SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

If Missing Person is a civ that isn’t the Coach, he’s a dunce. If he’s a civ, it’d be dumb to RC Coach if he wasn’t. If he’s a Mafia, it’d be dumb to RC Coach in the first place.


Pimp was pushing MP and Missing was deadset on having to respond over and over to him(nobody else) instead of going to sleep. He was pushed right into “I think I’m being lynched today, fuck it, I wanted to edit and be DQ’ed, lynch me!”

So why did he choose to role claim Nekomata. Because it was on that page right next to him? It could very well be he had blinders on and didn’t even see those posts, but its still too strange to ignore.

His sleep after crazy words and being off kilter, emotionally drained or fatigued, dropping a bombshell and leaving just like that.

-Certainly acted like a real good smokescreen, or a silencing where we have to speak for him and not know what the hell the real story is.

You like the silence tool, I saw back there. Ridiculous timing too during the last hours at the end of the first vote.

Principle of Charity: Assume that everything your opponents (or teammates that you have no communication with) is on purpose. We can’t play this game going “Oh, well he was pretty damn tired, maybe he didn’t really mean that role-claim”

Don’t forget the other role claim.

The one without a role.

BD just Bull Rushed right out of the ring, the way people are acting.

At this point, do BD roleclaims even mean anything anymore? I took it as banter, to be honest.

^This is the original quote that MP RC’d Nekomaru that appears on page 7^

^This is the initial suggestion by pie that Nekomaru come out, whic appears on PAGE 8^

MP role-claimed Nekomaru before it became a popular idea that Nekomaru reveal himself, HAX. He didn’t just pull a role from hot topics. He’s willing to accept pie’s test and I think we should go for it too.

Tired and throwing in the towel could be a mind game itself. “Oh let’s feel sorry for him and not lynch him.”

One of his things is first posts: “I have no role guys, I’m on your side/the town.”

I wonder if he knew there’s only one roleless guy this game.

And again, that guy should’ve been vigi so everyone has a role!

Are we still on this? Anyone think we SHOULDN’T lynch Missing Person?

I was quite certain that it was MP asking Pimp Willy if he was Nekomaru, not MP role-claiming Nekomaru.

@Mobius that’s a subtle method of role-claiming. If I were to say something like

“Are you RCing UC?”

Then I’ve set it up to where later I can go back and point to my role-claim without being too obvious about it at the time.

I have a meeting to go to later that should happen to end at around 7:00PM PST. The write-up will probably come about a half an hour to an hour late. I know that sucks, but I’m sure I’ll be going through more pain not being able to play the AA:Dual Destinies demo. You guys know you’re high on my priority list when this Mafia game is more important than being able to play an AA game. Remember, I’ll only accept actions/lynches that have been submitted before 7:00PM PST.

@Mobius I believe PW and MP explained it in their little heated battle. It was actually really clever. MP knew that PW wasn’t Nekomaru and he wasn’t even close to hinting at that role. Really good players learn to speak in code with each other in neat little ways like that. It’s one of the reasons I think this game is awesome. c:

How about a little proposition, PW?

Same difference, he was half role claiming it to me, half asking if I was role claiming it, because if I was role claiming it, he knew I was lying.

It also had layers tied to the “I don’t care if I die” attitude, but not for the reasons he thought

I’d prefer one that didn’t involve my death, but what do you have?

This is an aside, but I never quite understood the point of speaking in code to other players. In every instance I can imagine other than “you are 100% certain this guy is civ”, trying to tell someone in code what you are seems like a bad idea, or otherwise pointless.

If you’re civ, and the guy you’re talking to in code is civ, he may not get it, or may not believe you. Meanwhile someone mafia outside may get it and believe it. You could do it intentionally to feed misinformation to the outside mafia, but this is risky as they might not believe it but your civ “partner” may and act accordingly. Then there’s the possibility that you’re incorrect on thinking this person is even civ. So many variables here.

If you’re mafia, the same above applies. Talking to a civ to spread misinformation may not work, or even work against you by attempting such a thing. There’s also zero point in communicating in code BETWEEN mafia players, because there’s the mafia PM for that. Can someone give me an instance that isn’t horribly flawed to actually do something like this and why it would be a high-level play?

@wtf-akuma-hax: I’m still having trouble figuring out your theory. Do you think that MP and I are in cahoots somehow? I’ve only worked out two possibilities:

  1. One of us is the civ otaku, and we came up with this cockamamie scheme to get MP some sympathy, which does not appear to be working right now
  2. Both of us are mafia, and we’re setting MP up for a lynch… why, again? So I’d gain trust with the civs? Seems like an awful lot of loss (a mafia stock and whatever role he had) for me to get only a moderate amount of trust, if any at all.

Both of those plans are incredibly bad opening gambits. Like, Phoenix-walking-up-to-Hulk-at-the-beginning-of-the-round bad opening gambits.

With your paper-thin suspicion debunked, would you be willing to concede that maybe, possibly, with some iota of probability, I’m actually a civ who’s trying to think things out, and presenting ideas in the thread for others to consider and build on?

Holy balls that’s a lot of thread to catch up on before work. I’m half-way through page 10 and won’t be able to finish it before I head out. I’ll pop back in at lunch time to finish reading.

I’ve also got a ton of tabs open ready to quote people and ask for some clarification. As the voting deadline is approaching and I’m not fully caught up I’m sorry MP, but I’m still going to keep my vote on you.

If we do get you as a coach, would you mind quoting a bit more suspicious posts when you’re advising us? It’s really hard trying to keep track of everyone’s thoughts in a game this active. (Seriously guys, 12 pages in the first day phase?)

You seem eager to die sooooooo let me help you out there buddy

Lynch Raging Missing Person