SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

2 out of 21. I don’t think you can protect yourself (that would be asinine with the ability, but hey…Shinkuu) and I’m already dead.

But still, that’s still a big feat to pull off.

Kyouko Kirigiri - Investigation
We’ll get to see who Kirigiri investigated, but not the result, which might end up benefiting Mafia more than us.

Leon Kuwata - Stolen Base/Power Pitcher
If either of these were used, we can see Leon’s allegiance, but if he’s used Stolen Base, Mafia can be fearless in killing him.

Sakura Oogami - Bodyguard/Overwhelming Strength
Shows allegiance and can be used by PW to role claim.

Sayaka Maizono - Duet/Autotune
Shows allegiance. If Autotune was used, it may give us an insight into the Mafia’s frame of mind.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Protecting the School Environment
If this ability was used, we’ve got a confirmed Medic.

Touko Fukawa - Shut-in
Shows allegiance. Also shows Mafia that Fukawa’s used her only available tool.

Byakuya Togami - Police Documents
Shows allegiance and whether they swapped their kill.
Mahiru Koizumi - Paparazzi (Doesn’t implicate role)**
Doesn’t show allegiance. If her target matches up with one of these abilities, she knows which role they have. Works to benefit both sides.

Mikan Tsumiki - Nurse/Malpractice
Shows us which Medic the Mafia recruited.

Gandamu Tanaka - The Four Dark Lords of Destruction
This one was obviously used.

Nope. It’s coming from that suspicion list.

At this point, I’m confident civs will win, I just don’t want us to lose a member in day phase.

Then if that’s the case, PW should give two names anyway, and let Bious choose.

But now that we’ve already said that, it’s going to be a tough play for the mafia. Mafia may have no choice but to shut down shop for N2 except to put in the night kill.

@GodotsRevenge, can @Bious be targeted to block his last gasp up until his actual death?



Yomi, yomi, yomi. So, I would encourage @Bious to be tight-lipped for now until we’re sure we have this figured out and get the maximum combination of mafia action suppression and information. PW probably should give out two names now, and we can confirm a day from now instead of now. If @Bious does indeed wait until D2/N2 to get the info, we’ll need PW to provide more names… right? I’m worried about an LG block, as well, and I’m trying to think of other role powers that might foil this plan. Right now that’s the only one.

The Swimmer gets the valedictorian name when I die, so long as the swimmer is Civ

So, no, killing me would be risky UNLESS they have the swimmer on their side

If the Mafia recruited the second Medic, the Nurse, then they could block his Last Gasp and we lose so much information that i don’t think it’s worth the risk. We stand to gain so much information that I say we just take it and run with it.

Thanks for answering that. Another question @GodotsRevenge, if you don’t mind: Does Gandamu’s ability to delay the Mafia night kill by 1 night follow Togami’s kill-switching? If Syo targeted A and Mafia targeted B, then Togami switched them, would Gandamu stop B or A’s death?

This means that, if the Mafia were being hasty, they may have used Togami’s Mafia ability to confuse us about the previous night. It’s not out of the question, assuming the kill targets were switched then the Culprits were killing BullDancer, who they couldn’t use for the triple kill anyway.

You’re confident we’ll win? That’s pretty optimistic for day 2. Sure we have a few confirmed civvies (or confirmed Mafia, depending on if Oogami used Bodyguard. Which reminds me, Bious should announce when he’s going to post the results so Pimp can post his targets ahead of time) but the numbers game is still in Mafia’s favor. We technically have 14 civilians left, 5 Mafia, and Komaeda. Of the 3 confirmed civilians, one’s Coach which is going to be very helpful, one’s about to be confirmed/deconfirmed, and the other is going to die tomorrow night.

Bious does not need to tell us who was targeted for what yet on anybody, just that abilities were used, whether they were civ or mafia abilities, and if we think it’s pertinent to help us, who they were used on.

Do not look at it so linear. Just because Bious gets complete information doesn’t mean we NEED complete information. Some of that could be used by Bious to push a “gut instinct” lynch that gets us a mafia.

So it’s up to him and us to sort out what needs to be known to the general populace, and to be quite frank, Bious is smart enough to discern what is useful and wasteful to us.

You know, Mafia killing BD and Vigi killing Bious makes more sense to me personally… but I could see it go either way

Also, I protected 2 people, so outside of me faking the role claim, that should already prove that I am civ

Thing is, most of the frequent posters are looking less and less potentially guilty, as time and pages of posts go by.

The game is reeking of poison ivy, all up that drywall.

Oh okay, I forgot about Aoi for a second.

That’s true. But I’d still like to operate on the premise that there’s a medic still in. Bious could even confirm that before you give your list if we decide to go that route. But the problem with that is then mafia would know to use their night abilities with no regards for what we could do then.

Right, since Mafia wouldn’t need BD for the triple kill, assuming they believed him in the first place. It would also make Bious’s delayed death much more ironic since Mafia was trying to be sneaky bastards but it backfired because of Gandamu’s ability and Syo’s choice.

Well fuck. Dead man walking. Bison screwed me more than I thought.

I popped my ability last night btw. Something told me I was getting murdered.

I’m not the only one who thought of that then.

But Vigilante killing BD makes sense only one way to me. And if it turns out they switched targets, then it does change things, but only slightly.

Slightly being that I can rule out one person on the list of Syo candidates.

What do you mean, “for no regards for what we could do then”? The Mafia knows which roles are civ and what to plan for accordingly, so do you mean that Mafia can see that X role did Y and plan around that?

Damn, you are psychic.

Awesome, sadly that tells mafia they can use their abilities tonight. But this is useful now.

Do we have a medic outside of Oogami, @Bious?

Doesn’t this just prove that Sakura is civ? Granted, nobody else has RC’d Sakura, but what you said isn’t technically correct, right?