SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

Yep, it’s confirmed that the roleless person doesn’t count for Mafia’s triple kill.

I have been inb4’d. Now I know how Alpha feels. It is not a good feeling.

Again pietastic was oblivious to this before and wanted role claims that Pimp didn’t even
put on the table. that was talked out including by me that you didn’t care about after that. Other things that can be used to vote for you, man.

The character you mentioned is the current, and last role claim by Missing. That is some coincidence, that you aren’t even noticing.

Nekomata should Role Claim

like 3 posts later

Missing does roleclaim Nekomata

Next page, cool that’s a good idea, lynch Missing!


Okay I JUST finished reading the rules in the other thread, trying to memorize the roles, AND read every post in this thread twice all the while forming random ideas as I went along took me like 3+ hours so fuck all of you lazy fucks who haven’t/won’t bother to put in the effort needed to win be you mafia or civ but especially civ.

@alphacommando why the fuck did you bother askign CK why he voting for me? I’m the most open minded of people (when you’re a nonstop, blunt chatter box who has a million different thoughts racing across your mind at any given moment being close minded isn’t an option lol) BUT it’s clear he’s just voting me because he’s still salty I exposed him as mafia last game =P. That being said him and @azure being suspicious of me because I’ve been quiet when every other game I’ve been super active and loud and obnoxious isn’t the most unreasonable thought, especially at this stage of the game where he have almost no solid intel.

I have so much to say I’m like mind fucked by all of you I have dozens of contradictory thoughts and suspicions about almost all of you, fuck all of you for making this game already require more work then the entirety of last game :lol:

I think some of you are focusing on the PW/MP shit a little too much, there are other nuggets to be mined from this thread, and more importantly alphacommando has the right idea, we should look at who the mafia leader or valedictorian what the fuck ever would be likely to recruit and go from there, that’s how we won last game.

I have no solid reads from anyone, but at the moment I’m leaning towards AC and @radicalfuzz being civ, although there’s always the “post a bunch of shit that on the surface looks insightful and useful but in reality is fluff” mafia angle they could be going for. As for my top strongest roles? I’ll have to think a bit more but will post before deadline.

Also it wasn’t until AC that I realized kigrirtiiiririririr role is the only hard civ in this game wow how did that slip by me? So for information purposes I’ll ask: What do you guys think the kigiri role should do? PLEASE WHOEVER YOU ARE DON’T FUCKING ROLE CLAIM YET PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!


Also I have no idea who to vote for and I’ve done my fuckin home work I’m not even at an impasse, I just have hunches and I dont vote on hunches.

Increasing post count to not appear to be wall flower

Spam non wallflower post #2…okay I’ll stop…yes I know I’m funny shutup!

We could’ve gotten there first if it wasn’t for you quotin’meddlin’kids! We were within the same, just a minute ago. :sad:

When are votes due? I’m EST.

10 PM for you.

PM the vote to GodotsRevenge

What I am reading:

MP is Mafia
PW is Not

But hey, we can’t kill PW because then the valedictorian name comes out because we don’t have swimmer

So, Mafia PM, make sure we don’t let MP or PW die


I’m on that list too. In case for whatever reason my LG is blocked (that’d be quite the compliment) I want to say it here.

That’s sound, but without any solid information about roles/players that are/aren’t Mafia it becomes much harder.

Sankyuu. Glad to hear my posts at least look insightful, everyone will have to determine for themselves if they actually are. If the game came down to you, DarkGeneral, and me in the final 3 (two civs & one mafia) who would you want to lynch?

Investigate people.
On a serious note, the UC should investigate people that, in that player’s viewpoint, will live for a long time. Having a confirmed civilian now would be nice, but having a confirmed civilian in the final 3 is game. Of course, until the Forger and “I come up Innocent when Mafia” roles are dead it won’t be confirmed.

Also, does anyone have any objections to lynching MP today? If he’s who he says he was then we get a confirmed ghost civilian and if he’s not then we kill us a Mafia.

She and the Psycho are the only 2 roles that are always civ.

Is the Valedictorian a female?

As for the broken tech PW proposed, I stated my opinion on it earlier. I think its better to read players instead of forcing roles to come forward and building a if/then block.

The Valedictorian isn’t a person by itself. Similar to Syo, the Vigi, the title of “Valedictorian” was assigned to a player when they got their role. So the Val could be the male Luck Guy, female Swimmer, anybody.

Yes, but that’s in the past. The role was claimed already. There’s no going back on that, I made sure of it.

Now, all the medic needs to do is protect me at night, while I protect 2 others. That’s it. There’s nothing else to my tech. (not until you get into the super advanced tech)

I apologize for my lateness. so much is going on and there’s a lot to catch up woth. So, I know this is late and all, but here’s my thoughts on who I’d recruit:
Kozumi: can target a player each night and discover who they targeted.
This one is a must, in my eyes. It would help towards the Triple Kill, which seems like definite goal of the Val to use at least once.
Maizono: Forger
A precautionary role that would username for defense.
ishimaru and Mikan just to take the powerful roles away from the Civs. The last gasp block would also be nice.

I don’t see how not lynching MP is an option. He offered himself and we should take it. We don’t really have much to lose if he’s Nekomaru civ because the penalty for him dying would be reduced (although at the risk of some ladder points), and if he’s mafia then we’d only have to find 4 more.

Casting my vote to lynch MP now.

With his defeatist attitude that could be real or playing to the crowd’s emotions, he could very well be a civ too that isn’t Coach Nekomata.

How convenient was it that MP chose to RC the one that people were saying doesn’t have a downside.

The one pietastic just asked for and didn’t have a reaction to. Jeebus, nobody had a reaction to this that its weird? So its all according to plan? Easy-peasy Mafia don’t have to say anything about it, nobody questions it, hope nobody notices it(maybe some crazy guy will but nobody will listen to him anyway will they?) and keep the lynch vote moving?

There’s no doubts from the angle I mentioned, like I had to mention it 1st even before the guy who asked for that exact character to come out with a claim? Imagine if we got some other role claimer who was really who they said they were. People publicly asked for a ton of roles so far.

“Oh yeah, keep forgetting about Valedictorian…”