SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

I’ll be unavailable until 9Pm I’ll post a lot of shit tonight.

Cry to the thread?

I’m going to bed.

I expect good tidings of great lynchings in the morning.

Or at least some headway there.

If it was you? I’d expect you to probably talk yourself up during the next day phase in order to make it seem like you were a really valuable Civ with excellent contributions. Failing that, the next most likely reaction would be to act indifferent to the results of the forgery.

Hmm… I’d probably end up trying to make myself look like I contributed more than I actually did the first day, so I could argue I was a good investigation target…

Hello @pietastic

Like ask the GM about the tellers ability and hope they didn’t use it last night?

The only reason I’d be a good investigation target is if UC thought I’d live a long time. In both games I’ve played to date, I have actually made it to the end. I don’t think I’ve actually made any really good reads so far, but I have tried to keep the discussion moving, identify “plot holes” in plans that have been discussed, and contribute ideas about how roles interact.

So if I’m the forgery target, do I become your #1 suspect? Have I done anything else to raise your suspicion?

Yeah. I don’t see why not.

I think it’s time I stopped fucking around. That last one was obvious enough.
AlphaCommando was the Idol target.

Figured as much. So what’s your verdict? Am I a powerful Mafia role or a talkative civ that required UC confirmation?

I’ll be honest, I was pretty much focused on MP and RF last phase, and any suspects I had were related to those two and how they were acting. I haven’t even begun to process you yet, I was just going by what Bious said.

So, AlphaCommando… honestly, I could see it go both ways with him, the forging on him could be both Offensive or Defensive.

More defensive, I think though. Who would expect the UC to investigate AC enough to make it an offensive use? Outside of us knowing who it was going to be targeting, like we did here…


Well, AC, things are looking pretty grim for you my friend. could it be AC was our Validictiorian all along, and his whole pre game “Lets see who posted before and after the roles were sent” out thing was just his mask?

Man there was a lot to read
I know that i am late to the party, but man this night phase was insightful to say it in a way, the way that it happened seems to be very beneficial to us since it allowed us to confirm another civ, and some of the roles that we have :tup:

I was sleeping =w=

It depends, if i were mafia i and one of them would be at risk to be investigated i would use it to protect him, now if there were more chances that the investigation would fall on a group of civs than the mafia i will forge one of the civs all of this based on how the 1st day phase was played of course.

BTW, considering the track record of PimpWilly, him being one of us is …

I will say, that ACs posts have been fairly… panicky, not so much with their content but rather with their frequency.

I feel like I’m listening to a meth head rambling.

Just go back the last 2-3 pages, and read just ACs posts

Huh. Bious really did have an overlooked role. I’d call Gandamu a boss because he would have given him a chance to use his ability, but apparently Bious had already popped it. Though his short ongoing presence does have its benefits. And you’re only getting a half apology from me, Pimp Willy. Sor-

I am of the belief that Mafia was protecting their own with Autotune. Lynch Alpha Commando.

Honestly, it’s day 2. We don’t have too much to go on in terms of thread reads, but we have a forgery target (who is at least somewhat likely to be mafia) and three trustable civ voices to help steer. I can’t think of a better course of action, right now, than to lynch AC.

I’m trying to think of who my number 2 suspect would be. Combo_Knight, maybe. But at this point I would definitely vote AC over C_K.

I Agree that AC is the way to go.

I defer to Bious and MPs judgement though, I remember how powerful the lovers role was before I really understood how having players you can trust can help.

I think we need to look at, if AC is Mafia, then who does that implicate?

If AC is mafia, he’s playing it like I did, he’s playing useful – but not useful enough to win for the civs. He’s contributing more than a lot of civs are, which would be his defense. Let me check his day 1 vote:


That’s the sort of thing I would do, stay off the civ bandwagons.

so, strike one.

Posting frequently post results, knowing that he needed to play damage control (and try to spin some way as to why we should wait until day 2 to pop it):

Strike Two.

And, sigh, I hate the metagaming aspect, but his vote didn’t get counted. Why is that?

My guess, he voted in the Mafia PM, and GR just missed it.

Which, if true, implicates Azure too.

Sorry guys.

If Alpha does turn out mafia, I’m going to look at those who even subtly suggested Bious wait till Night 2 to get results.

RadicalFuzz and pietastic. Mainly pietastic.

Which would make him likely the forger