SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

I’m not even sure what role fully you’re roleclaiming. So I’ll just leave it at that for now.

If you’re on our side, then please get us pointed to someone that isn’t. So help me God, if you’re mafia, this thread will be unbearable with all the clout I will throw around in here.

Confuses “No-throws Allowed Local Arcade Rules” with NOT being a scrub.

Tosses out the most risky if A, B, and C, then Win scenario conceivable in a nearly All Roles Mafia Game.

Looks legit to me.

For somebody who obsesses over these threads and fills it with the most posts, I’m saddened that you don’t know what role I claimed. It’s either willful ignorance, which you used when you were mafia before, or it’s just plain gone over your head.

Either way, you’re my vote.

@RadicalFuzz please tell me you didn’t ACTUALLY lock in your vote on me, right? You can’t let this slide, can you?

I don’t know Pimp. You acknowledge we don’t likely have both medics to help Oogami, and even get that forever stamp protection.

“The Glass is half-empty”—USPostalService is 6 billion dollars in the RED!

Mmm… right. I keep forgetting about that power.

You should act as if that was the actual tally.

No matter what I said, you were going to vote for me anyway.

:lol: I’ve said my peace.

Actually, I’m in a pretty shitty mood overall today.

So yeah, because no one can read between the fucking lines:

Nekomaru, civ.

Test me with fire.

In which case, that means then the Swimmer role benefits from my death should I protect somebody/die

Unless mafia took both medics AND the swimmer

In which case, that leaves them will less powerful other roles, and my role just acts as it was meant to (confirming 1 person with my death by protection)

If that’s the case, then killing you day 1 isn’t so bad because you still get to play AND as a confirmed civ, which seems like a win/win for you.

And yes, I get that was your claim, unlike you I actually can read the thread and process it to get what people are saying. Once you tried to pin that claim on me, I understood

So guys, Let’s Lynch MP, he’s a civ and he gets to stick around, and we can trust him after he dies and comes back clean. What’s the downside here?

:lol: I’m pushing you after I get lynched, too.

Did he do some kind of old Mafia numbers, 3 Role choice Valedictorian claim?

He did go on to say OZ is a Valedictorian on that page right after being told that’s not how the roles chosen works, in regards to Mafia choosing a player+name vs a Role.

Maybe some kinda carryover we didn’t expect? He wants to kill OZ as revenge for the Team Fortress 2 Game? I still have no idea what zoo’s evidence was on Combo in the first place, lol. But me getting all that together to get help to vote out Combo, and JUST BARELY GOT ENOUGH, shit almost tied with that late wrong push of 3 votes, I might be on his kill/screwover list too?

I’m trying to get them L’s so I could claim the crown PW-Sensei!

We need to have a solid vote going a few hours before deadline, to prevent any confusion. Any reason we shouldn’t lynch MP in light of the RC?

Holy fuck.

What the hell did I just refresh into?

Rolls poppin’ out every where, like an Adam Warlock hookup. :confused:

Judging from all this arguing between PW, MP, RF, and whomever else, makes this lynch vote really hard.



Fuck my phone. No Homo, no vibrate-o

I wouldn’t expect any less. But, curious, why should we listen to a guy screaming “READ BETWEEN THE LINES!” when he, himself, won’t do the same?

Because you have a better chance with one civ role claim out to hit mafia outside of it. Let Syo kill me tonight.

Azure, you know Missing outside of the games and can read him well very early, even when you don’t play a Mafia game.

So what’s going on there?

Balrog wasn’t killin’ em? Slut butt Korea x China?

Seems he was busy and at least stretched thin, but what kinda reads that are safe enough to say in the game thread (no gdam role claims)-did you get on him?

Unless anyone thinks that’s too risky.

Then you can lynch me today.

Honestly, I don’t care. I’m genuinely in a beleaguered and overall shitty mood today, so the mafia yomi isn’t helping me feel any better.

I’ll see if sleep helps me. I probably should, I’ve been tempted a couple times to deliberately edit a post just to get out just because I’m legit pissed off. Not going to, as that would be stupid and spiteful.

(It’s not so much this, but outside forces, but like I said this isn’t helping.)