SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

So you picked that up from WAH and I last game?

Read the last few posts between WAH and I before he died, that communication is what won it for us.

Why is everyone voting MP? I think a lot of people are just confused and overwhelmed by all this information and instead of taking the time to process and sort it out as I have just hop on the band wagon out of laziness and convenience.

What is the most compelling argument to vote MP over say alphacommando for misdirection? (I’m not voting AC just trying to make a point)


Lol no, I voted for you because as a civilian I fear you will put me on the chop block you lynch junkie. Lol.

None of that - some other stuff you put in that post that doesn’t apply, strawman at best.

  • Explains why you didn’t have a reaction to his claim.

But quoting me, on posts about gameplay and veering off in some other directions, shouldn’t detract from what I said either. If you’re a civ, why not talk about Valedictorian more, after quoting what I said about that?

Fine you voted MP, lots of people are. Where’s the 2nd option out there? Its already a bandwagon you started. You could very well talk about those options besides runaround on MP again like he isn’t already leading the vote count.

Or explain why you wanted the 3rd role claim out of nowhere. Medics and Oogami were the first. Why did you bring up needing to know Coach Today? Dangerous like we mentioned, lots of people mentioning stop talking about role claiming. Then spelling out Valedictorian and what he can do with the roles confirmed. Its better civs don’t know since when Mafia knows we’re boned.

I’ve opened up the lines of communication to get you help if you’re still ignorant or not caught up. Knowing about the Valedictorian is important, getting you to know more about that after you forgot several times, seems like helping the team and getting you up to speed as a civ.

With two and a half hours to go, gotta lock it in. I’ll be PMing GR, as well, but:

Lynch: Missing Person.

If MP is Civ or Mafia, he claimed a role that doesn’t hurt us.

The benefit of lynching him is we dont lose a valuable voice if he’s civ, we increase the defense against a mafia triple kill attempt and we verify his allegiance.

I’m personally stumped on the fact that his posts came across as a semi rage-quit but the role he claims gets to keep playing if lynched… so how would that solve his “stress”?

Mafia-Mafia: Why would they need to? It’s a bad idea, therefore people wouldn’t expect it and it might have a few surprise uses but overall isn’t a sound plan.

Mafia-Civ: Again, this is so risky and open ended that why would Mafia want to do this?

Civ-Civ: Eh, this one isn’t terrible, but if the information you’re communicating is too important it can lose you the game (Mafia VII, the Marvel game, is a good example)

At least one trick off the top of my head (as Mafia) would be to engage in a coded conversation with a civ via files uploaded to the internet. It’s important that the password be something that people would get, but not without a stroke of genius or some in-thread hints. Ask them things like, “Who do you think is Mafia?” and “Who is your most confirmed civ?”. Then, have one of your Mafia buddies “figure out” the password and post it in the thread. However, by this time the Mafia have changed the contents of the file to incriminating questions like “Who should we silence tonight?” or “Who should we kill tonight?”. Then, the Mafia buddy leads a lynch wagon on the two others, preferably starting with the other Mafia to guarantee the civs’s cooperation for the next day phase. However, this also has the drawback of making the Mafia who “figured out” the password look scummy when the civilian is lynched.

Overly complicated plans is the short answer.

Let me spell this out for you since you haven’t seen it yet.

  1. Missing Person roleclaimed the Coach. The Coach’s civ ability is, when he dies he remains in the thread to communicate but can’t vote. His Mafia ability is that he remains in the Mafia PM to coach them. He never enters the Loser’s Lounge.
  2. As a civilian, why would MP RC Coach? It ends with him dying no matter what role he is, except if he’s actually the Coach
  3. As Mafia, why would MP RC Coach? It ends with him dying no matter what role he is, except if he’s actually the Coach.
  4. Missing Person is submitting himself to be lynched today. If he’s civilian we get a confirmed civilian “coaching” us. If he’s Mafia we kill a Mafia member.

@orochizoolander can you answer my question from a while back: If you, me, and DarkGeneral were in the final 3, meaning that two of us were civs and one was Mafia, who would you vote to lynch?

I have reservations, as noted earlier.

Do we gain anything, save confirming him, and letting his spirit loose in-thread (which it already is anyway while he is alive)?

I have given this some thought, and I suppose this can give an edge in that we know that whatever he says, it is genuinely on our side.

Which is a perk, because, let’s face it - ain’t none of us trusting anyone else, prima facie, beyond whomever got that one role who got that role that knows who Syo is… provided they weren’t nabbed by the Val.

Speaking of which:

My list for who I’d recruit would be the above person, both medics, and the one who gets to do role reads.

I just committed my lynch on Missing Person via PM

Would you object to, if the situations permits, lynching you to see if the swimmer lady really does get the Val’s name. Not tomorrow or anything, but at some point after your role has been given a chance. Then, if no one’s been spared because of your action, it’s quite possible that you’re mafia anyway. And if not, then the swimmer lady gets Val’s name. This is merely conjecture and would completely rely on the fact that we can trust the swimmer lady, but thought I’d provide some sort of idea, at least.

First sentence is supposed to be a question, sorry.

I don’t have any qualms about dying, especially since it potentially leads to more info, but it would have to be a pretty good situation for me to give my life up just in the hopes we get a mafia name. But yes. If mafia doesn’t kill me, I have to assume that they want me alive because they don’t want that name released, and so lynching me is a good move.

With all due respect, based on what you’re posting, it appears you’re the one who’s not caught up in the thread.

If this was the Phoenix Wright game, I’d make some joke about you running out of exclamation points. Too bad I don’t know Dangan Ronpa well enough!

Well, since i will be probably playing GTAV i will lock my lynch now

Lynch: MissingPerson
As others have pointed, he role claiming the coach and not being it will be utterly stupid no matter if he is mafia or civ

I’ve managed to score myself a few extra minutes so here’s my rushed pre-lynch vote post.

First of, thanks PW :slight_smile: Even just A-Tier is still a pretty big compliment.

Ok, now onto the important stuff.

To the people questioning lynching MP, let me put it this way. With the limited consensus that we have over who is innocent or guilty we’re almost certain to kill a civilian. Saying that I think this is acceptable is almost certainly going to make me look bad but hear me out. Personally, I think MP was playing somewhat erratically to begin with and that’s what made me suspect him over PW, RF, CK, everyone else. His explanation of being tired and in a foul mood may actually explain all of the symptoms we’ve seen in the thread. If that’s the case I hope you’re having a better day today MP, irrespective of this lynch vote. Back on topic, MP has, for better or worse, role claimed the immortal coach role. There’s no taking that back. Instead of targeting someone else (either someone like PW who has roleclaimed or TCJ, Mobius etc for being wallflowers) who will more than likely still end up being a civilian, why not target the one role that can still help us post-death?

It’s all well and good to rely on LG’s to lay some cards out but on day 1 I have serious doubts about how useful that LG would be. Therefore, if we lynch MP now instead of on a later day phase we lose nothing. We still kill a civilian sure, but we gain a lot too. We get continuous insight for the remainder of the game from someone I know is an excellent player. Continuous insight > one-off LG on the first day in my opinion. We also deny the mafia a potential role to meet the 3-kill requirement. Lastly, it’ll offer us some insight into the voting patterns of others.

I don’t remember if I was the first person to vocally list MP as their lynch choice or not, but I’ll almost certainly be scrutinised if MP does get lynched and is a civilian. Hopefully my logic here pre-empts that a bit and explains my choice.

Early on, he seemed to vacillate between suspecting you and suspecting PW. To me, it seemed as if he was trying to keep the fires burning without boarding a single lynch train. Although that changed when he and PW started their showdown.

Just double checking that you’ve PM’ed the vote to GR as well @Hecatom.

So if we do the MP thing, day one, you think it is a solid choice to go after you the second day?


I agree with you.

MP is a very solid choice, amidst 12 pages of schizophrenic debate.

Let’s get it over with.

Lynch Missing Person

…and may he watch over and protect us civs, from henceforth.

I did immediately after posting it here :coffee:

No, I’d say more like, if I’m not dead by night 3, I should be the day 4 Lynch. Maaaaaybe if I’m not dead night 2 lynch me day 3.

It really depends if we have a medic and if that person is protecting me or not too, because if Mafia tries to kill me and I am saved, then that changes things