SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

I think Chief was asking whether the Roleless character could get assigned the role of Valedictorian. Personally, I don’t see why they couldn’t get that role. Being Valedictorian doesn’t mandate the use of powers. Hell, if the Roleless character did get assigned Valedictorian they’d be faced with some interesting choices. They would need to think extra hard about which roles would benefit them in the absence of their own power. If I didn’t know that GR had morals I would consider that he’d intentionally assign Valedictorian to the roleless character just for the lulz.

Are you saying that MP’s post is standing out to you as suspicious? Because he’s 100% confirmed civilian.

I agree with this post a lot. Having a few people with the same timezone as myself is immeasurably beneficial. It means I’m not the only person super-active during the night phase.

@Azure has made his plan to lynch wallflowers well-known so perhaps Doof may be a candidate. There seem to be a few players that keep falling through the cracks though. Moreso this game with so many super-active players.

  • This response is fine by me, I have no problems with your caution towards my question. Correct me if I’m round, but what you’re saying in is that your general Val strategy would be recruit supplementary roles that go along with your original role. You’d essentially recruit with the mindset that you’re the centerpiece.

Also, if by chance I die during the night phase would you guys be for or against me releasing all the info on who would recruit which roles in my last gasp? *

For, just for a shortcut for us.

*I was highlighting the sentence to show how it mimicked exactly how I felt about Bious reaction. *

I just woke up.

It has been my observation, across the games that I have played, and watched, that when people are replaced, it is due to their having had a vital role to one side or the other.

I replaced Nemesis, in the off-site game.

I was in line to replace Hecatom, if he had to dip, as Vigilante, in the game Vynce arped.

Did The Faggot have an important role?

Rational Jesus Toasting.

Hmm, RadicalFuzz is doing some forced confrontation to get DarkGeneral to back down…

DG played similarly in the spy game… there is absolutely nothing out of character about him at this point in time…

Not to defend DG though, because idk who to trust…

@MP You did ask why I voted Pimp Willy right? Bandwagon lynching, I stated that I haven’t read the thread yet, and the lynch deadline was coming up…

Sad right? But mudslinging is less your style, it usually has more elegance to it imo…

*I think he’d still be able to be Val because the Val appears to be a separate role. Much like how the Vigi role is randomly put on to a civ. At least that’s my understanding of how those two roles work. @GodotsRevenge care to clarify for us? *

Are you trying to cast suspicion on me?

Yep, the Valedictorian can be roleless.

Night 1: The Dark Gods Rise

Tonight’s the night. And it’s going to happen again and again and again and again and again-

Gundam had a vision. A vision of death. Of destruction. The Culprits were going to kill tonight.

Heh… mortals. They cannot best me. Tonight is not a night for darkness. The stars are aligned perfectly today. No mere human can kill during the alignment. I, The Dark Lord, shall prevent sullying of this precious night.

“I summon the Dark Gods of Destruction!”

Sun-D, Jum-P, Maga-G, and Cham-P; come my Ham-Hams. We have work to do. Let us initiate the Survival Strategy!

BullDancer was waiting. Waiting for a long while now.

Apparently, someone had wanted to talk to him. When he went to his bedroom earlier that evening, he had found a note on the door. It said to go here, at the gymnasium.

Why am I here? If the writer of that note isn’t going to come now, he or she probably isn’t going to be coming at all.

As he finished that thought, someone cackled. There was a sharp pain, and Hinata slowly lost his vision.

“Why… was I killed? I’m… just… normal…”

“I’m into that sorta thing! When a cute guy is as normal as can be… so hot! I’ve been dying to kill you, if you’ll excuse the pun!” Genocider Syo screamed in delight.

Bious stared into his crystal ball.

“Sigh… I’m not going to win the lottery… that sucks…”

Heh, he’s distracted. Just a few more steps and I can kill Hagakure quickly and quietly. The Culprit took out the knife he was holding behind his back, ready to pounce on Hagakure at any moment. He took the knife to the knife to the left of Hagakure’s neck and-

“Foolish mortal!”

-slipped, cutting Hagakure’s shoulderblade.

“Augh! That’s my second favorite shoulder!”

“Silence, you low-tier esper! Can’t you see I’m trying to protect you!?”

“Oh, God… please don’t let me die now… I’ll be a good little fortune teller now if you just let me live! I’ll even stop telling women that in the near future they’ll-

“Fear not! As a Dark Lord, I can prevent your death for a single rotation of the Earth! Praise me!”

“Only a day!?!?!?!”

The Culprit watched the two banter back and forth for a few minutes. Well, I guess if he’s going to die eventually, my work is done.

“I won’t ever be able to eat a hamburger again!”

“I ordered you to stop talking, did I not?”

The Culprit walked away.

BullDancer, please send me your last gasp within the next 12 hours.
Bious, you will be able to use any abilities or lynches you have for the next cycle and will be able to participate in the thread for the next 48 hours.

Day 2 Start
36 hours remain

Votes are due by 10/3/13 7:00 PM PST

Bious - Yasuhiro Hagakure
BullDancer - Hajime Hinata
infrequent lurker
Missing Person - Nekomaru Nidai
Pimp Willy
The Chief
The Co-Jones

*Additionally if I end up killed+blocked before everyone can answer my question, and the remaining civs want to get everyones perspective, then take it upon yourselves to get the remaining people to answer.

Ahh, ok. Just wasn’t sure exactly what you were trying to get at.

I’m absolutely in favour of you releasing your findings. I’ve been trying to gather some of my own data from people’s responses so it’d be very beneficial to my own game to have your reads.

If this is aimed at me, then no. I don’t think even DRD would try and make a chart proving that you are somehow mafia.

That was my thinking too. Although, if we have The Faggot’s Gimp saying how easy his role was it’s entirely possible he was just a civilian with an important role. Bious may have been brought in to replace someone like the medic. The part that really raises red flags for me is that there were no official substitutes for this game. GR must have rushed out and found someone quick to replace him which lends credence to my civilian theory. Although this could just as easily be used to justify him having a mafia role.

GR, we’re gonna need some clarification on Hagakure’s ability. If he uses it during the day phase (now), does he get the results of the actions used for the day phase at the end of the day phase or does he get the results of last night’s phase immediately?

If he uses it now, he will get all of Day 1 and Night 1’s results.

Nope, you’re only slightly out of character, not tremendously… RF is the most odd imo…

@Bious You’d better use that ability now.

ur ded

So, like, BD was Hajime hinata, and I don’t see a card for them… was that really pure roleless?

And Bious is a strange choice for a kill from mafia, considering that people were kind of eyeing him suspiciously. But now we know that Gandamu is Civilian, which means the mafia did not take the silencing role. So bious has 1 more set of phases to help us out :tup:

Alright Bious, you’ve got a choice to make. Either pick to use it tonight or tomorrow.

Sorry I cast doubt on you. Now let’s figure out the why for both.

I think I know who Syo is, but I’m not telling, because I’m not sure yet, and i don’t want to lead the mafia to him if I’m right.

Hard to figure whether night kill was submitted before or after DG and I started to put suspicion on Bious.

*So Bious is Civ and was targeted by the mafia for the night kill, but he got saved because Gundams ability. Props to the Gundam player. *