious’s reveal.

SAD (best acronym btw) I am immensely glad you’re playing a more active role. I know some people will rush to condemn you for stepping up your game after being called out for playing as a wallflower but I think it should be encouraged. So, from I can gather you’d build a team that would let you use Syo against the civilian cause? It’s certainly one approach but what about defensive capabilities. Keeping in mind that if your team were discovered by the UC you’d probably be in trouble who would you pick as your 4th to counteract that?

No, it absolutely guarantees it.

The Nurse cannot protect unless the Medic already has, or is Mafia.

Since the Nurse protected day one, that means the Medic is Mafia.

Like Alpha was fatkid is some strange possibility on the other side. He contacted a Mafia, they know who he is now and forged him wasting that skill for the night?

-in all this looking into “how else besides if he was Mafia would he have a reason to be forged?”

  • pure randomly being forged or Mafia knowing he has a role that’s not just a Mafia teammate are the others.

Gandamu doesn’t need to target a specific player in order to use his ability.

The problem with that is that the Monitor just could’ve not made a save and the nurse was using her ability just in case, which is why I hesitate to call him 100% mafia. We’ve had medics that slack off on day one. All I know is that the Nurse nursed PW. I don’t know if she’s the replacement medic or what.

*According to Bious information this is how the roles look right now:





Likely Mafia



Maybe I misread it…

Does it mean that if she targets a person who has been targeted by the Medic, that they get a Stored Super/Save?

So, to make sure I understand, if Mafia Touka dies, she gets revealed as a civilian role of her choosing?


Is that what it means?

Ahh. In that case Nurse, never role claim. The mafia could potentially use the switch-a-roo power with Syo and bypass PW’s protection on you.

So wait, are we thinking that Alpha is the Forger, the Otaku or some other role?

Personally I argued that it could have been mafia framing up a known outspoken player. Alpha hasn’t been as prolific as say PW, RF, MP in this thread but he has been contributing a lot more than others. If they framed him it would be plausible for people on both ends of the posting spectrum to believe that he was mafia. Being the Otaku he would have to have been really unlucky to have chosen a player who was mafia to have a conversation with. Personally, I’d use the role to get assigned a random juror so that I’d be guaranteed an ally in the thread.

That’s what I think. If you got protected day 1 by the monitor and she protected you at any time from day 2 onwards you’d be safe from a kill.


Mikan targets a player with the ability “Nurse”. From here 2 different things can happen depending on if the Mafia recruited the Hall Monitor, Ishimaru.

  1. If they recruited Ishimaru then her ability will act like a normal Medic’s, protecting a player from death for one night phase
  2. If they didn’t recruit Ishimaru then her ability will check to see if her target had been protected by the Medic previously when it wasn’t required. If so, her target basically gains a shield that will prevent the next fatal night attack on them

Although considering the fact that our Hall Monitor wasn’t properly monitoring the halls, I think it’s safe to assume Mafia nabbed him up. However, even knowing that puts a dent in his ability, as now we’ll know to be careful of “Medic saves”, especially if Mikan, the Nurse, is dead.

The problem with that is that the Monitor just could’ve not made a save and the nurse was using her ability just in case, which is why I hesitate to call him 100% mafia. We’ve had medics that slack off on day one. All I know is that the Nurse nursed PW. I don’t know if she’s the replacement medic or what.

to add to that, Nurse doesn’t know if the real medic is Mafia or not

Hah, all these concurrent conversations - sorta talking to ourselves, speaking for myself here all late to page 19 and not refreshing it

That’s plausible
I think what I said is plausible - Dark General said the same I looked back up to see

& we don’t have the final wording on what Bious was told about the skills, though he did say himself “Pimp was protected by Nurse.”

This game and these roles man. And regular Mafia and being careful with words - with the seed of doubt that might be 99% cleared already, but that naggingly 1% was put into our heads


So he was also told someone with a role, did not use their skills?

Or he just saw the skills used,
Monitor didn’t make a move that night in the list of roles/skills used,
everyone else is just not listed.

Including the Hall monitor.

You missed the detective and the luckster (I forgot there were two lucksters btw. The one that needs to eat a mafia kill to win is civ.)


Thank you. :tup: