SRK Mafia X -- Dangan Ronpa: Fire At Will -- END -- Civilians Win

For Devil’s Advocate’s sake, he could be hiding on a good role as mafia too.

Guys, I just realized we can use Broken Tech #A in this situation. Lynch Pimp Willy. If he’s civ we’re gonna lose but if he’s Mafia we’re gonna win. It’s the perfect plan! Pimp Willy, Mafia, dies and we learn we’re going to win all on day 1!

Oops, didn’t even talk about the gameplay of that.

Sorry all the Raging hormones in this school. Look at that roided-up “Sakura” which means “flower”… but Oogami probably means BUSINESS. Kenka means fighting, and Bancho means not roleclaim by the way.

Running into the thread off the bat, guns blazing. Someone did say that looks like an obvious move. Dangerous as shit. He might get lynched and be pissed he’s out so soon. But gains respect points again if we all thought he was Mafia but wasn’t. Then we lost his help and have to win the thing for him so he doesn’t get the overall 0 wins total plus another loss here.

He didn’t have to take so much offense on Fuzz being Fuzz and having to come up with things that don’t work all that much to show guilt. Pre-game reads, roundabout reasoning on his own without wanting other votes, just for what-jokes? Its not like he’s saying we need to keep Pimp in mind because of certain reasons that line up with Pimp’s previous Mafia play.

Missing Didn’t even talk about Fuzz’s reasons helping that case and just voted for Pimp. Mixups.


I have my own reasons for pushing PW. I’ve already stated some of them, but the juiciest ones…well, look harder. They’re there. You’re just blocking them out.

Sup gobots visor batteries
2 left earrings Alpha?
Double Gay!


That’s less helpful than our last exchange.

You said you didn’t want to say much (I am alluding to that), but what was Mafia going to talk in the thread about how Vigi can kill them? You asked me a direct question about why and I asnwered and got that back from you.

Lotsa posts in here. You know how to make a case. in fact, your best case was against Pimp willy in PHX Wright game wasn’t it? So what the hell. :wtf: <-- lounge’s suckas and bustas never use the WTF smiley and always ask for a button. Dweebs.

What kind of scrub locks their vote in at the beginning of the day phase?

I just realized another reason why PW would want Oogami to role claim…


Suddenly I’m feeling like an ass, but still feeling PW in suspicion. I’ll lower my attack a little bit.

What kind of scrub believes everything someone who’s convinced they’re Mafia says?

Possible, but as mafia, role claiming the third party could very likely get you lynched down the road when you’re still alive after so many night phases. Think of Vynce in the SP game. Dude was alive way too long to NOT be mafia. Though this was not caught then, it’d be hard to think lightning would strike twice. I think it’d be ballsier to do that as mafia than Nagita himself tbh…

Wouldn’t strike it out though, as with this behavior change, anything is possible.

The correct answer was both of us, apparently, scrubs 4 life

You see people?

HAX, you’re losing me. Post a quote, for my tired self’s sake.

I have to head out to take 2 exams pretty soon, so I’ll just say this:

Apparently (maybe?) Pimp Willy role-claimed Oogami. If he did, I’m convincing myself that he’s mafia Oogami and following his plan of keeping him alive will clearly give him a major advantage. So I’m ditching his idea, as well as ditching my Syo/Medic idea. There’s a better way to confirm the medic anyway. I’m going to side (hopefully not regrettably) with MP and put my vote on Pimp Willy.

Plus, he hasn’t given me my S tier ranking for the BLU game yet so I’m very unhappy with him.

I just went back to page 1 for something else.

You locked your vote for him first!

Yeah he said he would in the other thread or something so it was retaliation but… facts.

The only S tier of the last game was Synonym, probably then even only an A Tier.
1-2 B’s per game
The rest C’s. I will post them today

Wow. Definitely voting for you.

Don’t worry, you’re still the President of the Scrub Club. Your 0-9 qualifications put you far ahead of any other candidates.

@Augustus don’t worry, lynching PW is the right move. You chose well :tup:

He hasn’t given me anything but guff shit poop so far either, which is a thing, in this game

But not what we wanted at all.

(I’ll just say me not in that game directing you bums would’ve been a loss for civs. Everyone only wanted to kill zoo, remember?)

There’s no comeback for that, I will forever go down in history as the worst mafia player on SRK with that record that will never be touched.

At least I can be a notch higher than BTierBison and The Faggot : (

If someone WERE civ Nekomaru, shouldn’t they just RC? We could try to steer the mafia towards killing them, and waste one of their kills, but that would likely not work… we don’t know who the mafia are, so it’s tough to read their minds.

Mafia wouldn’t counter-RC, since RCers would get lynched. Worst case there, we’d kill the real Neko first, and we’d “waste” a lynch or a vigi kill confirming that, but then bam, we have someone we know we can trust, 100%.

So, if Neko is civ, he can just come out and say it, right?